The Strongest Hokage

Chapter 21: Hinata Setsuna


After Namikaze Minato came to the home court, of course he also saw Naito who came here earlier.

Although slightly surprised, Namikaze Minato nodded again.

If it was Yu Ye, it would make sense to be one step ahead of him.

After all, Naito was the one who defeated Uchiha Izumi.

Just when he was thinking about whether to say hello to Naito, the third and fourth winners also entered the venue.

At the same time, some interested chuunin and jounin, as well as some students who gave up early, also came to the venue, took their seats and looked at the venue with interest.

The battle here is the most exciting. The battles in the other sub-scenes are just kids playing house!

Soon there were more and more people.

In the end, all the winners from the four divisions arrived.

The so-called winner is only counted if he wins four consecutive games.

If you lose once, you won't be considered a winner even if you win all the others.

So only ten people can come here.

Among the ten people, few looked like they had experienced a tough battle. Most of them, like Naito and Namikaze Minato, were relaxed and unscathed.

"Everyone is already here."

Looking at the ten outstanding young men below, Sarutobi Hiruzen also had a smile on his face.

These children are the pillars of Konoha's future!

"Hokage-sama, everyone has arrived."

A ninja came to Sarutobi Hiruzen and reported to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded and was ready for them to start.

However, at this moment, another accident suddenly happened!

There was some commotion at the venue.

Because a figure appeared at the entrance.

Holding a cane, he walked steadily towards Sarutobi Hiruzen at the top.

At the same time, someone helped bring a chair over.

He is Hokage's assistant, Danzo!

"Oh, I didn't expect you to take the time to come over." Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes flickered slightly.

"When it comes to the future of Konoha, of course I, the Hokage's assistant, have to be considerate."

Danzo sat down next to Sarutobi Hiruzen and spoke in a neutral tone.

Old fox!

Sarutobi Hiruzen hummed in his mind and immediately guessed Danzo's intention.

There is no doubt that the purpose is to select some talented children who are worthy of training and bring them to the roots.

However, as long as the matter is not serious, Sarutobi Hiruzen will usually not pay much attention to Danzo's affairs and will turn a blind eye to Danzo.

Danzo glanced lightly at the ten people below, then casually picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip.

"They are too immature. They still need to be cultivated before they can be useful."

"Even the young eagle will always flutter its wings and fly high one day."

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled slightly, replied to Danzo in a nonchalant manner, and then gave instructions to the ninja beside him.

After receiving the instructions, the examiner nodded immediately and then landed on the field.

“To be here is a testament to the fact that you are the best kids that have stood out.”

"Lord Hokage is up there, watching you personally."

"Show your best side to Hokage-sama!"

The main examiner is no longer a chuunin teacher from the ninja school, but a special jounin presiding over it.

At this point, the actual ranking assessment at the home court has officially begun!

The lists of Namikaze Minato, Naito and others were randomly disrupted and then combined by drawing lots.

"The first game, Naito vs. Hinata Setsuna!"

Looking at the list arranged in his hand, the examiner raised his hand and announced.

The first scene attracted the attention of all the Jonin present.

Even Danzo looked slightly sideways.

"Naito... is he the child who dares to challenge Han, the chunin of the Uchiha clan, to a life-and-death duel?"

"It's interesting. I just don't know how much he weighs with such courage."

Some jounin who were watching commented with some interest, and looked at Yu Ye with a hint of scrutiny.

In fact, these Jonin who came to watch were selecting students they were satisfied with in advance.

It is basically impossible for the winners who can come here to be classified into the same class. It is estimated that all ten winners will be separated when they graduate to facilitate balance.

"He's the first one. I want to see what he's capable of. Don't even think he's qualified to fight Minato by then."

High above, Jiraiya jumped onto the guardrail with a groan, looking completely uncharacteristic of an elite jounin.

Seeing this scene, Tsunade suddenly twitched the corner of her mouth. She felt extremely embarrassed and wanted to kick Jiraiya down.

But kicking him would probably be even more embarrassing, so Tsunade had no choice but to ignore it.

Orochimaru was leaning against the wall calmly from beginning to end, with his hands clasped behind his head and looking at the field with a hint of amusement in his eyes.

In the field.

Naito and Hinata Setsuna walked onto the stage.

As for Namikaze Minato and others, they all left one after another and watched from the sidelines.

Hinata Setsuna looked at Naito with a strange look.

Naturally, he had also heard about Yu Ye, and as a child of a big family, he was much more sensitive to these things.

Finally, he sighed with pity and said: "It's a pity that you were not born in our Hyuga family... The arrogant Uchiha dare not mess with our Hyuga family."

"Are you trying to show off the superiority of your big family?"

Naito looked at Hinata Setsuna calmly.

Hinata Setsuna calmly shook her head and said: "No, I just think that you are very good for getting here. Unfortunately, I must win this battle, otherwise I really want to make you happy before you die. "

Damn it!

These words made Yu Ye almost punch him directly.

Be happy before you die, what are these words!

Fortunately, Yu Ye had a good temper and would not get angry with a child under ten years old, but he still asked with a twitching corner of his mouth.

"Do you think you will win?"

"You can only use taijutsu, and taijutsu... no one can win Hinata."

Hinata Setsuna said as if it was a matter of course.

With the Byakugan and the special soft fist, the Hyuga clan is indeed extremely proud of themselves in terms of physical skills, and even the Uchiha clan doesn't look down on them.

"The first competition begins!"

Seeing that both of them were ready, the examiner decisively announced the start.

Hinata Setsuna immediately showed the starting position of the Hyuga clan's soft fist, and then he looked at Naito with a dull expression.

"That's the famous Hinata's special taijutsu, the soft fist."

"In terms of physical skills, it's probably too difficult to compete with a famous family like the Hyuga clan."

Looking at the people in the field, they couldn't help but start talking.

Especially those jounin, but they know that the soft fist can block acupuncture points and even directly bombard the internal organs. Once they are close, it will be very bad.

Everyone is thinking about how Naito will choose to fight when facing the Hyuga clan with extremely strong physical skills.

What everyone didn't expect was that Yu Ye's fighting method was extremely simple.

There are no superfluous moves or cumbersome processes at all.

Just step forward and punch out!

It doesn’t matter what your famous Hinata, soft fist and taijutsu are, I only need one punch to destroy them all!