The Strongest God

Chapter 98: Treasure Chest Rewards


After fighting Elder Qianzhu, Liu Chuan simply set up a voice channel and brought in several members of the fixed regiment.

There Yu'er said excitedly: "I really didn't expect that we would be able to win the world boss! I also got a silver treasure chest, and I just opened a level 40 purple suit, which happened to be Qin Emei's clothes, but I already have Got it!"

Daoist Qingfeng said, "Give me the equipment, Yu'er, and I will sell it in the shop."

Qin Ye asked suspiciously, "What treasure chest?"

Li Xiang hurriedly explained: "Everyone who participates in the world boss activities will receive a letter of thanks from the leader of the martial arts alliance. There is a treasure box in which you can randomly open rewards. Go to the messenger every night to receive the letter."

Qin Ye snorted and rode to the messenger to get a silver treasure chest. When he opened it, it was a level 40 Claw Emei outfit, so he put it on himself.

Liu Chuan asked, "Why are you famous? How many people were killed in the sea of flowers today?"

"Come here for 100." Qin Ye said calmly.

Everyone knelt directly to him!

Qin Ye didn't know how to fight bosses, so he hid in the sea of flowers to collect people's heads.

He doesn't have a guild mode, so he can only start vendettas one by one. Anyway, he is staring at the people who want to approach Li Xiang. As long as they are not from the Seven Star Grass, they will kill them immediately.

Vendetta opened a lot more, increasing his murderous aura. He hacked to death more than 100 people, and his murderous aura value exceeded 100, which directly made Qiye Xue famous.

Liu Chuan said helplessly: "Be careful, you will be wanted by the system if you have such a high murderous value. If you are caught, you will go to jail."

Qin Ye hasn't played online games for a long time, and he almost forgot about the murderous value of vendetta, but after listening to Liu Chuanyi's explanation, he wasn't afraid.

- Wanted for a bounty? Come on though and see who can catch me.

Qin Ye didn't worry at all, but he worried Li Xiang badly: "Yiye, your murderous aura of 100 must be online for 50 hours without killing people, so that it can go away, otherwise you will become a wanted criminal in the future, and NPCs will not I'll take care of you, you can't enter the main city either."

Qin Ye said, "Then I won't enter the main city."

"Then how can it be done!" Li Xiang immediately refused. "If you can't enter the main city, you won't be able to take up the task. Don't worry, leave it to me, and I'll help you to eliminate the murderous aura."

Grandmaster was so eager to help him eliminate his murderous aura, Qin Ye had no choice but to nod, "Okay, I'll leave it to you."

Liu Chuan said, "Little red hand, come and open the treasure chest."

Li Xiang was surprised and said, "Have you not opened it yet? Don't you want to open all 30 treasure chests for me?"

"You guessed it right." Liu Chuan said with a smile, "You're lucky, you can open all 30 treasure chests. If you can't open the Five Element Stones, we'll beat you up."

Li Xiang:"… "

Taking a set of treasure chests from Liu Chuan, Li Xiang was really excited when he looked at the shiny golden treasure chests in the package.

These 30 golden treasure chests are the rewards that only the first output group who beat the boss today will get, and they will definitely be able to open a lot of good things...

Li Xiang right-clicked the treasure chest, and the waiting message "Treasure box is opening" appeared on the screen.

A moment later, the treasure chest was opened, and an announcement popped up on the world channel at the same time: "Congratulations to the player [Ideal Master] for opening the golden treasure chest and obtaining the rare mount [Sweaty BMW]!"

Everyone: "… "

As expected of a little red hand, the first treasure chest opened a sweaty BMW!

Sweaty BMW is an extremely rare rank 10 double horse. The value of a horse is comparable to several rank 7 stones. A precious mount, this is the rare reward with the lowest drop chance in the event treasure chest. The world announcement shows its rarity.

Liu Chuan sent a row of applause expressions: "Not bad, let's continue."

While opening the treasure chest, Li Xiang posted the reward items to the team channel.

"Seventh-level five-element stone (wood attribute)!"

"Seventh-level five-element stone (fire attribute)!"

"Seventh-level five-element stone (water attribute)!"

"Seventh-level five-element stone (earth attribute)!"

"Seventh-level five-element stone (metallic)!"

Five consecutive seven-level five-element stones, Liu Chuan was speechless!

Li Xiang's account seems to be particularly favored by the system. Every time he touches equipment and opens treasure chests, he can open what everyone wants most.

The value of a Level 7 Stone of the Five Elements is equivalent to thousands of Stones of Level 4 and Five Elements. It is impossible to buy this thing. After reaching the full level, anyone who wants to change to an orange weapon has to find a stone to synthesize by himself, and there is a chance that the synthesis will fail. , only the gold treasure chest of the world boss has a chance to open this prize...

According to the analysis of the data masters, the golden treasure chest has an 85% chance of opening materials, a 12% chance of opening a seventh-level five-element stone, and a 3% chance of opening a precious mount.

Li Xiang opened 6 treasure chests, the first one was a precious mount, and he opened 7th-level Five Element Stones five times in a row...

The so-called probability, in front of such a lucky little red hand, is simply a piece of paper!

The 30 treasure chests were quickly opened, but the stones and mounts were not opened. They were all made of various materials. Among them, three powders were relatively precious transparent spider silks, and the other orange materials were very general. In any case, Li Xiang opened five stones from the 30 treasure chests, and this level of luck is enough to make people worship!

Liu Chuan took stock of today's gains, and asked Li Xiang to transfer all the things to Qiye Xue, put them in the guild's warehouse first, and then take them after reaching full level.

Materials and Five Element Stones are classified into the warehouse, and the ownership of this sweaty BMW is not easy to manage.

Liu Chuan asked: "There are many types of horses. What type do you like? Who wants this horse?"

Wu Zewen likes white, but is not very interested in red sweaty BMWs. The Taoist priest also likes white horses, and both Li Xiang and Liu Chuan like black horses.

Fish's aesthetics are rather strange, and he actually likes spotted horses with mixed hair. The spotted horse is described by players as "like having albinism" because it has white spots on its body. This kind of horse has not been popular in the game. ... Yu'er actually liked this, and everyone expressed their inability to complain.

"If I remember correctly, Ye Ye seems to like red, right?" Liu Chuan asked suddenly.

Li Xiang's eyes lit up and said, "Then give this horse to Ye Ye!"

Qin Ye was startled.

He never participated in Liu Chuan's team assignment, because he just played casually and didn't care about equipment and materials.

Unexpectedly, these people actually left the precious mounts to him. Everyone knows that he is a trumpet, and the online time is not fixed, and he didn't help much today... Such a precious horse, all of them are more qualified than themselves.

"It's better for you to take it." Qin Ye said, "I don't have much time online, so it would be a waste for me."

Li Xiang said, "It doesn't matter! Let's go catch the foal with a few of us at level 50. You like red, and this horse is just for you."

Qin Ye: "..."

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Don't say no, I'll take them to catch a two-horse horse if they want. Sweaty horses don't come easily. Don't you like this the most?"

Li Xiang echoed: "That's right, take it if you like it, and be polite to us!"

Qin Ye's heart suddenly felt warm.

He knew that these people were really good to him, even if Qiye Xue was just his trumpet, and even if he only occasionally came to watch online games when he was bored, these people obviously regarded him as a friend...

Since they were so sincere to him, Qin Ye didn't need to refuse any more, he simply said, "Alright then, thank you all!"

Seeing this news, Li Xiang immediately sent a trade invitation as if afraid of Qin Ye's repentance.

Qin Ye accepted the invitation and chatted with Li Xiang privately, "Thanks."

Li Xiang smiled and said, "You're welcome! You just like it!"

Qin Ye took the sweaty BMW, summoned it, turned over and rode on it.

Emei's clothes were light in color, and it was really nice to ride a fiery red horse with sweat and blood. In addition, Qin Ye's personality was also a more aggressive type. When running, this mount was as dazzling as a ball of flame.

Qin Ye ran around the main city, stopped in front of Li Xiang, and sent an invitation to ride together.

Li Xiang immediately agreed.

He got on his horse and sat behind Qin Ye. According to the two-man riding position set by the system, the master consciously stretched out his hands from his waist and hugged Ye Ye into his arms.

Li Xiang was so happy! Riding the same horse with the idol and holding the idol in his arms, the excitement is indescribable!

A group of people chatted for a while, and Liu Chuan suddenly remembered something and asked, "By the way, level 40 seems to open up life skills, right?"

In the past few days, everyone has been busy with the land reclamation of the level 40 dungeon and the preparation of the world boss, but they have forgotten about it.

Life skills are a very unique way of playing in the game. Although Liu Chuan's ultimate goal is to build a team to play games, he learns life skills to earn some experience during the upgrade process, and he can still make money after reaching the full level. any harm.

When the Taoist priest heard this, he opened his mouth and replied, "That's right, the level 40 open life skills gameplay, I was just about to ask you, do we want to learn it separately?"

Liu Chuan said without hesitation: "Let's divide the labor, that's what I mean."

There are many kinds of life skills in the game, and each person can only learn two kinds of them. People in a fixed group generally divide labor and cooperate to avoid duplicating each other's learning.

Wu Zewen didn't know much about these and asked, "What do I learn?"

Liu Chuan sent a piece of information on the team channel: "Medicine collection, planting, hunting, mining, and fishing, these five are gathering skills. Cooking, pharmaceuticals, crafting, forging, sewing, these five are manufacturing skills. The gathering class and the manufacturing class, you can only choose one to study."

Gathering skills are used to collect various raw materials, while manufacturing skills are used to process various materials into finished products.

For example, the combination of collecting herbs and pharmaceuticals, collecting various herbs, and then making medicines. The combination of planting + cooking, grow crops such as wheat and soybeans, and then cook various ingredients. The combination of mining and forging naturally uses the various ores dug to forge various weapons and jewelry.

The two gathering skills of hunting and fishing are quite special. The animal meat obtained from hunting can be used to cook food, and the animal fur can be used to sew clothes. The fish caught by fishing can be used as cooking ingredients or some medicines, and can also catch all kinds of interesting treasures for crafting, making beautiful pendants and accessories.

In short, one for collecting and one for manufacturing, just complement each other.

There are many materials used in the manufacture of advanced products, and most of them require the assistance of several gathering skills. For example, the team banquet "Sihai Banquet", a level 70 cooking banquet, is a banquet for the whole team and attacks. The manufacturing materials for this feast include: highland barley planted, animal entrails from hunting, fish from fishing, medicine from herbs, as well as a lot of seasonings such as pepper and salt bought from NPC, the chef thinks To make this high-level banquet, you must go to the market to purchase various materials, so that the circulation of commodities in the life skills market will become particularly frequent.

The same is true for other life skills. To make a high-level product, you need to buy materials everywhere. In this way, there will be a price difference between the raw materials and the final product. There are many experienced players in the game to make money with life skills. There is also a large market and profit for life skills output.

Wu Zewen saw the news from Liu Chuan, and after thinking about it, he said, "Can I learn planting and cooking?"

Thinking of the delicious hodgepodge he cooked in a pot, he was obviously very interested in cooking. Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Of course, little chef, I will find you what the group wants to eat in the future."

The Taoist priest said, "I'll learn how to collect and make medicine. I used to learn this too."

Li Xiang also made a plan: "Then I will learn mining and forging. I am very interested in jewelry and equipment!"

"I'll learn to fish for gathering skills!" Yu'er said excitedly, "By the way, what should I learn about manufacturing? What is crafting for?"

Liu Chuan explained: "Craftsmanship is to make all kinds of handicrafts, jade pendants, sachets and other pendants, as well as various teleportation charms and scrolls of returning to the city. You can learn this, fishing can catch a lot of strange things, bring them processed into various handicrafts.”

Although crafts have no attributes, the beautiful craft market is very profitable. Many casual players in the game like to collect these things, and the sales of teleportation charms and city return scrolls are also very impressive.

Everyone chose their skills, and in the end, there were still hunting and sewing. Liu Chuan said, "Then I will learn hunting and sewing."

Yu'er joked, "Is the captain going to sew us clothes in the future?"

Liu Chuan: " think I'm a nanny!"

After the five people had divided life skills, Qin Ye couldn't help but ask, "Do I want to learn it?"

Li Xiang hurriedly said: "Don't learn! You are usually so busy, life skills take too much time, you have to hang up fishing, and picking herbs is a map full of herbs, we just come."

Qin Ye nodded, he really didn't have time to come to the online game to collect medicines and mine, and once in a while, he wouldn't let his teammates know that he wasn't much interested in dungeons or boss fights, so collecting medicines, cooking, etc. would still count. Well...

Everyone distributed life skills harmoniously, and Liu Chuan brought his friends to the life skills area of the main city.

Each skill has a corresponding master to teach various skills and formulas. Everyone finds the skill master they want to learn and learns the skills, and then they work separately.

Li Xiang and the Taoist priest went to the outskirts of the city to collect herbs and dig mining. Qin Ye was bored and followed Li Xiang. Li Xiang was in charge of mining. He helped find ores. Li wanted to come over.

Wu Zewen, Yu'er and Liu Chuan came to the Land of Fish and Rice together.

There is a large pond in the Land of Fish and Rice. The pond is divided into different levels of areas for life players of different levels to fish. There are many fields for farming around the pond. The fish ran to the pond and sat down to fish. Wu Zewen found an open space nearby and occupied it and threw in the first-class wheat seeds.

Planting is the most leisurely skill among gathering skills. It's fine to throw the seeds in, just count the time and wait for the seeds to mature. The system will randomly release some natural disasters such as droughts and locusts, and it is enough to water and remove insects at that time.

Seeing that Wu Zewen had finished planting, Liu Chuan said, "Zewen, you can still steal other people's crops. See, the field next to it is about to mature, you can click the mouse to see the specific maturity time of the crops. If the master doesn't come to collect it at that moment, you can steal it."

Wu Zewen's eyes lit up, he immediately clicked to look, and he found that the wheat next door was already cooked.

Liu Chuan said, "Hurry up and steal."

Wu Zewen hesitated: "Is it okay to steal from others like this?"

Liu Chuan said with a smile: "Of course, the system is set up like this for fun. If you steal from others, others can steal from you."

Wu Zewen nodded and stole half of the wheat next door.

Liu Chuan walked to the next field again, "Come here, I'm familiar with it here."

This man was really unrelenting in stealing vegetables. He took Wu Zewen for a walk in Yumi Township, and the two of them stole a lot of wheat together.

Most of the living players now have first-level planting skills, and they can only grow wheat. A large wheat field in the land of fish and rice looks quite spectacular.

Wu Zewen processed the stolen wheat into flour, and then used his cooking skills to make several steamed buns that could restore blood, and sent a set to each of his teammates.

There are also a lot of burnt steamed buns, which are by-products of cooking. Even though the name is not very pleasant, this by-product can also add additional attributes. For example, after eating "Scorched Mantou", the defense value can be increased by 100 points.

Liu Chuan couldn't help laughing when he saw the pile of steamed buns sent by Wu Zewen - Zewen was obviously very interested in life skills, and he couldn't wait to share it with his teammates after making the steamed buns. This is Chef Wu's intention, and everyone is happy to accept it all.

Liu Chuan accompanied Zewen and Yu'er to occupy the place. He also went to the nearby hunting ground to catch a few rabbits. The rabbit meat was given to Zewen for food, and the rabbit hair was kept for sewing later.

The initial life skills, in addition to collecting low-level materials and adding experience, can be self-sufficient in copying. Only at the advanced level can the output be sold for a good price.

Soon, the Taoist priest also made a batch of Huoxue powder and distributed it to everyone.

With the Huoxuesan made by Taoist priests and the steamed buns made by Zewen, everyone no longer has to go to NPCs to buy medicines.