The Strongest Inner Energy Refining Period in History

Chapter 166: collapse!


On the ground.

The Lingquan water seemed to be boiling, splashing huge waves all the time.


There was a roar from the ground, and the earth moved and the mountains shook.

Zhong Yuan and Zhong Liyu couldn't stand at all and sat down on the ground.

And Han Qi and a group of subordinates also need to rely on the True Qi to be adsorbed on the ground in order to barely stand still.

Underground, what happened

Han Qi's face was gloomy.


At this time, pieces of rubble fell from above.

The situation is very bad.

The spring water of Lingquan kept splashing and getting bigger and bigger.

"My son, we might have to evacuate..." the entourage behind Han Qi said.

Han Qi stared at Lingquan closely, and said solemnly: "We came here so far, and we have lost several people. We finally found Lingquan, how can we leave easily?"


The stone wall above, the whole piece fell down, making a loud noise.

Seeing this scene, Han Qi's face turned pale.

Although very unwilling, but there is no way.

Compared to life, Lingquan is nothing.

Han Qi took a deep breath, turned around, and said coldly: "Let's go!"

After speaking, he took a handful of his men, turned and rushed out.


One after another stone fell from above, and even the stone wall next to it began to crack.

"Master, miss, we have to go too! This place will collapse soon!" The two elders of the Zhong family said solemnly.

"I can't stand up, you can help me quickly! You have to escape here quickly!" Zhong Yuan roared.

An elder stepped forward and pulled Zhong Yuan up.

The other elder walked to Zhong Liyu's side and said, "Miss, let's go."

Zhong Liyu looked at Lingquan blankly, his face hesitated, and said, "But Master Fang..."

Fang Yu is still down...

Fang Yu saved her life last time in the primeval forest.

Now that Fang Yu is in danger, she just left like this, doing this... okay

"Master Shit Fang! If it weren't for him to jump, we would encounter this kind of danger? It's best for him to die below!" Zhong Yuan yelled.

From the beginning of entering Baichuan Mountain, he was frightened, lost two more elders, and was ridiculed by Han Qi, but in the end he didn't even get a single hair.

At this moment, he vented all his grievances on Fang Yu.

"Second elder, quickly take Liyu, let's go!" Zhong Yuan commanded with a gloomy expression.

The second elder nodded and lifted Zhong Liyu up.

Later, Zhong Yuan and his party also rushed outside.

At this time, only Chen Luo's four entourages remained present.

"Why Master Chen Luo hasn't come out yet..." The entourages are very anxious, because it is very dangerous now.

This place is about to collapse, if Chen Luo doesn't come out again, maybe he won't be able to come out again.

"Don't be afraid, with the strength of Young Master Chen Luo, he will definitely come out!" a follower said confidently.


As soon as the voice fell, there was a burst of sound, and a column of water rose above the Lingquan.

A figure flashed out of it.


Seeing Chen Luo, the four followers looked overjoyed.

"Leave here immediately." Chen Luo said with a gloomy expression.

At this time, at the foot of Shirakawa Mountain.

The shaking on the mountain has attracted the attention of everyone at the foot of the mountain.

Whether it is the villagers of the village, the wealthy merchants who come to buy the spiritual spring water, or the warriors who are going to enter the Baichuan Mountain to find the spiritual spring, they all look up at the Baichuan Mountain at this time.


On the Baichuan Mountain, there was a roaring sound, and from time to time you could see the splashing of rubble, which was especially horrible.

"What happened?" someone shouted.

The villagers also looked shocked, and all looked at a hunched old man, who was their village chief.

The village head looked up at Baichuan Mountain, his face shocked, and at the same time extremely angry.

"It must be those warriors who went up the mountain to anger the mountain god! The mountain god is angry, and these people are all dead!" The village chief said with a sharp look in his eyes.

"Village chief, what should we do now?" a villager asked.

The village chief's expression changed, and after a moment of indifference, he said, "Let's go to the foot of the mountain and wait! If this group of people escaped without death, they must compensate us for our losses!"

Due to the vibration of the mountain, the white mist encountered when going up the mountain has disappeared.

Han Qi's team descended very quickly, using true energy, and rushed to the bottom of the mountain in just five or six minutes.

When they returned to the foot of the mountain, they saw a large group of people in front of them, seeming to be waiting for them.

"What did you guys do on the mountain!?" The village chief asked with a gloomy expression.

After escaping from the danger, Han Qi's mood relaxed a lot.

Facing the village chief’s questioning and the unkind eyes of a group of villagers, Han Qi shrugged and said, “I don’t know other people. I didn’t do anything anyway.”

"Others? Where are the others?" the village chief asked.

"It should be behind." Han Qi smiled.

After a while, several figures galloped down the mountain.

It was Zhong Yuan and his party.

Followed by Chen Luo and his four entourages.

Seeing this group of people, the village head's face grew gloomy.

So many people are still alive...

How come they are not cursed!

"What the hell did you do!?" the village chief asked angrily.

Han Qi glanced at Chen Luo, who was soaked all over, squinted slightly, and asked, "Brother Chen, what did you see when you jumped off Lingquan just now?"

With this sentence, the expressions of everyone around him changed.

This group of them actually found Lingquan

Chen Luo turned his head and glanced at Han Qi deeply, his eyes cold.

"You jumped into Lingquan? What did you do!?" the village chief asked.

The other villagers also stared at Chen Luo with ugly expressions.

Chen Luo snorted coldly and said, "I didn't do anything. As soon as I got down to Lingquan, the neighborhood began to collapse."

"That's right... Before Brother Chen, Fang Yu had already gone to Lingquan." Han Qi smiled slightly and looked at Zhong Yuan.

Zhong Yuan's expression changed, and he replied anxiously: "Yes, I saw Fang Yu jump off the Lingquan with my own eyes, and then the abnormal movement on the mountain must be related to him!"

"Fang Yu?" The village chief frowned.


At this time, a more violent sound rang from the mountain.

Even at the foot of the mountain, you can feel the vibration.

A group of villagers raised their heads and looked at the mountain, their faces pale.

"Village chief, that location... is where Lingquan is located... Under this level of collapse, Lingquan is probably..." a villager said to the village chief.

The village chief's eyes were red and his face was extremely ugly.

That Linglingquan is the foundation of their fortunes!

After being sold for less than two days, they made a number that they could not even imagine!

But now, Lingquan was actually destroyed!

This is equivalent to cutting off their village's wealth!

"You... must compensate us for our losses!" The village chief said in a deep voice to the group of people in front of him.

"Compensation? Village chief, we understand it, it's none of our business. If you want to find it, just find Fang Yu." Han Qi smiled coldly and said, "Of course, you can also try to provoke us..."

The four entourages behind Han Qi exuded a wave of coercion, making the complexion of everyone present changed.

"The village chief, these people in front of you are all children of the Huaibei big family, I'm afraid they can't provoke..." a villager approached the village chief's ear and said.

The village chief was trembling with anger and looked up at the heights of Mount Baichuan.

"Then wait for Fang Yu to come out! Someone must be responsible for the losses we have suffered!" the village chief said angrily.

"He may not be able to come out, what happened to the mountain collapsed." Han Qi smiled.

Chen Luo looked up at the top of the mountain, his eyes extremely cold.

It would be fine if Fang Yu died inside. If he comes out, he must pay the price!

This trip to Shirakawa Mountain should have been a great opportunity for him!

But a great opportunity that originally belonged to him was ruined by an innate warrior!

Chen Luo's talent in cultivation was amazing in his previous life. He cultivated to the realm of transforming gods within a thousand years. He was born in the Chen family of Huaibei in this life, and his status is noble.

As a human being in two lives, he has been smooth sailing. How has he ever suffered such a setback!

One big chance, that's it!

"You ruined my chance, I will ruin your entire life!" Chen Luo's eyes were extremely cold, and his body exuded a cold murderous aura.

The roar of the mountains continued, rubble, smoke and dust flying all over the sky.

A few minutes passed, and no one went down the mountain.

"It seems that Fang Yu is dead inside. It's really boring." Han Qi shook his head and turned around to leave.

The village chief and a group of villagers were extremely gloomy.

If Fang Yu died, who would pay for the losses they suffered

There was no expression on Zhong Yuan's face, but his eyes were full of pleasure.

Fang Yu had lost his spiritual spring, he wished that Fang Yu would die!

He hadn't used to Fang Yu's appearance in front of him a long time ago!

An innate martial artist who is much younger than him, why can stand at the highest point in the Jiangnan martial arts world and steal everyone's limelight

It's best to die!


Just when everyone thought Fang Yu was dead and was about to leave, a figure flashed out of the mountain.

"It's Master Fang!" Zhong Liyu recognized this figure at a glance, his face was full of joy.