The Strongest Inner Energy Refining Period in History

Chapter 149: I have nothing to do with her


Because the family had money, Li Bingyan was like a bully at school. Generally, he will pretend to be a gentleman only when facing a good-looking girl.

Now, it is his performance opportunity.

These women want to bully Yu Yueyue

court death!

Seeing Li Bingyan's fierce look, the faces of the girls around them all changed, and there was some fear in their eyes.

The instructor looked gloomy, looked at Li Bingyan, and said, "Which class are you in? What's your name?"

"Li Bingyan, the first grade of high school sophomore, report whatever you want." Li Bingyan replied without fear at all.

His father had already managed a good relationship with his Keren teacher. As long as he didn't make a big mistake, he wouldn't be punished at all.

"Li Bingyan, right... I remember your name." The instructor gritted his teeth.

"Okay." Fang Yu patted Li Bingyan on the shoulder and said.

Turning to look at Jiang Yue, he said, "Jiang Yue, I'll give you one last chance. If you answer truthfully, I won't do anything to you. You only need to pay for a skirt."

While speaking, Fang Yu's eyes flashed with a faint red light.

His eyes, like a sharp sword, instantly penetrated Jiang Yue's heart.

Jiang Yue trembled all over, only to feel extremely cold.

She was scared.

She had seen Fang Yu's terrifying skill and knew Fang Yu's lawlessness.

When Fang Yu dared to trample on He Donglin's hand in front of the class, he naturally dared to do it against her today.

"... I broke Yu Yueyue's skirt." Jiang Yue said in a deep voice.

Everyone's complexion changed.

Yu Yueyue looked at Jiang Yue, her eyes widened, her eyes filled with doubts.

She obviously never provoke Jiang Yue, why does Jiang Yue repeatedly target her

The instructor stared at Jiang Yue and asked in a deep voice: "Student Jiang Yue, what are you saying is true?"

Jiang Yue lowered his head, his face pale, and said, "It's true."

"... Why do you want to do this?" the instructor suppressed his anger and asked.

"There is no need to ask this kind of question. I only need her to pay for a skirt to Yu Yueyue." Fang Yu said.

Where can Jiang Yue dare to say more at this time? I can only nod and say: "I will give Yu Yueyue my skirt to wear..."

"Xiaoyue, what about you?" At this time, a girl who had a good relationship with Jiang Yue said.

"This slut will naturally be punished for doing this kind of thing. She still wants to perform on stage? Go home and perform!" Li Bingyan said viciously.

The girl was glared by Li Bingyan, her face changed and she dared not speak any more.

The instructor looked ashen and said: "Jiang Yue, if you really do such an excessive thing, then your position will be replaced by classmate Yue Yue!"

A few minutes later, Yu Yueyue put on Jiang Yue's skirt.

Although slightly loose, at least he can perform on stage.

"Yueyue, then we will go back and wait to see you perform on stage," Fang Yu said.

"Well, thank you, Brother Fang Yu, and classmate Li Bingyan." Yu Yueyue said with a smile again.

Fang Yu and Li Bingyan returned to their seats in the Great Hall.

Tang Xiaorou on the side looked at Fang Yu, her beautiful eyes were full of doubts, but she couldn't ask, and she was very uncomfortable.

On the other side, Jiang Yue also sat back beside Tan Wenguang.

"Xiaoyue, what's the matter? Are you going to have a show to perform later?" Tan Wenguang asked.

"Something went wrong! Don't ask!" Jiang Yue was in a bad mood and his face was extremely ugly.

Her well-planned strategy, it was herself that ultimately entrapped her! She originally thought that even if Fang Yu came to the door, she would still refuse to admit it. Anyway, no one saw her breaking Yu Yueyue's skirt.

But she herself didn't expect that, just when she touched Fang Yu's eyes, she was so frightened that she told the truth.

"What happened? Did you get bullied? Tell me! Xiaoyue, I will definitely help you get revenge!" Tan Wenguang said, patting his chest.

Jiang Yue took a deep breath and said what had just happened.

"It's Fang Yu again!? I've seen him displeased a long time ago! My bodyguard is outside. When the meeting is over, I will let the bodyguard teach him a lesson!" Tan Wenguang said harshly.

Jiang Yue shook his head and said, "This Fang Yu's skill... is very strong, and most people are not his opponents at all."

"Don't worry, my bodyguard is hired heavily... I can definitely teach this Fang Yu!" Tan Wenguang said confidently.

Soon, the fifth group performance took the stage.

Fang Yu saw Yu Yueyue wearing a beautiful dance skirt.

There was a burst of exclamation and admiration from the audience.

The dance is very good, although one person is missing, but after the position is adjusted, it is not visible at all.

At the end of the dance, the whole hall burst into applause.

Standing on the stage, Yu Yueyue was looking for Fang Yu in the audience.

Seeing Fang Yu, Yu Yueyue smiled.

Fang Yu gave her a thumbs up with approving eyes.

After Yu Yueyue left the field, Fang Yu sat for a while, and looked forward casually, and saw Ding Ran in a black dress, looking around, as if looking for someone.

time to go.

Otherwise, Ding Ran will find it later, and it will inevitably be another trouble.

Fang Yu stood up.

"Boss, are you leaving?" Li Bingyan asked.

"Well, it's not interesting, I'm going home to sleep. Keep watching." Fang Yu said.

Tang Xiaorou glanced at Fang Yu and didn't say anything.

Fang Yu walked to the gate of the Great Hall alone.

"That bastard is gone! Let's follow, my bodyguard is waiting for me in the parking lot in front of the school!" Tan Wenguang said, stood up and followed.

Jiang Yue always felt that Tan Wenguang's bodyguard was not Fang Yu's opponent. But she still had a glimmer of hope, so she didn't stop Tan Wenguang, but followed.

"Boy, stop for me!"

When Fang Yu walked out of the school gate, he was yelled by a voice from behind.

Fang Yu turned his head and saw Tan Wenguang and Jiang Yue.


Fang Yu stood there, looked at Jiang Yue, and asked, "It looks like you are still not convinced."

"Boy, bullying my girlfriend, if I don't teach you a lesson, how can I be someone else's boyfriend?" Tan Wenguang squinted his eyes and said.

"Have you found a new backer again?" Fang Yu sighed lightly and said, "It's really endless."

Jiang Yue looked at Fang Yu with an indifferent expression, only feeling that his heart was beating faster and faster.

She has an ominous premonition.

So, she stretched out and pulled Tan Wenguang’s arm, and whispered: "Brother Wenguang, why not forget it..."

"Forget it!? Never forget it!" Tan Wenguang said harshly.

He had long been unhappy that Fang Yu was surrounded by so many beauties, and now he finally found an opportunity, don't he hurriedly teach him a lesson

After beating Fang Yu to his knees and begging for mercy, he will naturally get the contact information of which beautiful women.

After hooking up with that level of beauty, Jiang Yue can also abandon...

"Boss, this is the person you want me to teach?" At this time, the door of a Mercedes-Benz car in front of Fang Yu opened, and a strong man in a black suit got out of the car, looking at Fang Yu with a bad expression on his face.

"This is the person! Leopard, if you can beat him to the ground, this month's bonus will double for you!" Tan Wenguang pointed to Fang Yu and said.

Double the bonus

A Bao's eyes lit up and turned to look at Fang Yu.

Only need to fight against such a thin middle school student to get a double bonus

As a congenital eleventh-dan warrior, this is as simple as trampling an ant to death!

Without saying a word, Abao rushed towards Fang Yu, raised his fist, and smashed it out!


In the next second, Abao let out a scream, and his whole body flew out more than ten meters away, foaming at the mouth, and twitching on the ground.

Tan Wenguang, who was still smiling jokingly just now, had a stiff smile on his face.

"You twitter flies are really annoying." Fang Yu said lightly.


Tan Wenguang was terrified and ran to the Mercedes Benz car.


There was a loud noise.

The front of this Mercedes-Benz sedan sunk directly into a big pit.

Tan Wenguang was stunned, looking at Fang Yu as if he saw a devil.

Fang Yu looked at Jiang Yue, who was bloodless, and said, "He is your current backer?"

"No, I have nothing to do with her! I just fucked her a few times! I have nothing to do with her! Please let me go!" Tan Wenguang directly knelt down and kowtowed Fang Yu.