The Strongest Inner Energy Refining Period in History

Chapter 110: Strange circle


Fang Yu shook his head and said, "I won't accept disciples for a long time."

Jin Deyuan's expression changed, and he continued to kowtow: "Master..."

Fang Yu frowned slightly.

Li Xiaomo on the side took a step forward and said: "Patriarch Jin, get up first. If you do this, Mr. Fang will be upset."

Jin Deyuan was taken aback, then raised his head and found that Fang Yu's face was really not pretty.

His heart was shaken, he immediately stood up, and said apologetically: "I'm sorry...Master Fang, I was only temporarily..."

"You find a famous martial arts master or sect and tell them that your daughter is an innate spirit body. I believe everyone will rush to accept her as a disciple."

After speaking, Fang Yu turned and left.

Li Xiaomo said goodbye to Jin Deyuan and talked to Shangfang Yu.

Jin Jiaru was still kneeling on the ground, looking at Fang Yu's back, blinking, not knowing what he was thinking.

In the car, Li Xiaomo looked at Fang Yu and hesitated for a while and asked: "Mr. Fang, since you think that girl has such a good talent, why..."

Fang Yu raised his eyes and glanced at Li Xiaomo, his eyes a little cold.

Li Xiaomo trembled all over, his face pale, and he dared not speak any more.

Fang Yu's eyes were not aimed at Li Xiaomo, he just remembered some bad memories.

When was he also the lord of a sect.

At that time, nearly five hundred disciples in the Heavenly Dao Sect were very young and were in their best age.

It's just... The monstrous Zi Yan obliterated everything.

Since then, Fang Yu has never accepted any disciples.

Jiangnan, in a courtyard.

Xia Heguang sat on an easy chair with a cup of tea in his hand, looked at Huang Xiaolong in front of him, and asked:

"What do you think of this one?"

Huang Xiaolong's face was calm, and he replied: "The strength is strong, but the martial arts level is very low. This is his biggest limitation. Of course, at his age, he is definitely an excellent person, but he is not a top genius."

Xia Heguang pondered for a moment, then nodded, and said, "I see. Go ahead."

Huang Xiaolong glanced at Xia Heguang, and said, "Marshal, I don't think you need to look for young warriors to join. I will lead the team alone in this competition."

Xia Heguang squinted slightly and said, "What do you think you can achieve if you lead the team alone?"

"At least keep the previous ranking and strive to get a higher ranking!" Huang Xiaolong replied coldly.

Xia Heguang took a sip of tea and said, "Well, I like your self-confidence. Go ahead and think about it."

"Yes!" Huang Xiaolong saluted Xia Heguang and turned away.

After Huang Xiaolong left, Xia Heguang called out Xia Tinghe in the house.

"Listening to the lotus, I asked Xiaolong to test Fang Yu, should you be there?" Xia Heguang asked.

"Well, I'm right there." Xia Tinghe said.

"How was the situation at that time? Tell me about it." Xia Heguang said.

"Hmm... At that time, Brother Xiaolong stretched out a hand, and then was caught by Fang Yu... Then Fang Yu suddenly let go, Brother Xiaolong stepped back a few steps, his expression was a little surprised. Finally Fang Yu got on a black car and left. Now." Xia Tinghe said truthfully.

After listening to what Xia Tinghe said, Xia Heguang touched the beard on his chin, as if thinking about something.

"Grandpa, what's the matter?" Xia Tinghe asked with doubts in her eyes.

Xia Heguang raised his head, looked at the granddaughter in front of him, and suddenly smiled: "Listen to He, and grandpa gave you a task..."

It was already 3:20 in the afternoon when I returned to Jianghai City.

Fang Yu did not go back to school, but went home directly.

Wang Yan recently got a job in a shopping mall and has to go to work during the day, so there is no one else in the family at this time.

Fang Yu sat on the sofa in the hall, playing with the storage bag that he had just obtained from Wu Baiyu.

Today's harvest is very good. In addition to more than 20 monster inner alchemy, he also got a storage bag.

Fang Yu was holding the storage bag in his hand, running infuriating energy.

Then, he can see the space in the storage bag.

The storage bag has a small capacity, about the size of a suitcase.

There are also some trivial items such as Fudi and wooden signs, which should be used by Wu Baiyu in his usual practice.

Fang Yu glanced casually, and suddenly found a piece of shabby and yellowed parchment in the corner of the storage bag.

He took out this parchment paper.

Judging from the appearance of this parchment, this parchment has probably existed for a long time.

The back of the parchment is blank, while the front is painted with some patterns.

These patterns have squares, triangles, circles, and many more irregular patterns. The errors are complicated, but they contain certain rules.

Next to the pattern, there are also very small words.

But because the parchment was too worn, these words were worn to the point where they were hard to read.

However, these patterns look a lot like...

After a while, Fang Yu came to a conclusion.

This is a magic circle!

The content on the parchment is a detailed tutorial on the magic circle!

But because the words above were not clear, Fang Yu had no way of knowing what magic circle it was.

But judging from the complexity of the pattern structure, this magic circle is by no means ordinary, it should be a very high-level magic circle, and it must be extremely powerful.

Could it be that this is the secret method of the Xuanming clan

They use this magic circle to absorb the power of the wronged soul into the mask of the grimace, so as to use the power of the wronged soul

But this magic circle is so complicated, its function shouldn't be so singular and ordinary.

Fang Yu looked at the parchment and thought for more than ten minutes, but finally he had no idea.

His research on the law formation was not in-depth, and this parchment was too old, the content on it was vague, and the more I read it, the more I could not understand it.

"Oh, when the master asked me to practice the magic circle technique, I just didn't listen and focused on the practice of the physical body. Now... I really hate less when I use the book." Fang Yu sighed and put the parchment back. Inside the storage bag.

Fang Yu felt a little sleepy at this time, so he returned to the room, lay on the bed, and fell asleep.

When Fang Yu woke up, it was already past 11 o'clock in the middle of the night.

He hasn't eaten dinner yet and feels a little hungry.

The lights in the hall are off, and Wang Yan and Yu Yueyue should rest.

Fang Yu thought for a while, not wanting to interrupt the mother and daughter's rest, so he quietly walked out of the house and went downstairs.

At this point in time, it's just right to have some supper.

Out of the Lijiang community, Fang Yu walked along the sidewalk beside the highway.

He remembered that there was a pedestrian street not far from the community, where there were many restaurants and other shops.

Ten minutes later, Fang Yu walked to this street and smelled the scent, sat down at a table outside a food stall, and ordered a dry roast Niuhe.

When he started to eat, a woman in a red short skirt walked out staggeringly at a bar not far from the food stall.

There are many late-night snack stalls next to the hotel, and there are many men sitting.

Seeing women's hot bodies and beautiful looks, many men have a look of lust.

The woman's face was flushed, her eyes blurred, she was obviously drunk.

If I can take her home...

The woman staggered along the street, passing by a table of shirtless men who were eating barbecue and drinking.

Smelling the scent of women, the men couldn't hold on to this table.

A man stood up and smiled: "Beauty, are you interested in having a few drinks with us?"

The woman continued to move forward as if she hadn't heard it.

The man sitting at the table stretched out his hand directly, grabbed the woman's arm, and pulled her forward.

The woman screamed, shook the man's hand away, and fell to the ground by herself.

The man looked at the woman who fell to the ground, grinned, and said, "Beauty, are you okay? My brother helped you up."

The other four men at the table also stood up and looked at the woman with a lewd smile, their eyes hot.

Perfect figure, fair skin, really a stunner...

Have a blessing tonight.

"Go away! Don't touch me!" the woman screamed.

Hearing this voice, Fang Yu, who was sitting at the door of the food stall not far away, frowned slightly.

He turned his head and saw a woman surrounded by five shirtless men.

This woman is the English teacher in the class, Ding Ran.

Seeing this scene, Fang Yu's eyes moved slightly, and he hesitated to help.

But at this time, Ding Ran glanced at Fang Yu.

Her eyes lit up and she struggled to stand up, trying to walk towards Fang Yu.

But several men blocked her way.

"Beauty, accompany us tonight, right?"