The Strongest Inner Energy Refining Period in History

Chapter 208: We surrender!


Fang Yu stretched out his left hand again and touched Xiao Chen's forehead.

The light shines on the fingertips.

After a while, Fang Yu's face was gloomy, and he put his hand back.

Xiao Chen's soul has been torn in half.

Obviously Bandung did it.

As a result, Fang Yu couldn't find any memories related to Ziyan Palace in Xiao Chen's soul.

Xiao Chen opened his eyes wide and looked at Fang Yu in front of him, his eyes hollow.

Because of his soul being torn apart, he has completely turned into a fool, or a lunatic.

He has no memory, nor any IQ.

He is a living zombie, no different from underground creatures.

Fang Yu looked at Xiao Chen, then at the magic ball held in his right hand.

He wanted to kill Xiao Chen, but after thinking about it, he dispelled the idea.

Xiao Chen is now a trash that doesn't know anything. It doesn't make sense to kill him, but it will cause a lot of trouble.

So Fang Yu grabbed Xiao Chen with his left hand and pushed up with his right hand, pushing the magic ball into the air.


The magic ball exploded at high altitude, and the energy contained in it exploded completely, making a loud noise.

Even though it was hundreds of meters above the ground, it still caused a huge shock.

The sky was filled with a burst of black light, and the sun couldn't get through.

Within a few kilometers, it became dim.

A gust of wind swept past, and some people couldn't stand firmly and were directly blown out by the wind.

In order not to be blown away by the wind, many people lay directly on the ground.

At this time, the scene of the whole world, like the end of the world, was quite terrifying.

After nearly two minutes, the gust of wind stopped.

The black light in the sky slowly dissipated, and the sun shone on the earth again.

After calming down completely, the people lying on the ground dared to stand up.

They looked up and saw the shocking scene.

There were a lot of clouds in the sky.

But now, these clouds spread around, and a big hole appeared in the middle.

Obviously, these clouds were exploded by the explosion just now!

Everyone did not expect that a good military region competition would actually develop to the point it is now!

This battle is simply earth-shattering, weeping ghosts!

Daotian from the Jiangnan Military Region and Xunlong Troops fought against Xiao Chen from the Beijing Military Region and the Celestial Troops, and the world changed its colors!

This battle can leave an extremely strong stroke in the history of the Huaxia Military Region!

However, after calming down the surroundings, what everyone is concerned about is, what is the outcome of this battle

It's all played to this level, it's time to decide the winner, right

Everyone turned their eyes to Longweitai.

At this time, the Longwei Terrace made of black iron stone was already in a mess. There were pits and pits everywhere. From a distance, it was hard to see that it was a drill platform, only a pile of rubble ruins.

Everyone was looking for Fang Yu and Xiao Chen.

But they searched around, but they didn't see these two people either.

Several big men also returned to the auditorium.

Seeing the mess near Longwei Terrace, Luo Siguang looked ugly.

In this military region competition, their central military region did not compete for any good rankings, but the losses were huge!

Not only Longwei Terrace was destroyed, but many nearby facilities and trees were destroyed!

Xia Heguang next to him had a solemn expression, looking for Fang Yu's figure.

He hoped that Fang Yu would be the victorious side.

Xia Tinghe assisted Xia Weiyu, who was still in shock, walked to Xia Heguang, and asked softly: "Grandpa, Fang... Did Daotian win?"

Xia Heguang frowned and shook his head.

When everyone was looking for the two figures, a figure galloped from a distance, and soon landed on the Longwei platform.

"It's Daotian! It's Daotian of Xunlong troops!" someone shouted!

After learning that the person who had returned was Tao Tian, everyone was in an uproar!

Daotian's return does not mean that... Xiao Chen has lost!

Since joining the army, Xiao Chen, who had never failed, actually lost!

"Look, Daotian still has someone in his hand... Okay, it seems to be Xiao Chen!" Someone noticed this and exclaimed.

When he spoke like this, everyone looked at Fang Yu together, and saw that Fang Yu was still holding a person in his hands.

It was Xiao Chen wearing a silver-white team uniform.

Fang Yu put the unconscious Xiao Chen on the ground, looked at the Heavenly God troops not far from the stage, and said, "Let your captain go down."

After seeing Xiao Chen who lost his left arm and was covered in blood, the members of the Celestial Army rushed up with his face changed drastically.

The referee, who had already run far, did not forget his responsibilities, and quickly ran back to Fang Yu.

"Dao, Captain Daotian." The referee glanced at the bloody Xiao Chen lying on the ground, with a cold sweat on his forehead.

This is the king of soldiers, he was beaten like this!

"Announce the result of the game." Fang Yu said coldly.

The referee was taken aback and reacted, then a cold sweat appeared on his forehead and asked again: "Okay, okay."

"This, in the third game, the Xunlong team won!" The referee's heart beat.

As soon as this sentence came out, the surrounding people exclaimed.

They stood in the audience and couldn't see Xiao Chen's tragic situation.

But hearing the referee's announcement, they knew at least one thing clearly.

That is, Xiao Chen really lost!

The soldier king of the Huaxia Military Region, the legendary character, Xiao Chen, lost!

Xia Xiaoying in the audience looked up at Fang Yu on the Longwei stage, her eyes shocked.

The movement just now caused her to fall and bruise her knee.

But at this time she couldn't care about the pain in her knees at all.

Fang Yu actually defeated Xiao Chen.

Fang Yu once said before that he wanted to win the first place in this military region competition.

At that time, Xia Xiaoying sneered, thinking Fang Yu was too arrogant.

But now, Fang Yu really did it.

At this time, Xia Xiaoying finally realized that the information she had about Fang Yu was far from enough.

In the audience, several big-time men looked shocked.

"Lao Xia, where did you find this foreign aid? Actually, even Xiao Chen is not his opponent..." Luo Siguang asked in shock, turning his head to look at Xia Heguang.

At the moment when Fang Yu appeared, Xia Heguang's heart was let go.

He didn't answer Luo Siguang's question, just smiled.

"Xiao Chen lost? What about the others?" a commander asked.

"Maybe you fainted somewhere..." another marshal said.

At this time, the referee on Longwei's stage was bloodless and sweating profusely.

"Continue to announce the next round." Fang Yu looked at the referee and said lightly.

He did not forget Xia Heguang's commission.

The referee shook his whole body and looked at the Celestial Troop in the silver and white uniform and asked: "The fourth round is about to begin. Please prepare the Celestial Troop to send someone to the field..."

There was silence on the side of the Celestial Army.

In the second game, Fang Yu easily defeated the three super elite players of their team. In the third game, their captain Xiao Chen personally went to the battle, but still lost.

In the fourth round, do we still need to compare

The scene where Fang Yu easily solved the three super elite team members is still vivid.

These ordinary players will only be beaten worse when they go up.

"We... admit defeat." The members of the Celestial Army lowered their heads and said.

They are all elite soldiers of the Beijing Military Region, with extremely high spirits. After joining the Celestial Army, they are so arrogant that they don't know how to write words.

But now, facing Fang Yu, they can only lower their heads.

"The Celestial Troops gave up the fourth round of the game... This group of duels was won by the Xunlong Troops of the Jiangnan Military Region!" the referee announced.

It was quiet all around.

Even the members of Xunlong's troops looked sluggish.

Before today, no one would have thought that the imposing and majestic Celestial troops, which had always been invincible, would admit defeat!

"Who is my opponent in the next match?" Fang Yu asked the referee, looking at the referee.

The referee was even a little afraid of the opponent Yu, and quickly replied: "I will announce it immediately."

"In the final, the Xunlong troops of the Jiangnan Military Region will face the Silver Blade troops of the Huaibei Military Region..."

Hearing these words, the members of the Silver Blade Force changed their expressions.

In the audience, Shi Fang's expression also changed.

After witnessing the battle with his own eyes, where is there any trace of confidence in his heart to win the championship

The strength that Xiao Chen demonstrated was far beyond his expectations.

And their opponent is Daotian who defeated Xiao Chen!

This is a fart!

Recalling the tragic situation of the three super elite-level members of the Celestial Force easily defeated by Fang Yu, Shi Fang made a decision.

Face is not important!

As for the rankings, a runner-up is already a profit!

In short, he can't let his elite group of men be defeated by Xia Heguang's people!

"We abstain!" Shi Fang shouted loudly.