The Strongest Inner Energy Refining Period in History

Chapter 190: Mechanical monster!


"Well, this is the cold palm of our Frost Cold Palace." Su Lengyun walked behind Fang Yu and said.

"Your move is very practical. If you are at home, you don't need to buy a refrigerator." Fang Yu exclaimed.

Su Lengyun smiled faintly, without speaking.

Liu Liansha said angrily when she heard it, "Hanbing Palm is the secret method of our Frost Cold Palace. You actually compare it to a refrigerator, you..."

Before Liu Liansha finished speaking, a crack appeared on the ice sculpture of the greedy wolf.

Greedy wolf's eyes were still turning, bloody cold glow.

He's not dead yet

Sure enough, it is a genetically modified person.

It is impossible for ordinary human beings to withstand the extreme cold brought by the ice palm, and will freeze to death in a short period of time.

Su Lengyun frowned slightly and wanted to shoot.

Fang Yu stopped her and said, "Don't worry, he should have come to me. I want to hear what he has to say."

The cracks on the ice cubes are getting more and more.


The whole ice cube burst open.


Greedy wolf roared to the sky, and a burst of white gas appeared on his body.

When the doctor transformed their bodies, they removed all the sensory nerves that might have a negative impact on them.

In other words, they will not feel pain, heat or cold.

But inside their bodies, after all, they still have internal organs and flesh and blood.

After being frozen, the muscles on his body appeared very stiff and quite uncomfortable.

After a loud roar, Greedy Wolf lowered his head and looked at Fang Yu in front of him.

"This person is the target person, Fang Yu, with a real-time combat power of 83, and his risk factor is infinitely close to zero, so he can be easily taken down." The system prompt sounded in Greedy's mind.

The combat power is only eighty-three

This is too weak, right

Just find a congenital warrior, the combat power will probably not be lower than him.

Why did the doctor want to catch such an ordinary human being back to study

Greedy Wolf looked at Fang Yu in front of him, with doubts in his heart.

"The strength of this man is completely inconsistent with the fighting power he showed. He killed Caesar." The doctor's voice appeared.

"Fighting power..." Greedy Wolf replied.

"Yes, I originally thought that the combat power system was faulty, but later I researched it and there are no loopholes in the combat power system. The reason why this person's combat power 83 is shown is because at this time, his combat power is indeed correct. Only 83." The doctor said.

"You mean, his combat effectiveness will increase with the battle?" Greedy Wolf asked.

"This is what I want to understand, and it's why I asked you to bring him back to study." The doctor paused and said, "Just use that engine directly to complete the task as soon as possible. Delaying it for too long will only make it worse. It’s getting more troublesome."

"Do you want to use that system here? I'm afraid it will create a lot of movement..." Greedy Wolf asked in surprise.

"It doesn't matter, after taking the person down, leave Huaxia immediately." The doctor said.

"Understood, Doctor." Greedy Wolf agreed.

"Hey, what's your name?" Fang Yu asked, looking at the greedy wolf in front of him without speaking.

"I am Greed Wolf, from the genetic laboratory. Today's task is to capture you back and let the doctor study." Greed Wolf said.

"Catch me back to study?" Fang Yu raised his brow.

"Yes." Greedy Wolf grinned, revealing the sharp and dense fangs in his mouth.

"Is this your smile? It's disgusting." Fang Yu said.

Greedy Wolf didn't speak, his hands opened, and a diamond-shaped hole appeared on his chest, and a burst of red light appeared.

A burst of heat radiated from him.

At the same time, the other four genetically modified people in the room who had been frozen into ice had the same diamond shape on their chests, and the same red glow appeared.

The ice cubes that had condensed on them quickly melted into water and instantly turned into steam.

These diamond-shaped objects contain extremely powerful energy.

"It's so hot..."

The room was scorching hot, Liu Liansha was soaked in sweat and couldn't help muttering.

Su Lengyun glanced at her and stretched out a finger.

A burst of light blue infuriating enveloped Liu Liansha, making Liu Liansha immediately feel a chill.

"Fang Yu, this is the latest power engine developed by our genetic laboratory. You are the first person to experience its power. Enjoy it." Greed Wolf said lightly.

At this time, the other four people in the room, like a magnet attracting each other, quickly moved closer to the wolf's position.

Soon, the four of them were attached to Greed Wolf's side.

The red diamonds glowing on their chests slowly stretched out and pressed them together.

Then, the limbs of the five people actually started to combine!

The limbs are close to the limbs, the head is buried in the chest, a mouth is suddenly opened in the back of the head, and a hand is inserted in...

"This, is this still human?"

Seeing this scene, Liu Liansha's face was pale.

It's weird and disgusting.

This group of so-called genetically modified people is actually not genetically modified at all, but the flesh!

Most of their internal organs have been transformed into machines, leaving only part of their flesh and blood as a carrier.

In a short period of thirty seconds, the five people were completely fused together, turning into a mechanical monster with a height of more than two meters, six limbs and three heads.

"It seems that the so-called doctor is a fan of Transformers, so cool." Fang Yu looked up at the mechanical monster in front of him and laughed.

"As long as you join us, you can also enjoy such a powerful power." The middle head, the head of the wolf, said.

"It's ugly, I'm not interested." Fang Yu said.

"Then it's up to you." Greedy Wolf said, stretched out a fist and blasted towards Fang Yu.

Fang Yu took a step to the left and easily escaped the punch.


The whole wall behind Fang Yu burst out suddenly, and a big hole appeared, and there was a height of nearly 100 meters outside.

"what… "

At this time, the hotel occupants on this floor finally felt something was wrong and screamed.

"Is this the power of the new engine?" Greedy Wolf muttered as he looked at his iron fist.

At the same time, several other limbs moved.

Now his body has five brains in it.

Five people are able to control the body, but the final decision is still in the core of Greed Wolf.


A sharp blade swung towards Fang Yu, extremely fast.

Fang Yu stretched out his right hand and directly took the knife with his arm.


A crisp sound of metal collision.

The sharp blade broke directly!

Greedy wolf was taken a step forward for a moment.


The whole room vibrated.

He raised his iron fist again and blasted Fang Yu with a punch.

This time, Fang Yu did not evade.

When he was about to meet Fang Yu, several holes suddenly appeared at the knuckles of this big fist, and a powerful super cannon spurted out of it.


With a loud noise, Fang Yu was hit by his fist head-on, and at the same time he was bombarded by superpowers, and the whole person flew out like a cannonball.

"Dare to punch me head-on? It's really looking for death." Greedy wolf sneered in his heart.

"Greed wolf, what I want is a living person, don't kill him." The doctor's voice sounded.

"I understand, Doctor. Just now this punch only used less than 50% of the power, and Fang Yu shouldn't be killed." Greed Wolf said.

When Su Lengyun saw Fang Yu being beaten out, her expression immediately changed, and a strong aura broke out on her body.

"You, damn..." Su Lengyun took a step forward, merged her palms, and blasted out together.

The limbs and feet on both sides of the monster instantly closed together to form a shield.


There was a loud noise, and the whole room was about to collapse.

The door and wall behind the monster burst instantly.

But the monster still stood in place.

Su Lengyun took out her palms one after another.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

With one sound after another, the entire floor was shaking, and it was even about to collapse.

But the six-limbed monster still stood in place.

Su Lengyun's attack did not seem to have much impact on it.

"It's useless. Our limbs are made of the hardest Tiandou spar. Even if you crash the entire building, we won't suffer any damage." Greedy Wolf said indifferently.

Tiandou spar

No wonder it can withstand her successive attacks.

Su Lengyun frowned, her face a little ugly.

Screams were still coming from outside.

Obviously many people live in this hotel.

She can't attack like this anymore, otherwise this hotel will really collapse, and many innocent mortals will be implicated.

However, if you don't attack, how can you solve the mechanical monster in front of you

"Leave it to me to deal with it. I like to deal with this kind of hard thing the most."

At some point, Fang Yu returned to the room and walked slowly in front of the mechanical monster.