The Strongest Inner Energy Refining Period in History

Chapter 230: Unequal cooperation


After greeting Fang Yu, Li Xiaomo looked at Ji Rumei again and smiled at her: "Rumei."

The two were good friends, and they met at the trade fair tonight.

"What can you do with me? I'm very tired and want to go upstairs to sleep." Fang Yu asked, looking at Li Xiaomo.

He had dealt with Li Xiaomo several times and knew that this woman was very scheming and courageous.

"Mr. Fang, if you don't mind, we can talk in the car." Li Xiaomo said.

"No, just say it here, there is no one else around here," Fang Yu said.

Li Xiaomo glanced at Ji Rumei and smiled faintly.

Given her relationship with Ji Rumei, there is indeed no need to avoid it.

"That's it, Mr. Fang, I want to work with you to integrate and annex the entire Jiangnan underground world." Li Xiaomo said straightforwardly.

Fang Yu didn't react much, but Ji Rumei's face changed slightly.

The entire Jiangnan underground world is extremely huge. There are a total of 20 urban areas in the Jiangnan area. Every city has a local snake power.

From the perspective of the entire Jiangnan underground, there are at least five big forces, and there are dozens of small and medium-sized forces.

The interest relationships, backgrounds, and strengths of these forces are all complicated and involve a wide range of things.

To swallow so many forces all requires a great appetite, otherwise it may break the belly.

Although the Qingyan Society controlled by Li Xiaomo has been firmly established as the No. 1 underground power in Jianghai City recently, it is only underground in Jianghai City.

In the whole Jiangnan area, there are at least ten more powerful forces than Qingyan Society.

Therefore, Li Xiaomo's thoughts are quite courageous.


Ji Rumei glanced at Fang Yu.

With Fang Yu, this is not a difficult task to accomplish.

After hearing Li Xiaomo's words, Fang Yu smiled and said, "Unifying the Jiangnan Underground World? I'm not interested."

Li Xiaomo was not in a hurry, and said: "Mr. Fang, if you help us unify the Jiangnan Underground World, you will be the only overlord of the Jiangnan Underground, rich and honorable..."

Fang Yu shook his head and said, "I'm not interested in these."

Li Xiaomo looked at Fang Yu, with doubts in his beautiful eyes.

As long as it is human, no matter how strong it is, there will be desires.

This is the reality.

Many powerful warriors will cooperate with all forces for fame and fortune or women.

Like the most powerful forces in the Jiangnan Underground, they all have at least one martial arts master.

What Li Xiaomo was puzzled was that Fang Yu had no desires at a young age.

He was young, and he was supposed to be full of ambition when he lashed out at Fang Qiu.

But he seemed to see through the world, and he was not interested in anything.

This is too strange.

Li Xiaomo bit his lip and said, "Mr. Fang, I don't know what you want? No matter what you want, I will try my best to be satisfied."

Fang Yu glanced at Li Xiaomo and said, "Either you can help me find a spiritual vein. Or you can help me find clues about Ziyan Palace."

Li Xiaomo frowned and looked blank.

"Look, you don't even understand what I'm talking about? Our cooperation is not equal at all." Fang Yu said lightly, "I can indeed help you unify Jiangnan Underground, but you can't help me. anything."

Li Xiaomo's face was a little pale, unable to speak.

What Fang Yu said was indeed correct.

With his strength, it is easy to get the so-called fame and fortune, and there is no need to cooperate with anyone.

However, having the opportunity to recognize a strong like Fang Yu and stand in front of him to talk to him was an excellent opportunity.

Li Xiaomo didn't want to give up such an opportunity.

"Mr. Fang, if I can find one of the things you said, will you agree to cooperate with our Qingyan Club?" Li Xiaomo looked at Fang Yu and asked.

"If you can find... Of course." Fang Yu said.

"A word is for sure, I will find it!" Li Xiaomo said with firm eyes.

Fang Yu looked at Li Xiaomo, then at Ji Rumei who was on the side, stretched his waist, and said, "If there is nothing else, I will go back to sleep. Goodbye."

After speaking, Fang Yu turned and left.

Fang Yu came to the classroom the next morning.

Getting closer to the college entrance examination, the learning atmosphere in the classroom is quite strong.

All the students were slumping their heads to do the questions, and there were no other sounds in the classroom except the sound of slurping writing.

The whole morning was a self-study class.

Fang Yu sat in his seat and continued to read the novel in his hand.

The bell rang at the end of the third get out of class, and Sun Xingchun, the head teacher of the key class, walked into the classroom.

Sun Xingchun glanced at Fang Yu, with a hint of discomfort flashing across his face.

He walked around the classroom with his hands behind his back, then walked to the podium, cleared his throat, and said: "Classmates, stop the pen in your hand first. We have a short class meeting."

Except Fang Yu, everyone else raised their heads and looked at Sun Xingchun.

Sun Xingchun pointed to a number on the back of the blackboard and said: "There are still twenty-five days, and you will have the most important exam in your life, the college entrance examination."

"The college entrance examination can directly affect your future life. I won't go into more details about this point. Everyone is very clear."

"So, I hope that in the last twenty-five days, everyone can continue to stay focused, try their best to sprint, strive for good results in the exam, and use good results to repay their parents and repay..."

Sun Xingchun's high tone made the students under the stage feel excited and excited.

After the mobilization, Sun Xingchun looked at Fang Yu, her expression gloomy.

"Student Fang Yu, I want to ask, are you confident about the college entrance examination?"

Many students looked at Fang Yu with joking expressions on their faces.

Let you read novels! Make you absent from class!

Was it caught by the class teacher now

Deserve it!

"It's okay." Fang Yu put down the novel and replied.

"Alright? Do you know how many times you have missed class in the last two months?" Sun Xingchun asked with a gloomy face.

"I know you did a good job last time, but it was just a mock exam. In the end, you still have to look at your college entrance examination results. That is the only indicator."

"Look at yourself, the college entrance examination is about to take place in less than a month, and you often miss classes. When you come to the classroom to read novels, do you look like a student?" Seeing Fang Yu's face indifferently, Sun Xingchun became more annoyed. The tone of speech has increased a lot.

Since Fang Yu started to absent from class frequently, he had applied to the Academic Affairs Office and asked Fang Yu to be punished.

But the Academic Affairs Office rejected his request, meaning that he was about to graduate anyway, so stop making trouble.

Sun Xingchun had to give up.

But today, when he came to the classroom to see Fang Yu's style, he couldn't help it.

"I think you are proud and complacent! I thought that if you took the first place in the school once, you don't know who you are!"

"Do you know how many points He Zhanpeng in our class got on the mock test last time?"

"732 points! This score is the highest score in our school's mock test in recent years!" Sun Xingchun stared at Fang Yu and said in a deep voice.

Everyone looked at a boy wearing glasses sitting in the front row of the classroom with admiration in their eyes.

He Zhanpeng is a well-deserved scholar in their class.

The time Fang Yu got the first place in the school, he was second in the school.

In the few mock exams that Fang Yu didn't take, he ranked first. In the last mock test, he got a high score of 732.

Facing the sight cast around him, He Zhanpeng was expressionless, just pushed his glasses and continued to lower his head to do the question.

"I hope you can learn from classmate He Zhanpeng. They have such good grades, and they are not honestly reviewing? What about you? Read novels instead of absenteeism..." Sun Xingchun continued education.

Fang Yu frowned slightly. He didn't like Sun Xingchun's education, but he didn't refute it.

For an ordinary student, Sun Xingchun's remarks are no problem.

It's just that Fang Yu is not an ordinary student, he doesn't even want to take the college entrance examination.

But no one knew this except Fang Yu himself.

Sun Xingchun was only performing his duties as a teacher, and Fang Yu didn't need to fight him.

Seeing Fang Yu's silence, Sun Xingchun's expression eased a little, and said, "I hope you can learn from He Zhanpeng in the future, review it well, and stop reading novels in the classroom, which will affect other students' enthusiasm for learning."

"Let's continue reviewing everyone." After speaking, Sun Xingchun glanced at the class and turned and walked out of the classroom.