The Strongest Hokage

Chapter 46: Assassination


Seeing the destructive power caused by his punch, Yu Ye showed a hint of joy on his face.

This punch explodes with strange power and superimposes the power of shock. The power caused by this punch is far stronger than simply using the power of shock!

Just as Yu Ye expected, when the strange power and the power of shock are superimposed, the fist struck out, even a high-level B-level ninjutsu, is enough to smash it into pieces with one punch.

It can be said that Naito can almost completely sweep all ninjutsu below A level with one punch.

Moreover, since the strange power is driven by chakra, it can also offset part of the counter-shock effect of the shock power.

In addition, the strange power itself is a burst of chakra power in a specified direction. While superimposing it with the power of shock, it can better control the power of shock and condense the power of shock in one direction.

Therefore, even if a stronger shock force is erupted, Yu Ye's body will not suffer a stronger counter-shock.

Of course, if you insist on saying so, Yu Ye's move also has some shortcomings.

That means it consumes more chakra.

It's much more than pure strange power.

Originally, his shock power hardly consumed much chakra.

But the strange power is different.

Monster power itself is a way to use chakra. When the two are superimposed, even though the power is greatly increased, the chakra consumed is also doubled.

Therefore, if Naito uses fists like this continuously, his physical strength and chakra will be consumed rapidly and he will be unable to bear it.

Of course, simply doing it once, twice, or even three or five times will not be a problem.

The physique of the True Eight Gate Dunjia is still very strong.

Moreover, without using strange power and concussion power to superimpose this move, and simply using concussion power, it is still easy and casual for Naito.

"The superposition of strange power and shock power... Although it is not powerful enough to be used as a trump card, at least for now, it is my strongest attack."

Yu Ye looked at his fist and muttered slightly.

It's time to give it a name.

At this time, a word that appeared in the original work happened to come to his mind, "Unparalleled Weird Power".

So, Yu Ye simply took it and used it.

This move is called Shock Escape and Unparalleled Strange Power!

"Huh, I really didn't expect that even I had to practice for a month before I finally completed this move."

After stretching his body, Yu Ye smiled.

The strange force move is somewhat similar to Yu Ye's Shock Escape Blood Succession Boundary, and it is also a growth power.

It will become stronger and stronger as the amount of Naito's chakra increases and his control over chakra increases.

And once the strange power becomes stronger, the power after it is superimposed with the power of shock will undoubtedly be stronger.

This is another benign mutual increase.

Moreover, it is still based on the True Eight Gates Dunjia.

There is no doubt that for Yu Ye now, the True Eight Gate Dunjia has completely become his fundamental strength.

The enhancement of the power of shock is based on it.

Strange power is also based on it.

However, Yu Ye felt that this was actually a good thing.

At least, he doesn't have to worry about deviations in his growth direction. As long as the True Eight Gate Dunjia is here, his growth path will be extremely clear!

The choice of growth path is a very important matter.

Like Hatake Kakashi in the original book, he became a genin at the age of five, a chunin at the age of six, and a jounin at the age of twelve.

However, after he became a Jonin, he hardly grew much in the period until the beginning of the original plot.

It was because of obtaining Obito's Sharingan and Lin's death that Kakashi lost his way.

The amount of chakra is small, but the ninjutsu learned is too much, resulting in chaos and lack of mastery.

If you hit a peach field and don't kill it, a lot of effort will be wasted.

If it were his father, Konoha White Fang Hatake Sakumo, he wouldn't need any ninjutsu at all.

Just use the Hatake Sword Technique to sweep across!

Yu Ye's current route is based on the True Eight Gates Dunjia and the main line is the Shock Escape Blood Succession Limit.

With one punch, all ninjutsu can be wiped out!

Yu Ye believes that as long as he continues on this path unswervingly, he will definitely not be worse than anyone else!

Finally combining the strange power and the power of shock, Yu Ye did not stop practicing, but immediately began to hone it.

Another practice.

In a blink of an eye, it's noon again.

After walking to the river and washing his body casually, Yu Ye habitually began to rest and have lunch.

But at this moment, a figure approached Yu Ye.

Yu Ye looked at the person coming with a little surprise.

"Kushina, how did you find this place?"

"Of course I'm following you secretly."

Kushina smiled at Naito and waved her hand towards Naito.

In her little hand, she was holding a lunch box.

"I was worried that you wouldn't have enough to eat, so I sent you one."

"That's it. Thank you."

Looking at Kushina's appearance, Naito showed a smile, but a flicker of light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Kushina smiled and walked towards Naito carrying a lunch box.

The moment she came to Yu Ye, a cold light suddenly appeared from the lunch box she was carrying, and it penetrated Yu Ye's body directly in an instant!

At the same time, the figure of 'Kushina' instantly transformed into a man with a hat on his head and a mask, with a cold gleam in his eyes.

"mission completed… "

"We need to retreat quickly. It would be bad if Konoha's Anbu come after us."

Mochi Sagi shook his head coldly, looking at Yu Ye's body with a trace of disdain in his eyes.

Just because he was in Konoha, he had to go through a lot of trouble to kill a kid. He couldn't do it until now, and he would also face Konoha's pursuit, which was really troublesome.

This kid deserved his death.


After drawing out the sword that penetrated Yu Ye's body, he was about to turn around and leave.

But at the next moment, Yu Ye's body suddenly turned into white smoke and disappeared.


At this moment, Mochi Sagi's expression changed instantly.

It's actually a clone? !


The next moment, Mochi Sagi felt the hairs all over his body.

A feeling of terror enveloped his whole body.

Almost without thinking, Mochi Sagi rolled his body on the spot, and at the same time used defensive methods without hesitation.

But a violent shock force still swept over and bombarded his body.

"Shock escape, collapse!"

At some point, Yu Ye jumped down from the treetop next to him and landed a hard palm, almost without mercy.

How could he hold back in the face of the ninja who came to assassinate him? !

Just now, if he hadn't noticed something was wrong with Kushina, he might have been killed directly by this guy.

What do the ninjas of Konoha do for food

Can even a killer sneak in? !