The Strongest God

Chapter 94: World Boss (Part 1)


Because Liu Chuan's style of play has never been heard before, after he finished speaking, the voice channel did not respond for a long time.

Liu Chuan asked with a smile: "Do you understand?"

Wangyoucao couldn't help but said: "After talking for a long time, you want to ambush in the sea of flowers under the marriage tree in the southern border, and pull the boss all the way to the top of the tree, right?"

Liu Chuan said, "That's right."

Wangyoucao smiled and said, "Are you kidding me? The distance from the spider cave to the marriage tree is so far, who can pull the world boss over? After the world boss is refreshed, many people from the guild will run over to grab it. You think this is a fight. A copy? Still want to pull the boss away?"

Liu Chuan said, "My family's five poisons will pull the elder Qianzhu to the marriage tree. The elder Qianzhu has a hatred bonus to the five poisons. Everyone knows this, right?"

Wangyoucao laughed louder: "It's true that there is a hatred bonus, but are you sure it's your family's five poisons to pull the elder Qianzhu? Brother, don't make fun of me, so many people are not joking, you Let a crispy five poisons pull the world boss, this is the funniest joke I've ever heard!"

Someone followed suit: "Dude, the five poisons in your family you mentioned are not your wife called Misty Swamp, right?"

Someone joked: "Is your wife reliable? Don't let everyone be so busy that you can't even see the shadow of the boss!"

A group of people laughed along.

He actually asked his own five poisonous wife to take away the world boss, the crispy five poisonous will definitely be tortured to tears by the boss, is this person's head sure there is no problem

Listening to the questioning of a group of people, Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Don't draw conclusions too early, what if he did it?"

Wangyoucao patted the table proudly: "If he does it, can I kneel down on the spot and worship the teacher?"

Liu Chuan said: "Okay, I will ask him if he is willing to accept you as an apprentice."

Forget worry grass: "… "

Liu Chuan turned around after speaking, and asked Wu Zewen with a smile, "Someone said that they want to worship you as a teacher, do you accept apprentices?"

Forget worry grass: "… "

Is this wife actually by your side

Wu Zewen was startled when he heard this.

He knew that Liu Chuan was having a meeting with the management of Qixingcao. The three people were sitting in the Internet cafe. He could hear what Liu Chuan said clearly. The management of Qixingcao was obviously questioning Liu Chuan's decision, especially whether the five poisons could bring the world to life. The boss pulled this point, almost everyone was suspicious.

Liu Chuan was full of confidence in him, and directly boasted to the people at Qixingcao that he could do it. While Wu Zewen was nervous, he was also a little happy.

Wu Zewen nodded seriously and said, "I will try my best."

Liu Chuan smiled slightly, turned back to the microphone and said, "My family's five poisons can do it. Are there other problems?"

Everyone: "… "

can do it? How dare he boldly promise that he can do it? !

Wangyoucao was unconvinced and said, "Your play is too risky. If he died in the middle of the road, wouldn't everyone prepare in vain?!"

Liu Chuan said with a smile: "With so many guilds fighting together, it's natural to win at risk."

"..." Wangyoucao was blocked to the point of being speechless.

For some reason, this Tang Sect's smiling voice gave people a sense of self-confidence that he was well-planned and well-thought-out.

Wangyoucao is actually very unconvinced in his heart. He has stayed in the Seven Star Grass Guild for two whole years, and he and Broken Heart Grass are still brothers in the game. This time Broken Heart Grass came to the new area, he followed without a word to open up wasteland, as Seven Star Grass A die-hard fan of the team, it is an honor for him to be able to do things for the Seven Star Grass Guild.

As the vice-chairman of the Seven Star Grass Guild in the 7th Telecom District and also the commander-in-chief, he was thinking that the 40th-level elder Qianzhu would be able to show off his skills, but the president of the three-color landscape grass suddenly came to the new area... Well, he recognized it! He admitted that the female president was indeed better than him, and that the president had to command, so he naturally stood aside!

However, the president actually invited an inexplicable person to be the commander-in-chief

A passerby who only played dungeons, a new face who just joined the Seven Star Grass Guild today, suddenly said that he would be the commander-in-chief

Who can take it

The elders of Seven Star Grass are actually not convinced.

Wangyoucao is even more suffocated to death.

So frustrating! If it weren't for the presence of the president and the president, he would have wanted to find this Tang Sect for a heads-up!

Heartbroken Grass naturally knew the complaints in her brother's heart, so she couldn't help chatting privately: "Don't compete with this Tang Sect, the person appointed by the president, she asked this Tang Sect to command, just to see his true level and level. origin."

Wangyoucao said unhappily: "What is his origin! I think he is full of big words and whimsical!"

Although Heartbroken Grass is also skeptical of Liu Fang Shi's deployment, there is no other better way for their union at present.

With the president present at the scene, everyone can only temporarily trust this new commander.

He Yue was the most calm. After listening to Liu Chuan's plan for the group, she had a bottom line, and said, "You can make a list of which groups to be divided into."

Liu Chuan immediately sent a list. He obviously made corresponding adjustments based on the number of seven-star grasses. The list of sub-groups was exactly 15 groups.

He Yue glanced at the group plan, nodded and said, "That's it, Xiao Duan, you are familiar with the heads of the new districts. You should arrange the heads of each group as soon as possible."

Broken Heart Grass heard the command of the president, so she had to start making arrangements: "Xiao Qi, Douding, you two are in charge of the assassin group, immediately pick out the melee assassins from the guild and start a separate group."

The two immediately said aloud, "Got it."

Broken Heart Grass continued: "The main output group is led by Qing Sky, with 14 Gu insects and five poisons and 14 bows and crossbow Tangmen, and by the way, two people from Mist Swamp and Ideal Master are also grouped in. Two auxiliary output The regiment, Qingyang and Luoyu are the group leaders, go to the group for remote output, and each group will bring 4-5 healers."


"The leaders of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th groups of the guild's PVP group are in charge of the four peripheral clearing groups, and they specially select the masters who like to kill, so they can be filled quickly. Then find a team of the best people in Qinggong to form a 5th group, and put the general manager Instruct the Liufang Baishi Group to come in and escort the Five Poisons with the commander-in-chief."

"I know the president."

"… "

The Heartbroken Grass Management Guild has quite a set of methods, and the staffing is arranged in an orderly manner. All the fixed groups in the guild were disbanded and reorganized according to their professional characteristics. The execution of the Seven Star Grass Guild was really top-notch. Within ten minutes, all 15 new groups were formed.

The members who were formed into the group were very confused, and they sent a series of question marks on the team channel and the guild channel.

The heartbroken grass typed on the guild channel: "Everyone, don't be impatient, everyone will follow the command of their head, and they will be kicked out of the guild if they don't listen to the command and make trouble!"

After calming the emotions of the members, Broken Heart Grass said: "The team is all set up, and now there are 15 heads of regiments in the room."

Liu Chuan nodded and said, "The head of each regiment will type and say what regiment they are bringing, so I can remember it."

The heads of the regiments typed in turn, and Liu Chuan added: "I name the team directly with the name of the regiment leader, such as the Qingyang regiment and the Luoyu regiment, which is convenient for commanding."

No one objected.

In such large-scale guild battles, the commander-in-chief used to name each regiment individually to facilitate coordination and scheduling. Some commanders like to use the naming method of 1 regiment and 2 regiment, but it is easy to cause confusion when the team is named with more numbers. This Tangmen directly named the team with the name of the regiment leader, which is also a relatively mainstream command mode at present. .

When he named him like this, the doubts in everyone's heart gradually diminished - obviously, this is a very experienced conductor!

Liu Chuan named all the teams, and then asked, "There shouldn't be any undercover agents from other guilds here, right?"

Broken Heart Grass hurriedly said: "Don't worry, these regimental leaders are people who came with me from the old district, and most of them are veterans who have been in Seven Star Grass for more than two years."

Liu Chuan nodded: "This is the best way, I will only stay in this room during the boss fight, I will direct the actions of 15 teams, all of you team leaders are responsible for commanding their respective teams, and each team does its own thing. We should act separately to prevent the undercover agent from knowing our battle plan in advance.”

- Even thinking about being undercover, He Yue couldn't help but admire his carefulness.

The big guild is a mixed bag, and there are countless undercover agents. He only gathers elite leaders to command, rather than commanding on the guild's big channel, which can indeed prevent news from leaking ahead of time. The most unexpected thing about this style of play is the ambush in the sea of flowers near the marriage tree. If other guilds know in advance and send someone to ambush, it will be difficult to handle.

He Yue said calmly: "I'll reiterate, tonight's fight against Elder Qianzhu is under the command of Liufang Baishi, and everyone must obey his command! I don't care what everyone has in mind, I'll talk about it when it's over. During the event, those who do not obey the command and act without authorization will be kicked out of the guild directly! If you encounter people in your group who deliberately make trouble or do bad things, they will also be kicked out without explanation!"

The female president's voice was very domineering, and several group leaders were stunned.

He Yue said: "It's almost time, Commander-in-chief, you come to the specific deployment."

Liu Chuan said: "Okay. Sunny, Qingyang, Luoyu, Xiaofei, the four regiments will go to the southern border first. The heads of the regiments will take the people in the regiment to look around the scenery. Yes, remember, at 8 o'clock sharp, you must reach the marriage tree collectively, the sunny group will be the main output, all jump to the top of the marriage tree, the Qingyang group and the falling rain group will assist the output, and the sea of flowers will be left under the tree. Your goal is to fight the boss, no matter how chaotic outside, you just fight the boss and don't care about anything else, understand?"

Several regiments said: "Understood!"

Liu Chuan continued: "The other groups are now traveling to Bashu, and they also arrived at the Marriage Tree at 8:00 sharp. The auxiliary group led by Xiaofei, facing the direction of southern Xinjiang, ambushed in the sea of flowers, waiting for us to pull the boss over. , there must be a lot of people from the guild chasing after you, all you have to do is to fill the field control formation in advance on the periphery of the flower sea, the group slows down, freezes, freezes, and slows down their speed into the flower sea."

Xiaofei said, "I know!"

Liu Chuan said: "Two assassin groups are ambushing in the flower sea to protect the output team. If someone comes after them, no matter which guild - kill them all!"

The head of the Assassin Corps immediately said, "Don't worry!"

Someone asked doubtfully: "Going to travel in southern Xinjiang? Don't you have to go to ambush now?"

Liu Chuan explained: "There is still half an hour before the boss is refreshed. Going to ambush so early, do you want other guilds to know our plan as soon as possible?"

The person who asked the question couldn't help but blushed.

To prevent undercover guards to this point, he actually used the trick of traveling and sightseeing. This commander is really full of bad water!

Liu Chuan continued to arrange: "Guozi's treatment group and Fourth Young Master's clearing group will follow me later, and escort the five poisons and the world boss near the spider cave all the way, and the Shaolin group led by Master Bujie intercepted 100 meters outside the sea of flowers. After the break, several other clearing groups and two mobile teams followed behind Shaolin!"

After Liu Chuan arranged the arrangements in sequence, everyone was shocked to find that—

According to his arrangement, other guild masters who chased from the spider cave to the marriage tree will face a full triple block from the Seven Star Grass Guild!

The thick-skinned Shaolin team is the first layer of barrier, using various hatred-attracting skills to successfully keep the teammates who pull the boss out of the danger of being chased!

The clearing team that likes to fight and the Quanwudang Xiaoyao control team are the second barrier. Once those people break through the Shaolin block and enter the vicinity of the flower sea, the control team has already filled the ground with formations to slow down the pursuers. , immobilize, freeze, the traps laid out in advance will restrict their movements, and the main clearing team in ambush can take the opportunity to surround and kill all these people!

The flexible assassin group and two mobile teams are the third barrier. Even if the pursuers struggle to break through the control of the formation and enter the sea of flowers, they will encounter the ruthless sharp blades of the assassins hidden in the sea of flowers!

The three-layer barrier can be flexibly contracted and opened, taking care of each other, cleaning up troublemakers from other surrounding guilds, ensuring that the three output groups near the marriage tree will not be disturbed, and taking down the world boss at the fastest speed!

- Interlocking, perfect!

Even the experienced conductor He Yue couldn't help but give in!

The weather, location, and people are all counted by him!

The broad vision of the marriage tree, the hatred control of the five poisons on the boss, the calculation of the attack distance, the large sea of flowers under the tree is suitable for ambush terrain...

He took all these factors into consideration, and then formulated a three-layered peripheral defense plan for the purpose of "protecting the export group", and in order to prevent the news from leaking in advance, let the head of the group lead the team members to mess around the map of southern Xinjiang. Take a look at the scenery…

Even if he was provoked by the unconvincing words of the heads of Seven Star Grass at the beginning, he was still not arrogant or impetuous, and deployed calmly and calmly according to his own plan.

- This person makes He Yue admire.

As the president of Seven Star Grass, He Yue is also a proud and arrogant person. Her sister is a professional player, and she often communicates with Team Xiao and the others. With her level and awareness, she seldom admires players in online games...

But the commander invited today made her have to obey!

Regardless of the outcome of the boss fight tonight, this person's tactical awareness is obviously a level higher than that of an ordinary guild commander!

Such a rare talent must be brought over at all costs!

He Yue made a decision secretly in her heart, and chatted with Liu Chuan privately by typing: "I have nothing to do, so why don't I help you."

Liu Chuan said: "Okay. President, you are good at assassination, so come with me to escort them."

"Understood." He Yue paused and asked suspiciously, "Your family's five poisons are your real friends? Do you trust him so much that you entrust him with the arduous task of pulling the world boss?"

Liu Chuan smiled, tapped the keyboard with both hands, quickly typed a line and sent it out—

"My family Wudu is a serious and hard-working guy. He has practiced this style countless times. I believe he will not disappoint me."