The Strongest Inner Energy Refining Period in History

Chapter 210: Grandmaster girl


Fang Yu looked down and found that the roasted sweet potatoes in his hand had turned into a bunch of weird white plants.

Fortunately, it's not a disgusting thing.

Fang Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey, old lady, what is this?" Fang Yu raised his head and asked.

At this time, the person standing in front of him can no longer be called an old woman.

It is not too much to say that it is a monster.

All her hair stood upright, her eyeballs burst out, almost hanging out of her eye sockets, and her eyeballs were full of bloodshot eyes.

Her mouth was wide open, revealing the sharp fangs inside, and a long tongue like a poisonous snake.

Coupled with the weird atmosphere around, there are two pythons tightly wrapped around their feet.

Most people encounter this kind of scene, I am afraid they will be directly scared and fainted.

Therefore, seeing Fang Yu asking this question so calmly, the originally vicious old woman was taken aback.

That's not right, even if this person is not scared, he has to be so scared that his legs are weak and crying, right

Could it be... Her illusion didn't work!

No, if it doesn't work, Fang Yu can't ask her what is in her hand!

"This is a deadly white poisonous umbrella. It contains highly poisonous. You have eaten half of it, and you will die in 30 seconds!" The old woman opened her mouth wide and said in a hoarse voice.

Deadly White Umbrella

Fang Yu looked at the poisonous mushroom in his hand, his eyes calm.

When he was tired of the world, he tried at least hundreds of ways to commit suicide.

Among them, taking poison is his favorite way.

He had experienced all kinds of arsenic, red crane tops, and even corpse poison.

But the poison in the eyes of these people had no effect on Fang Yu.

After being silent for a while, Fang Yu looked at the old woman in front of him and asked, "It's been thirty seconds, why am I still alive?"

The old woman was taken aback again.

Fang Yu didn't play cards according to the routine at all!

If he believes that the deadly white poisonous umbrella in his hand, then he should have died violently at this time!

Why is he still nothing

The old woman came back to her senses, opened her mouth wide, and said angrily: "You don't need to wait for the poisonous mushrooms to attack, I will eat you first!"

The old woman's mouth opened, and it was actually bigger than a person's head!

At first sight, Big Mouth was about to swallow Fang Yu's head!


At this time, a crisp and tender female voice sounded.

As soon as this voice appeared, the surrounding scene changed.

The old lady who looked like a monster in front of her. Changed back to the original look of benevolent eyebrows.

The python under my feet is gone.

In front of Fang Yu, there was still a stall of roasted sweet potatoes.

He was standing on an old abandoned street. It was quiet and there were no other pedestrians.

And in his hand, he did hold a roasted sweet potato that had been bitten in half.

Obviously, the scene seen before is the real illusion.

Fang Yu turned his head and saw a little girl in a white dress standing in the street not far away with a sword in her hand.

She looks only eight or nine years old, with baby fat on her face and innocent and cute face.

However, her expression was very serious, and the black eyeballs in her big eyes glowed with determination.

Looking at Xiao Gu Liang, Fang Yu's face changed slightly.

This little girl gave him a very familiar feeling.

This familiarity is inexplicable.

Judging from his face, he was very sure that he had never seen this girl before.

In terms of age, this is especially true.

This girl was eight years old at most, and Fang Yu could not have had anything to do with her before.

In addition to this sense of familiarity, Fang Yu was surprised by the aura of cultivation on the little girl's body.

She actually has the cultivation base of the foundation period! According to the current words, this little girl is a martial arts master.

The title of Grand Master is very strange for a little girl who is less than eight years old.

"Mrs. Huanmo! Finally let me find you!" The little girl yelled and rushed towards the old woman who sells roasted sweet potatoes.

The old woman's face changed, and her long sleeves waved.


A thick black mist rose.

Fang Yu frowned slightly, and stepped back to avoid the black mist.

But the little girl rushed into the black mist while carrying the long sword.

"Mrs. Illusion and Demon, you killed so many people with illusionism in this area, today I must sanction you and send you to the jail for judgment!" The little girl still shouted after she rushed into the black fog.

"Little girl, just because you want to punish me? Ridiculous!" The magical old lady let out a weird laugh.

The black fog is still filling, slowly covering a radius of tens of meters.

Fang Yu retreated to a position where it was not covered by the black mist, and continued to eat the half roasted sweet potato he had left in his hand, while paying attention to the situation in the black mist.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Inside the black fog, there were waves of collision and fighting.

"Mrs. Phantom, you can't escape today!" The little girl's voice came out.

"Little girl, you..." The magical old lady's tone was obviously a little shocked, and she started to panic a little.


Then, there was another loud noise in the black mist.

"what… "

The scream of the magical old lady came out.

"I'm fighting with you!" The magical old lady seemed to be in madness, shouting loudly.

"Although let go!" The little girl's tone was still strong.


There was another muffled noise, and after that, it became quiet in the black mist.

At this time, Fang Yu also finished eating the roasted sweet potatoes in his hands.

The black fog gradually dissipated, revealing the original appearance of the street again.

Fang Yu saw the little girl standing in the middle of the street panting, while the old lady fell under her feet.

A few drops of blood were splashed on the sword in her hand and her face.

Fang Yu looked at her with more surprise in his eyes.

This little girl is really amazing.

Not only the cultivation level is high, but the courage is not small.

Although the old phantom demon only had the twelfth level of Qi refining stage, that is, the cultivation base of the half-step master, she was able to defeat the old phantom demon in the black mist, indicating that her actual combat skills were also very strong.

While Fang Yu was thinking, the little girl turned around, looked at him, and asked.

"Are you OK?"

"I'm fine." Fang Yu replied.

"You are lucky, and you just met me, otherwise you will definitely get a bad hand. This phantom old lady is a wicked cultivator. She often appears in these remote streets, using illusion techniques to kill people, and then draining the fresh blood from the body to use Nourish yourself." The little girl said.

After that, the little girl looked at Fang Yu again, wondering: "You clearly fell into the illusion just now, how could there be nothing? According to the past, people who have been caught by the illusion of the magic demon will die at an extremely fast speed."

Fang Yu shook his head and said, "I don't know either."

But in fact, Fang Yu was very clear.

How does illusion kill people? Reliability is the state of mind of people who fall into the environment.

Superb illusion users, they can create extremely real scenes, so that people who are trapped in the illusion can completely believe that everything that happens around them is real.

Once this state of mind occurs, everything in the illusion will really become a reality.

For example, if Fang Yu really thought that the thing in his hand was the deadly poisonous umbrella, then his body would show symptoms after eating the deadly poisonous umbrella.

But Fang Yu didn't believe it. Of course, even if he believed it, it would be fine.

At the beginning, Fang Yu was really taken aback when the magical old lady used illusion techniques to change the scene, but didn't react.

But when he saw that the roasted sweet potato in his hand turned into poisonous mushrooms, he raised his head again and saw the monster-like old woman in front of him, he knew that everything in front of him was false.

The magical illusion skills of the old lady are too shallow, and in the illusion, both her appearance and the surrounding scenes are too exaggerated.

Normal people may be scared to death, but for Fang Yu, it is nothing more than watching a low-quality horror movie.

Fang Yu looked at the grill to the side, and there were a few roasted sweet potatoes on it.

He walked over, trying to eat all the remaining roasted sweet potatoes.

"Eh, what are you doing!?" The little girl asked aloud when Fang Yu walked towards the oven.

"These roasted sweet potatoes are delicious, don't waste it." Fang Yu said, reaching out to grab the roasted sweet potatoes.

"These roasted sweet potatoes can't be eaten!" The little girl stomped her feet, stepped forward, and stopped Fang Yu.

"Do you know how you fell into illusion? It is because of the smell of these roasted sweet potatoes! This is the usual method of the phantom old lady, using the aroma of food to introduce people into the illusion! You still eat! You want to die!" Little girl Said angrily.

"The main reason is hungry." Fang Yu replied.

"If you are hungry, you can buy normal food. These roasted sweet potatoes must not be eaten!" The little girl said firmly.