The Strongest God

Chapter 96: Elder Thousand Spiders (Part 1)


The group walked farther and farther, and the other guilds on the scene were still stunned.

What is this doing? Beat the boss and hit the OT? Are the five poisons looking for death

Only the thick-skinned and thick-skinned Shaolin can withstand the damage of Elder Thousand Spiders. As long as the Crispy Five Poisons are approached by the boss within 20 meters, they will be bound by the spider silk. Once they stop, they will definitely be killed in seconds. Hundreds of treatments were useless, and his blood couldn't stand the bite of a few small spiders.

However, until the silhouette of the misty swamp disappeared from sight, no one saw the boss turning back...

He actually just took the Elder Qianzhu away under the eyes of countless experts? !

These five poisons are not courting death, nor are they making trouble...

He did it on purpose!

The World Channel has already begun to swipe the screen frantically, and the Five Poisons sect is full of flowers and applause. No one thought that a Five Poisons could take away a powerful World Boss in full view!

The presidents who had figured this out suddenly felt a chill on their backs, and immediately ordered: "Come after him! Stop him!"

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "It's too late to chase now!"

If you want to chase now, it is indeed too late!

Not to mention that Liu Chuan's strategic deployment has set up layers of interception barriers on the road, just the spider eggs left by Elder Qianzhu along the way are enough to make people suffer!

Elder Qianzhe ran after Wu Zewen, and lost his butt of spider eggs just like laying eggs. The places he passed were all densely packed with spider eggs. Step, those spider eggs will all hatch, and black spiders big and small will bite when they see someone nearby, poisoning, poisoning... A large area of people around are poisoned alive by the poisoning state of more than ten layers!

President Tang did not intend to immediately order: "Don't chase directly on the ground! Run around the tree like they did!"

It's a pity that many people are not so proficient in Qinggong, and they are a little unsure of where to stay, and those who fall are still poisoned to death by spiders! However, the vanguard of the Seven Star Grass had already been prepared, and with Liu Chuan's precise command, the advance speed was almost twice as fast as other guilds, and they disappeared from sight in a blink of an eye!

There was chaos around the spider cave, chasing after the corpse of the person bitten by the spider and paving the way. In addition, the people of Shengtang and Luohuaci guild showed each other's red names. Many people used range skills to cause accidental injuries. The two guilds Chasing each other while chasing each other is simply worse.

Luckily, some of the experts of light power used detours to break out of the siege!

After finally chasing near the Marriage Tree, a Shaolin dragon claw was ambushed by the roadside and directly pulled it over and beat him to death!

"Fuck! President, Seven Star Grass has an ambush here!"

"A group of Shaolin is intercepting!"

Hearing these reports, Tang Wuyi's brows furrowed even tighter. A regiment of Shaolin is still ambushing by the roadside with treatment, and the seven-star grass seems to be well prepared. Shaolin people are thick-skinned, and it is obviously very difficult to break through this layer of defense!

But... just give up

Not reconciled! Bringing more than a dozen regiments out to grab the boss, only to watch a five poisons take away the world boss, which is like watching a wolf cub snatch the fat from the tiger's nose - let People want to vomit blood!

Tang did not intend to calm down, and immediately ordered: "The 3rd and 4th regiments wiped out this group of monks, and the other regiments followed, and rushed for me!"

The people of the Prosperous Tang Guild obeyed the command of the president, and the people from the 3rd and 4th regiments came out to control the field. Cracks appeared in Shaolin's encirclement, and people from other regiments rushed over immediately.

As a professional PVP guild, the prosperous Tang guild's execution ability was no worse than that of Qixingcao, and Luo Huaci followed their example and acted in unison. Countless people died, and they finally broke through the first layer of interception.


After many people were killed inexplicably, the guild channel immediately wailed.

"Outside the Flower Ocean is the large force of the Seven Star Grass!"

"Hundreds of people are in the distance, and there is a regiment of Wudang full of formations on the ground. It's impossible to get through! I rely on it!"

The main force of the prosperous Tang Dynasty chased after them all the way, and they were poisoned to the blood by the spiders, but they encountered traps and besieged by the main force of the seven-star grass, and almost wiped out the entire army!

The Luo Hua Ci Guild followed closely and asked people from the prosperous Tang Dynasty to help block the gun. Many people used stealth skills and various light skills to sneak into the sea of flowers, trying to snatch back the boss's hatred... As a result, there were two whole groups in the sea of flowers. Assassins and two regiments of mobile units!

The assassin who was ambushed in advance was close, and his life was explained in such a confused way!

The main force of the Luohuaci Guild also failed to break through. The three-layered barrier ambush by the seven-star grass in advance caused most of the two guilds to be killed and injured, and the beautiful sea of flowers was suddenly filled with densely packed corpses...

And what about the main output group of Seven Star Grass

At this time, the main output group standing at the top of the tree is fighting the boss at the fastest speed!

No one thought that the five poisons could actually bring the world bosses over.

When the members of the output group standing on the top of the tree saw the five poisons as light as swallows leaping from a distance, followed by the huge elder thousand spiders and a large group of spiders, everyone was stunned. Standing stupidly on the tree, not knowing what to say!

Except for a few team leaders, many team members didn't actually know what they were doing at the top of the tree, and thought they were looking at the scenery. In order to prevent the undercover agent from leaking the news, Liu Chuan asked the heads of the regiments not to disclose it in advance. As a result, the seven-star grass army who was "seeing the scenery" in the sea of flowers was also shocked by this spectacular scene.

Wu Zewen was still very calm. He turned around and beat the boss while leaping with ease. He successfully pulled the elder Qianzhu under the tree of marriage. Li Xiang immediately stepped forward to catch the hatred. In an instant, the whole body of Elder Qianzhu was enveloped. Li Xiang forced hatred to be established at the fastest speed, while Wu Zewen stopped attacking, jumped up, and jumped directly to the top of the marriage tree!

The two completed the exchange of hatred very tacitly.

Then the heads of the regiments ordered their teams excitedly: "Everyone in our regiment, aim at the boss under the tree, and fire with all your strength! Fire with all your strength!"

"The group attack profession cleans up the spiders under the feet, chases the boss from a distance, speed!"

"Assemble to kill! I'm running damage statistics here, no one should paddle!"

Only then did a group of people react, and immediately opened fire to beat the boss, but they were still very shocked. Many people secretly checked the equipment and information of the five poisons or sent him friend invitations. Wu Zewen blocked the boss because he was concentrating on fighting the boss. The message pop-up window in the lower right corner is displayed.

Li Xiang, as the main T, has been carefully pulling the boss to move back and forth between the two trees.

The spider eggs under his feet were too numerous to avoid. He could only use the skills of reducing damage and increasing defense to resist. The ten girls from Qin Emei were specially adding blood to him. All equipment has been strengthened to full level. Although it is still a little difficult to resist the world boss, for Li Xiang, who has been stocked for a long time, how to use his skills is clear, and this difficulty can be dealt with.

Huahai has experienced several waves of team battles, dead and wounded, only these few output groups, just concentrate on fighting bosses, without any interference from the outside world.

On the voice channel, the head of the investigation team suddenly said, "After the resurrection of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, a group of people came from the direction of Crescent Moon Spring!"

Liu Chuan said calmly: "The two mobile teams immediately moved westward and stopped them! The Assassins have all stayed in the inner circle! Don't let anyone interfere with the output team!"

Several regiments followed the command's arrangement and quickly adjusted their formation.

Liu Chuan continued to instruct: "All the resurrected people of Qixingcao, collectively choose the resurrection point in Qingshi Town, come from the west together, and copy them back!"

The prosperous Tang troops that rushed over from Crescent Moon Spring encountered double attack from the front and back, and were once again destroyed by the main force of the Seven Star Grass.

Even the president, Tang Yi, was killed.

Tang Wuyi frowned more and more tightly, and asked on the voice channel: "Are there any brothers who died near the boss, let's see how much blood is left in Elder Qianzhu?"

There is a person who rushed to the boss and was killed at the risk of death, and immediately moved the mouse to the boss.

I don't know if I don't see it, but when I saw it, the brother was shocked and said, "Damn, the boss's HP has dropped to 70%!"

Everyone was shocked!

70%? So fast

World bosses are not like ordinary dungeon bosses. It is common to hit them for several hours. Now it is only half an hour before the boss refreshes. He was actually beaten by the main output team of Seven Star Grass for one-third of the blood - this The output speed is simply frightening!

However, Shengtang and Luohuaci experienced another group annihilation.

Tang Yiyi's mood was complicated.

Prosperous Tang, Luohuaci, Qixingcao, these big guilds will come out to fight alone, everyone's strength is similar, and no one is afraid of anyone. But today, Shengtang and Luohuaci were beaten to no avail. This is obviously due to the tactical arrangement - Qixingcao seized the opportunity to defeat the boss and occupied the geographical advantage of Huahai. Luo Huaci rushed over from afar and became the dead soul of the assassins ambushing in the sea of flowers.

Such a strategic deployment allowed the Qixingcao guild to successfully withstand the pursuit of the Shengtang and Luohuaci guilds.

The more Tang Wuyi thought about it, the more strange it became, and he couldn't help but ask, "Who is the commander-in-chief of Qixingcao today?"

Vice President Tang Xin was in charge of undercover and diplomacy, and immediately reported: "I just asked the undercover, and the president of Qixingcao, Sanse Jingcao, came over today, and she took more than a dozen group leaders to the voice room alone for a meeting. , Every regiment of Seven Star Grass is commanded by the head of the regiment, and I don't know who the commander-in-chief is."

Tang Wuyi frowned and said, "Three-color landscape grass? Today's strategic deployment is not like the style of this female president." After a pause, he added: "They are so strict in guarding against undercover agents, and they only gather the head of the group together. Get up and command, Seven Star Grass must have masters in charge today."

Tang Xin was silent for a moment, then boldly guessed: "Such a strict strategic deployment, wouldn't Team Xiao come in person? It's quite like Team Xiao's style!"

Tang Yiyi immediately rejected the guess: "Impossible. There are still competitions this weekend, so how can professional players run around to fight bosses? Xiao Sijing must be busy studying the map to deal with the opponent in the next game, a mere level 40 player. It is impossible for him to shoot the world boss."

The president's analysis was very reasonable, and a group of management could not help but fell silent.

Tang Wuyi thought about it seriously, and said, "Tang Xin, go and communicate with the vice president of Luo Huaci to see if they are willing to join forces."

Tang Xin immediately went to private chat to contact him.

Soon there was a reply: "Hua Luo Wuhen said that the final judgment of the world boss only belongs to one guild. If they join forces, who will win the boss?"

This is also the biggest problem!

Even if a guild alliance is temporarily formed, the final system decision of the world boss will only belong to the guild with the highest output. The alliance guild needs to reach an agreement in advance, otherwise, it will not be good to play infighting after grabbing the boss.

Tang did not intend to say: "The boss is ours, and all the materials dropped by the main output group will be given to them."

Tang Xin conveyed the meaning of the president, and then came back to pass the message: "Wuhen said, the boss is theirs, and the materials dropped by the main output group are given to us..."

Tang Unintentionally: "... I rely on it!"

Even though he has always been calm, he wants to go crazy when he hears such a reply.

Luo Huaci's vice president, Hua Luo Wuhen, is a treacherous villain who refuses to take any loss!

Tang Wuyi took a deep breath and said, "Forget it, I'll go directly to their president to chat."

Find an ID from the friend list, Fenghuaxueyue.

The Luohuaci team is a very literary team. The team's team emblem is a flower, and the name of the guild management is also very literary. What kind of romantic, blooming, and colorful... This romantic is a secret, very calm club Chang, Luo Huaci has been very low-key since he entered the new area, and he doesn't fight for dungeons. He also goes to the end to grab the boss. No one can guess what he is thinking.

Tang had no intention of chatting privately, "Brother Fenghua, why don't we join forces to kill the Seven Star Grass first?"

Fenghuaxueyue said coldly: "Are you sure you will die?"

Tang Wuyi said: "As long as we join forces, the number of people will be twice as many as them. Even if the main force of the seven-star grass is ambushed in the sea of flowers, they still have to take into account the safety of the export group. We have the advantage in numbers. Wouldn't it be good if the team was wiped out?"

Fenghuaxueyue said: "It's okay to cooperate, the boss is ours."

Tang Wuyi: "..."

It's a real loss!

Everyone knows that the real value of this 40th-level boss is the right to belong to the guild. The honor value awarded by the system can make the guild directly rush to the first place in the new area rankings. The construction speed of the pharmacy, warehouse, kitchen, etc. in the guild territory will follow by leaps and bounds.

Although the spider silk and five-element stone dropped by the level 40 world boss are precious, compared to the honor value of the entire guild, those materials are not worth mentioning at all...

Tang Wuyuan was of course unwilling to give up the world boss, and Sheng Tang and Luo Huaci actually had a lot of grievances and grievances. Tang Wuyi was naturally very unhappy!

Shengtang and Luohuaci were destroyed and returned to the resurrection point. It is rare for the Seven Star Grass to have time to adjust and rest.

The head of the mobile regiment, who was in charge of the investigation, said again, "Sheng Tang and Luo Huaci returned to Crescent Moon Spring together, and there was no movement for a long time. What if they join forces?"

Liu Chuan smiled slightly and said, "It's not that easy to form a temporary alliance. I guess they can't reach an agreement."

Liu Chuan did not guess wrong.

The reason why Guose and Fenghuo can form an alliance is because the relationship between the two teams has always been very good. The vice captain of Guose and Fenghuo are both surnamed Zhao. It is said that they are distant cousins. The two teams were established at the same time. The level ranks at the bottom of the quarterfinals, which is quite like a pair of brothers in difficulty. Therefore, the relationship between the two guilds Guose and Fenghuo is very good, and the fans of the two teams are also very harmonious.

- Sheng Tang and Luo Hua Ci are different.

Both teams are first-tier teams, and both have the possibility of winning the championship. Although Team Tang and Team Ye are not mortal enemies, they are definitely not friends. In order to compete for the trophy, the two teams have abused each other countless times. The fans of the two teams have no good feelings for each other... How can it be so easy to form an alliance in such a guild

As the president of the two guilds, He Yue naturally knew something about the two guilds. Hearing what Liu Chuan said, he also agreed with the authentic: "Don't worry, since they didn't form an alliance at the beginning, it will definitely not work to talk about an alliance in the middle. Now, we'll let the undercover agents make trouble and let them strife."

Everyone: "… "

He Yue asked, "How much HP has Boss got

The leader of the output group replied excitedly: "It's already 50%, and the fight went well!"

Liu Chuan smiled and said: "Very good, let Shengtang and Luohuaci continue to struggle, let's concentrate on fighting the boss."

Here, the president of the prosperous Tang Dynasty and the president of Luo Huaci really did not get along.

Originally, it was very unpleasant to see the other party, and the boss would only judge it to one family in the end. No one wanted to be soft first. They worked together to kill the seven-star grass, and then handed over the boss... No one could swallow this breath!

The temporary alliance plan has officially collapsed.

Tang Wuyi had no choice but to turn around and take his brothers from the prosperous Tang to the direction of the marriage tree again. On the way, he happened to encounter a large army that encountered Luo Huaci, and he didn't know who was the first to make trouble.

Tang Wuwu was really worried, his hair had fallen out a lot, and he asked helplessly, "How much blood does Boss have?"

The person who died in the sea of flowers to watch the boss wanted to cry without tears and said: "President, 40% of the blood is already..."

Tang Wuyi said, "What's the reaction from Luo Huaci?"

Tang Xin replied, "Luohuaci just ordered a retreat..."

Tang asked unintentionally, "They gave up?"

Tang Xin said, "It seems so."

Elder Qianzhu's blood has reached 40%. The system determines that the boss's attribution is calculated based on the output. Since the seven-star grass has already destroyed nearly 60% of the boss's blood, it is meaningless to grab the output now, unless the three of the seven-star grass can be eliminated. All output teams are destroyed, and then the boss's hatred is cleared and recalculated...

However, the three output teams that destroyed the seven-star grass in the heavy siege

Even if they join forces with the Luohua Ci Guild, they may not be able to do it, let alone relying on the strength of the Shengtang family.

As for the three companies, Chang'an, Guose, and Fenghuo, they are even more unreliable. The three are still in the spider cave.

Tang did not intend to make a decision quickly: "Okay, we will withdraw too."

Someone said unhappily: "Just withdraw like this?"

Tang Wuyi said calmly: "You will lose experience when you die. There is no need to tangle here. Let's go. Let the seven-star grass pick up a bargain today and return it later!"

He died several times in a row today, and lost a lot of experience. If he did not retreat, the result was still such a fearless sacrifice.

Although it is a bit embarrassing, as the president, he should make the most rational decision.

Anyway, the time to participate in the event is enough, and everyone can get the event treasure chest. It is not a disadvantage to withdraw now, and there is no need to go to die.

Tang had no intention of ordering the prosperous Tang guild to retreat collectively, and many people actually wanted to retreat. The feeling of stepping on the spider eggs on the ground and running to death is really bad... After hearing this instruction, most of the prosperous Tang people immediately ran away and returned. The main city's return to the main city, the next copy of the next copy. Near the marriage tree, there are only a few red names left.

The head of the investigation team, Emperor Xing Xing, said, "Sheng Tang and Luo Hua have withdrawn!"

Elder Qianzhu's health has been hit to 30%.

Liu Chuan immediately gave an order: "In close combat, defend the Qing people outside, and all the long-range return to the inner circle of Huahai - target Qianzhu Elder, fire with all your strength!"

Without the interference of outsiders, everyone turned their heads to fight Elder Qianzhu, and the boss's blood volume began to drop rapidly.

Everyone was shocked to find that the damage of the person named "Misty Swamp" on the output statistics panel was far ahead, and the total damage reached hundreds of thousands!

The world was turned upside down, and Wu Zewen had been fighting the boss seriously, and he didn't care about everything else.

Because he is too focused, every one of his skills will not fail, and there is a healer specially to increase blood and blue for him, he just needs to let go and fight the boss...

More than an hour has passed, and his damage has reached hundreds of thousands, which shocked the group of Seven Star Grass.

Some people couldn't help chatting privately with their friends: "What is the origin of these five poisons, it's too fierce!"

"Yeah, to be able to bring the World Boss all the way, Qinggong is not bad at all, it's really awesome!"

"It is said that she is the wife of a lifetime, she is amazing!"

Ten p.m.

The HP of the world boss has finally been reduced to 1%!

Elder Thousand Spiders suddenly roared, all the surrounding spiders exploded together, dark green venom sprayed all over the screen, and the players on the scene were killed in seconds.

This is Elder Qianzhu's ultimate move before he dies, and no one can escape it. Even if he were to die, this neurotic boss would drag everyone to his funeral.

However, once this big move is released, it means... the boss is over!

The World Channel also popped up a line of reminder: "Thank you to all the knights for killing the traitor of the Five Poison Religion [Elder Qianzhu]. The Wulin Alliance will issue rich rewards to all the knights who participated in this event. Please go to the messenger to check. The main force is to kill. The team [Seven Star Grass Guild] will gain an additional 1000 Guild Honor Points and 1000 Guild Construction Points…”

The people of Seven Star Grass boiled together, and the guild channel was instantly flooded with flowers and applause.

The other guilds have mixed feelings. Although they are very unwilling, I have to say that the deployment of Seven Star Grass this time is really unbearable!