The Strongest Inner Energy Refining Period in History

Chapter 138: Provoking the top ten on the dark list!


The flame enveloped Fang Yu and burned for a few seconds.

Under the burning of this kind of flame, the human body will turn into a pile of ashes in just a few seconds!

But Caesar was spraying flames in his hands, and his face became more and more surprised.

He saw Fang Yu still standing in the flames, showing no signs of being burned.


In the next second, there was a loud noise, and the flame enveloped Fang Yu was instantly extinguished.

Caesar stepped back several steps.

"After recalculation, this person's combat power is 120, and the risk factor is extremely low." At this time, the system in his mind prompted.

"How is this possible?" Caesar's face changed drastically.

Fang Yu's strength is far beyond this level!

What's wrong with the system? But why is it wrong at this time

"Fine, give me a quick way to kill him." Caesar said.

"Understood." The system replied.

Then, in Caesar's eyes, the system began to analyze Fang Yu's flaws.

The whole body is full of flaws, using the same weapon at will, you can easily kill Fang Yu without any deployment.

Is there a problem with the system today

It seems that I have to find time to go back to the laboratory and let someone repair it.

Caesar decided not to use the system anymore, both arms turned into sharp blades at the same time, and rushed towards Fang Yu again.

Caesar's speed was extremely fast, two sharp blades waved in the air, making a piercing sound.

Fang Yu had no expression on his face, dodge one blow after another on his side.

"It's boring, as far as this level of strength is concerned, you are no different from other killers." Fang Yu said lightly.

Caesar became more and more frightened as he slashed. He had already exerted his ultimate strength and speed, but Fang Yu was able to handle it with ease.

On the contrary, the system rated Fang Yu's combat effectiveness as only 120, which is the strength of a general innate warrior!

"what is the problem?"

Caesar stopped his attack and stepped back.

"No matter what, I don't believe you can withstand my strongest blow!"

Caesar retreated dozens of meters away, put away the sharp blade in his hand, and merged his palms.


Caesar's two arms were actually merged together and turned into a cannon!

The black muzzle was aimed at Fang Yu.

"I want to see how you can resist my shot!" Caesar grinned.

A group of white light condensed from the muzzle, a burst of mighty power, emanating from the fort.

Liu Liansha, who hid aside, looked pale and watched this scene.

If Fang Yu died, she would definitely not be able to escape!


A beam of might burst from the muzzle and rush towards Fang Yu!

Fang Yu stood in place and stretched out his right palm.


There was a loud noise and the burst of light instantly illuminated the entire Jiannan Village.

A huge pit appeared between Fang Yu and Caesar, filled with smoke and dust.

If it hadn't happened to grab the wall next to it, Liu Liansha would also be shaken out by the power just now.

Fang Yu was still standing where the smoke was dispersed.

At this time Caesar was completely horrified.

He didn't expect that Fang Yu could actually withstand his shot.

"There is a fatal danger! Please defend or avoid in time! There is a fatal danger! Please defend or avoid in time!" Caesar was still in a state of shock, but the system alarm in his head was loud.

Caesar's heart was shocked, and after recovering, he found Fang Yu was already standing in front of him.

Fang Yu smiled faintly at Caesar, making a fist with his right hand.

Caesar's face was astonished, and the turret with his hands turned into a heavy shield at an extremely fast speed!

"Oh? Can it be turned into a shield? Just help me test the power of a punch." Fang Yu squinted slightly and blasted his punch!

"The opponent's combat effectiveness is soaring, and the opponent's combat effectiveness is soaring..." Caesar's system in his mind, his voice hurried.

"How much is his fighting power!" Caesar asked with an ugly face.

"99898797... The opponent's combat power has exceeded the preset range and cannot be estimated..."

This was the last voice Caesar heard.

Fang Yu's punch used nearly 20% of his power.


There was a loud noise.

Almost immediately after being touched by Fang Yu's fist, the shield burst!

"what… "

Caesar screamed, his upper body exploded with a bang, and the flesh and blood flew!

His head, the instruments installed in his body flew out and fell to the ground.


Many parts and flesh and blood are still in white smoke.

Caesar's lower body was still standing in place.

Fang Yu's expression was neither happy nor sad, just glanced at his fist.

"It was blown out by me again..."

The surroundings were quiet, Liu Liansha hid behind the wall, staring at Fang Yu in a daze, not daring to speak.

After a long time, Fang Yu sighed.

When can you meet an opponent who can make him sweat a little and take a little effort to solve it

Otherwise, it would be too boring.

On the way back, Fang Yu glanced at Liu Liansha next to him, and said, "You took all the photos I asked you to take, right?"

"Well... it's all in the phone." Liu Liansha nodded.

"Tonight, you posted a post on the dark web in my name. The content is the corpses of these killers, do you understand?" Fang Yu said.

"Publish a post on the dark web?" Liu Liansha was taken aback.

"Well, you can add some text to show that these killers are all solved by me. If anyone is not afraid of death, just come to me." Fang Yu said.

"Okay, okay." Liu Liansha understood Fang Yu's intentions and nodded.

But after a few steps, Fang Yu suddenly thought of something.

He asked Liu Liansha to publish this post for the purpose of intimidating the assassins.

But Fang Yu, who is truly powerful, doesn't reject those who come.

He is eager to fight now, and he wants to know where his strength is.

Furthermore, if a few powerful people with cultivation bases above the foundation building period come to him, he can also absorb a little cultivation base and break through to 10,000 floors faster.

After thinking for a while, Fang Yu turned his head and said to Liu Liansha: "Well, you still post the post, but you have to provoke the top ten people on the dark list at the back of the post. It's best to arouse their anger. They attracted me to kill me."

"Provoking the top ten in the dark list?" Liu Liansha's expression changed.

The top ten in the dark list are the great gods who see the head and the end of the dragon, whether it is a killer or a mercenary, they are definitely the existence of the famous party.

For these people, normal people are afraid to avoid them! Actually Fang Yu still proactively provoke them

"Yeah, I have made a little progress in the practice recently. I want to find someone with strong ability to test my strength." Fang Yu said.

"... Well, I will try my best to help you... provoke them." Liu Liansha said.

This night, a heavy bomb was dropped on the dark web, causing a huge shock.

The cause is a post posted by an anonymous person.

The content of the post is the corpses of a group of famous killers on the dark list, and then the text: "This is the end of a 100 million dollar bounty."

These photos and this sentence are all okay. What really caused the shock was the last two sentences of this post.

"I think the dark list is a pheasant list made up by a bunch of garbage. There is no gold content on the list. No one on the list has real skills. Look, this superman Caesar, who ranks nineteenth on the dark list, is even one of me. I can't hold it with my punches, it's too rubbish..."

"With such a ranking, I can easily get to the top of the dark list. If you are not satisfied with the top ten or the top twenty of the dark list, just come to me and I will prove it to you."

It was thunder on the ground!

Someone dared to provoke the whole secret list openly!

It’s fine for those who are at the bottom of the dark list, but Caesar is also ranked nineteenth on the dark list.

There are still eighteen strong men in front of Caesar, all of them are like killing gods, how could they tolerate such a naked provocation.

Less than three hours after this post was published, two eye-catching comments appeared below the post.

One of them comes from Cobra Modsa, who is ranked thirteenth on the dark list, and the other comes from Kane, the sinner who is seventh on the dark list.

"I happen to be visiting China recently. I will meet you and earn the 100 million dollars by the way." Cobra Modesa commented.

"I will chop off your head, and next to the title of the secret list will be your head." Sinner Kane left a message.

Many killers who ranked low on the dark list left messages in support of these two great gods, and cut off Fang Yu's head.

The powerhouses who were originally ranked at the top of the dark list simply didn't look down on the 100 million dollar bounty.

But after seeing this post, even if they didn't get a penny reward, they wanted to kill Fang Yu!