The Strongest Hokage

Chapter 60: Task


"Hmm... If you have the chance, you can use Konoha's intelligence system to see if you can find any information about the Kusanagi sword. If that doesn't work, you can also find a suitable ninja sword first."

After touching his chin and thinking for a moment, Yu Ye threw away the hilt of the knife in his hand, then turned and left.

Walking through the streets of Konoha.

Naito is planning to go directly to the Anbu and use the information from the Anbu to investigate the information about the Ninja Sword.

Things like ninja swords are rare items. Even if he is an official ANBU ninja, they cannot be provided to him for free. He still has to find a way.

However, after going around the Anbu, Naito did not get the information he wanted.

In other words, Yu Ye's status level is too low, and he is not qualified to use some information and intelligence.

This is a bit painful.

In desperation, Yu Ye wondered whether he should go to the ninja tool shop.

Although the ninja tools shops in Konoha only have ordinary ninja tools, who knows if there might be a ninja sword in there.

After Naito became an ANBU candidate, all his daily expenses were paid for by Konoha. To put it simply, all his food, clothing, housing and transportation were reimbursed.

Walking on the streets of Konoha, passers-by noticed Naito and looked sideways.

Although the news that Naito killed Uchiha Han and single-handedly defeated everyone in the ANBU training was not widely known.

But it is well known that Naito won the first place in the actual combat ranking test at the ninja school, beating Namikaze Minato.

"That's the genius Yu Ye."

"Hey, I heard that he is from another village..."

"Hush, in fact, that small village has been wiped out long ago. He grew up in Konoha, and he can be considered a member of our Konoha."

The glances towards Yu Ye and the voices of those discussions were no longer derogatory.

Naito was not too surprised by this. It was probably that Hiruzen Sarutobi did something secretly.

As a Hokage, I want to change some trends in the village with just one sentence.

All the way to the ninja tool shop.

The owner of the ninja tool shop also had a very different attitude towards Yu Ye from the last time, and became extremely enthusiastic.

But when Yu Ye asked about the Ninja Sword, he showed a hint of embarrassment.

Ninja sword, yes!

But... it's bad.

Even if they are all ninja swords, they have their own advantages and disadvantages. Although there are a few special ninja swords in this ninja shop, they are all inferior and have weird shapes, making it difficult for Naito to use them.

In the end, Yu Ye had no choice but to leave.

After walking out of the ninja shop, Yu Ye was about to go to the ANBU, but after turning a few corners inadvertently, he saw an extremely lively place.

"Mission Hall?"

Slightly surprised.

Looking at the sign on the building, Naito immediately thought of the ANBU mission handover point.

The handover of tasks by ANBU is naturally secretive compared to Konoha.

And this mission hall must be the mission handover point on the surface of Konoha.

In the original work, Naruto and others look for the Hokage every time they take on a mission.

But in fact, there are tens of thousands of ninjas in a great ninja village, and they have countless tasks to deal with every day. How can it be possible for the Hokage to personally handle every task

Naruto's seventh team can only be attributed to its specialness. The leader Kakashi is an elite jounin and belongs to the top of Konoha.

Shaking his head slightly, Yu Ye walked past the mission hall with no intention of going in, but just glanced at it curiously.

But unexpectedly, this glance made Yu Ye see an unexpected scene.

The interior of the mission hall is similar to a counter, with various ninjas processing file information behind it.

In front, there are ninjas who come to pick up or submit tasks.

In one corner, Yu Ye saw a familiar figure.

Matt Dai!

"I haven't seen him for a long time. It turns out he was on a mission."

Stopping slightly, Yu Ye looked at Matt Dai and smiled.

In fact, when Yu Ye was practicing, he often went to Matdai to practice together.

Of course, he actually asked Matt Dai to be his sparring partner.

Recently, during the process of developing the Shock Escape Blood Succession Boundary and practicing the Rasengan, Yu Ye has not seen Matt Dai.

Thinking that Matt Dai was not a member of ANBU after all, if he wanted to meet his daily needs, he had to do tasks to get paid.

At this time, in the mission hall, Matt Dai was arguing with someone.

"It's okay if you don't accept the B-level mission for me. Why don't you accept this C-level mission for me?!"

Matt Dai looked intolerable.

Of course he is very confident in his own strength, so when he accepts a task, he must choose the one with the highest amount of money.

However, he is just a genin and can only accept C-level missions at most.

He tolerated it, but he picked a C-level task with the highest reward, and the person managing the task actually told him that he couldn't take it!

"Although this mission is C-level and does not require combat, unavoidable battles are likely to occur. The level is C-level, but the difficulty is B-level."

"What is the level of difficulty? Since it is placed in a C-level mission, then I am qualified to take it! Otherwise, why don't you put this mission in a B-level mission?"

Matt Dai held the task list reluctantly. The reward of this task was comparable to a B-level task. After completing this task, he would not have to worry about life problems in a short time.

"Because this task is to be carried out by a team, you might as well just forget about it alone. It's really dangerous."

The ninja who managed the task looked at Matt Dai, but he didn't show any contempt, but gave a sincere reminder.

In his opinion, the failure rate for a ten thousand-year-old genin like Matt to carry out such a difficult task is too high.

Moreover, this mission is a bit dangerous, and the result of failure may be death.

As a ninja from Konoha, even if he looked down on Matt Dai, there was no reason to trick Matt Dai.

There are not so many bad people in this world, good and bad, right and wrong, just different positions and opinions.

“Team execution…”

Matt Dai showed a pained expression on his face.

But at this moment, a voice came from behind Matt Dai.

"Does two people count as a team?"

"Forget it... Hey, wait!" The ninja who managed the task responded subconsciously, but the next moment he suddenly realized it and stared at the figure behind Matedai, with a different look on his face.

"Hey, Yu Ye, it's you."

Matt Dai also turned around and saw the familiar figure. He was surprised and immediately said hello with a simple smile.

Yu Ye smiled and nodded at Matt Dai, then walked to Matt Dai, looked at the ninja managing the task, and said: "Then, the two of us form a team to take on this task, is that okay?"

As soon as these words were spoken, not only the ninja who was managing the task was stunned, but also Matt Dai looked surprised.

"Of course not!!"

The ninja who managed the task shook his head without hesitation and said: "You are a kid who has not graduated from the ninja school. Why are you here to join in the fun? Let's go quickly!"