The Strongest Inner Energy Refining Period in History

Chapter 132: I don't understand art!


At 6:30 in the afternoon, Fang Yu and Qin Yimo arrived at Yulinfang in the west of Jiangnan.

This is one of the famous gardens in the south of the Yangtze River, where you can see very beautiful scenery and garden art.

"Today, Cai Gaoyang, a famous calligraphy master in Jiangnan, will hold his personal calligraphy and painting exhibition here, and many celebrities will be there." Qin Yimo said.

"Isn't it just a personal painting and calligraphy exhibition? What are so many people doing?" Fang Yu wondered.

Qin Yimo gave Fang Yu a white look and said, "You didn't even say the name of Master Cai Gaoyang, did you?"

Fang Yu shook his head and said, "I have never heard of Cai Gaoyang. I only know the book sage Huang Daoran."

"The calligrapher Huang Daoran you mentioned is indeed very powerful, but he is a figure two thousand years ago after all. And Master Cai Gaoyang is the contemporary calligrapher! Who in China does not know Master Cai Gaoyang now? His calligraphy skills It's so high that others can't touch it! He can take a copy of his copy to the auction house, and he can sell it for hundreds of millions of dollars..."

"Tonight, so many celebrities are here to participate in this calligraphy and painting exhibition, mostly for the purpose of obtaining a calligraphy and painting. Even if it fails, it is great to be able to meet with Master Cai Gaoyang and have a few conversations." Qin Yimo said, Meisou It's full of admiration.

Fang Yu didn't take it seriously, and followed Qin Yimo into the Yulinfang.

The scenery of Yulinfang is indeed not covered. After entering, there are many windows on both sides. Looking outside, you can see the beautifully trimmed potted plants and the lotus leaf floating on the green lake.

The whole garden is filled with a fresh and natural smell, which makes people refreshing and cheerful.

"The only person who can hold a solo exhibition in a place like Yulinfang is Master Cai Gaoyang alone." Qin Yimo admired as he walked.

Soon, Fang Yu followed Qin Yimo into a place that looked like an exhibition hall.

Here, you can see many copybooks and calligraphy and paintings hanging on the surrounding walls.

There are already many people in the exhibition hall, and there are many people standing in front of each copybook. They appreciate the techniques on the copybook and are amazed.

Fang Yu glanced casually, his eyes calm.

For him, the words on these copybooks can only be regarded as ordinary.

Of course, this ordinary is also relatively speaking. Compared with ordinary people, Cai Gaoyang's characters are naturally much stronger, but compared with Huang Daoran's characters, they are far behind.

It is even more impossible for Cai Gaoyang to be as famous as Huang Daoran.

The two sides are not at the same level at all.

Seeing the enthusiasm on the faces of these people in the exhibition hall and the words of praise in their mouths, Fang Yu couldn't help shook his head.

Do people nowadays have such a low appreciation ability

However, maybe these people are not keen on art at all.

They are just following the trend.

Everyone said that Cai Gaoyang is good at calligraphy, then he is really good.

They came to participate in the book fair not really for art, but to create an image of themselves who love art, which may seem a little more noble.

If you can get Cai Gaoyang's calligraphy, or have a few words with Cai Gaoyang, it will be even better. It is a status symbol.

"Fang Yu, do you see it? This is the level of Master Cai Gaoyang." Qin Yimo took Fang Yu to the front of a copybook and looked up at the copybook.

The copybook is an ancient poem.

"Master Cai's handwriting is so powerful, it's better to see it once you hear it. You look at the brushwork, flying dragons and phoenixes, magnificent, you really deserve to be a contemporary book sage..."

"I think the most powerful thing about Master Cai is that he can change a lot of styles. When you look at the copybook, it will appear smart and elegant, unrestrained and rigorous. It is truly unique..."

"The two spoke very well. In my opinion, the most indispensable part of Master Cai's handwriting lies in his handwriting, which is really shocking..."

There were all kinds of admiration around, but there was basically only one way of admiration, and that was the abuse of various idioms.

Fang Yu felt more funny as he listened and couldn't help laughing.

A bald man next to Fang Yu looked at Fang Yu and frowned, "This little brother, do you seem to have different opinions?"

"No." Fang Yu replied.

"Then what are you laughing at?" the bald man frowned and asked.

"I think Master Cai's writing is very good, really good." Fang Yu smiled.

Another middle-aged man snorted coldly and said, "Boy, how did you get in? How can you laugh and laugh in this kind of situation? Also, if the words describing Master Cai are good, you can only use it very well, very good. Is this kind of word? I don’t think you understand art at all!"

The bald man nodded and said: "Indeed, young people today are very impetuous, and they can't calm down to experience art. Alas, our Chinese calligraphy heritage for thousands of years will be much bleak for the next generation... "

Fang Yu didn't bother to pay attention to these two people, and looked at Qin Yimo on the side.

Qin Yimo was raising his head at this moment, staring at the copybook above.

"You really love calligraphy?" Fang Yu asked.

Qin Yimo came back to his senses, looked at Fang Yu, and said, "Of course, my dream when I was a child was to become a master of calligraphy, and Master Cai was my target... Since elementary school, I practiced calligraphy for two hours every day. Above, this habit lasted until I graduated from college... Unfortunately, I just don’t have the talent, and the words I write never have my own style."

"Oh, if only I could get a copybook from Master Cai today."

"Your family is so rich, why not just spend money to buy one?" Fang Yu said.

"I want to buy too, but now Master Cai no longer sells copybooks, and those collectors who have received his copybooks are not short of money, and they can't buy them if they have money." Qin Yimo said regretfully.

"I have a few original paintings of Huang Daoran in my house. If you pay the right price, I will sell you one." Fang Yu said.

"Huang Daoran? Don’t you know the book sage Huang Daoran? Besides, there are only three of Huang Daoran’s original works left. Two are in the hands of foreign collectors, and one is in the hands of the big boss... Can you? Stop blowing these meaningless cows? I'm not one of those naive middle school girls, and I won't be fooled by a few words of you." Qin Yimo said badly.

Fang Yu didn't speak any more.

At this time, a couple of men and women walked into the exhibition hall.

The man in a suit and leather shoes looks less than 30 years old, with a beard, but looks a bit vicissitudes and handsome.

The woman is wearing a black evening gown, with light makeup on her face, she has a beautiful appearance and a good figure.

However, the expression on the woman's face is not so good, she looks very upset.

As soon as she walked through the progress hall, the woman saw Fang Yu who was standing not far away talking with Qin Yimo.

Fang Yu

A gleam of light flashed in the woman's eyes.

She suddenly thought of a way to get rid of the man!

As a result, her face was filled with joy and she was about to step forward.

At this time, the man stretched out his hand to hold her.

"Xiao Ran, where do you want to go?" the man asked with a smile on his face.

"Zhou Cheng! I said I was not so close to you! Don't call me Xiao Ran!" Ding Ran said glaringly at the man.

Zhou Cheng squinted slightly and said, "If you want to attract the attention of so many people present, you can continue to yell like this."

Ding Ran's face changed slightly, and he glanced at Fang Yu again, and said, "I have met a friend, I want to go over and chat with him!"

"Go." Zhou Cheng smiled slightly and let go of Ding Ran's hand.

Ding Ran quickly walked towards Fang Yu.

The expression on Zhou Cheng's face instantly converged, his hands in his trouser pockets, watching Ding Ran's every move coldly.

"Fang Yu, why are you here?" Ding Ran walked behind Fang Yu and patted Fang Yu on the shoulder.

Fang Yu turned his head and saw that it was Ding Ran, frowning slightly.

"The two of us are really fate, we can meet each other." Ding Ran said with a light smile.

Fang Yu didn't say anything, but Qin Yimo asked suspiciously: "Fang Yu, is this your friend?"

Ding Ran only noticed Qin Yimo at this time, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

What a beautiful woman...

Ding Ran has always been confident of her beauty, but when she saw Qin Yimo, she felt that she was inferior to the other party.

Whether it’s temperament or appearance...

How could Fang Yu know such a woman

For a while, Ding Ran unexpectedly developed inexplicable jealousy in his heart.

"She is the English teacher in my class." Fang Yu said.

Ding Ran smiled at Qin Yimo, did not talk too much, turned to Fang Yu's ear, and whispered: "Fang Yu, can you go with me to a place where no one is there? I have something to ask you. help."