The Strongest Hokage

Chapter 74: Dark part turned positive


Yu Ye completely matched the power of shock with the levels of the Eight Doors Dunjia. When opening the first door, the power of shock displayed was the first stage, and the second door was the second stage.

With the opening of the third door, Yu Ye also received the third stage of shock power.

Now Yu Ye can directly destroy low-level A-level ninjutsu with one punch!

At the same time, due to the enhancement of chakra, Naito's strange power has also been enhanced. The strange power is superimposed with the power of shock, and the shock escape erupted has unparalleled strange power. Even an A-level ninjutsu with mid-level power can be destroyed with one blow.

Naito even felt that even if it was a high-level powerful A-level ninjutsu, even if it could not be directly destroyed, it could still be divided equally.

As for Shock Wave Slash, the increase is not too big. The power of a single target is at most the power of a high-level A-level ninjutsu.

But it's more flexible.

However, as his strength increases, Yu Ye gradually no longer needs to be deliberately flexible.

After Yu Ye opened the third gate and obtained the third stage of shock power, Yu Ye discovered that the shock power he could activate had a more flexible way of use.

Now he can directly throw out the power of shock to attack!

In a forest.

Naito was standing there, and then he drew his ninja sword.

"Escape, shatter into pieces!"

Holding the ninja sword in his hand, Yu Ye gently raised the sword.

On the blade, a ball of white light instantly appeared. This was not a shock wave attack, but simply adding the power of shock to the sword. This ninja sword could still withstand ordinary shock power.

The white light no longer looked as dim as before.

It is now almost a translucent white halo, exuding a terrifying aura.

Of course, if the power of shock is attached to the sword, the strange power cannot be superimposed.

The next moment, Yu Ye waved the sword directly.

Buzz! ! !

The white halo on the sword, that is, the concussive force, was directly thrown out by Yu Ye, fell several meters away in an instant, and then shattered.

The dense and expanding cracks in the air seemed to tear the entire space apart suddenly, with an extremely powerful sound.

Boom! ! !

Although the monster power cannot be superimposed, and because it is thrown out, the power is weakened, the range of the shock power attack becomes larger and farther!

Moreover, for Yu Ye, he finally got rid of the problem of stiffness because he could throw away the power of shock.

Yes, if the power of shock is thrown out, there will be no problem of stiffness!

In addition, after Yu Ye opened the third door, his speed further increased, so Yu Ye had new tricks.

Shock escape, empty and broken flashes!

That is to say, it is based on the air smash move, and adds a move that uses high-speed movement to continuously hit one point.

To put it simply, Yu Ye can use his speed to move around the enemy at high speed like Xiao Li, and throw three concussive forces from three directions of the enemy, allowing the three concussive forces to attack the center at the same time. of a point.

That is, a move similar to Xi Xiang's.

However, since Naito's speed cannot reach the level of Qimen, he can only superimpose three shocks at most.

But even so, the power is extremely amazing!

What is the concept of three earthquake superposition

Even this move of Kong Sha can't superimpose strange power. Even if it is slightly weakened due to being thrown out, the three shocks stacked up are still stronger than the strange force Wushuang!

The burst damage to the center point, even if it does not reach the S-level level of the Shock Escape Mystery Collapse, is at least the power of the top-level A-level ninjutsu!

Moreover, this move is the same as Xixiang. Once hit by the first shock, you cannot move. The next two hits are almost 100% hits and are difficult to dodge.

If you want to deal with Yu Ye's move, you can only retreat immediately when Yu Ye throws out the first ball of shock power.

As long as you dare to choose to resist or fight head-on, you won't be able to hide from the next two attacks.

Unless one has the level of single-point destructive power of Konoha White Fang, who can forcefully break through the concussive force in one direction and forcefully rush out, the end will definitely be disastrous.

The opening of the third gate and the growth of the power of shock to the third stage brought another qualitative change to Yu Ye!

Continuously creating new moves, Yu Ye himself didn't even know how strong he was.

At least he felt that if he encountered Uchiha Yue again, he would definitely be able to kill him easily!

Even if a shadow-level expert were to take it lightly when facing Yu Ye, he would probably die tragically due to Yu Ye's shock escape.

"Hatake Kakashi became a Jonin at the age of twelve... I am not yet ten years old now, and I have finally caught up with the geniuses in the original works."

Taking a deep breath, he took back the sword in his hand, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

With the current strength, the performers in the Second Ninja World War may not only be Konoha White Fang and the Sannin, but there may be one more person!

The increase in strength brings about a difference in mentality.

If before, Naito only thought about protecting himself in the Second Ninja War, then now his thoughts have changed to... control the battlefield of the Second Ninja War!

Konoha Anbu.

In a slightly empty hall, Yu Ye was waiting here.

No mask was worn this time.

Generally speaking, ANBU ninjas are required to wear masks to conceal their identities when performing tasks.

And some ANBU ninjas didn't bother to take off their masks when they returned to ANBU to hand over tasks. Over time, most ninjas also wore masks in ANBU.

I came to Anbu this time because I received a summons from Anbu.

Yu Ye thought it was still a training camp for ANBU candidate ninjas, but what Yu Ye didn't expect was that when he came to ANBU, he received an order to become an official ANBU ninja!

And it's not just Naito alone, there are also many ANBU candidate ninjas who have become regular members. It seems that due to a certain incident, the ANBU ninjas have suffered casualties.

Although ANBU ninjas often perform various dangerous missions, there are not many casualties. After all, they are all the elite of the elite.

This time, nearly two teams of ANBU ninjas were directly lost. It can be said that the casualties were relatively serious.

Based on this, Naito also deduced that the situation in the Second Ninja World War was not optimistic.

It can now be considered the early stage of the Second Ninja War.

It's just that the three major ninja villages have restrained each other and have not launched a truly large-scale decisive battle. However, no matter how you look at it, a large-scale decisive battle is not far away.

When you become an official ANBU ninja, you will be incorporated into a team.

However, Naito heard that among the ANBU, there were special units that could perform tasks alone.

The ANBU itself is a special assassination tactics unit, and those who perform tasks alone are the elite departments of the assassination tactics special forces. That department is directly under the Hokage, and even the squad leader has no power to mobilize the ninjas in it.

In addition, most ANBU ninjas work in teams.