The Strongest Inner Energy Refining Period in History

Chapter 282: Someone in the family! ?


Frost Han Palace, on the martial arts field.

Fang Yu stood not far from Su Lengyun.

And about a hundred meters in front of Su Lengyun, there was a huge boulder more than ten meters high.

This huge boulder is quite big and weighs at least one hundred tons.

This is a huge boulder that Fang Yu deliberately dug down from a nearby mountain for testing.

In the martial arts field, in addition to Fang Yu and Su Lengyun, nearly a hundred disciples from Frost Han Palace also stood behind, staring at Su Lengyun excitedly.

"Are you ready?" Fang Yu asked, looking at Su Lengyun.

Su Lengyun nodded lightly and put the dark golden ethereal ring on the middle finger of her right hand.


The moment the ring was put on, the ring's original dim surface immediately glowed with light.

Su Lengyun glanced at Fang Yu, then turned to look at the huge boulder in the distance.

Afterwards, she clenched a fist and blasted it towards the boulder!


In front of the fist, a large crack appeared suddenly like a broken transparent glass!


The disciples in the rear erupted in exclamation.


At the same time, the huge boulder a hundred meters away suddenly burst!

A burst of dust splashed, and rubble scattered around!

After a few seconds, the dust dispersed.

The huge boulder that was more than ten meters high and weighed a hundred tons was gone.

Instead, it is a piece of rubble.

"Wow… "

The female disciples in the back had their eyes and mouths wide open, and their faces were all unbelievable!

Just now, even if all the disciples who were present to carry the huge stone together, I'm afraid they couldn't move it.

But Su Lengyun shattered it with one punch!

This power is too terrifying!

"Not bad." Fang Yu commented.

There is no threshold for this ring, and it can be used by humans.

The previous Chu Yun was a mortal who had never practiced before, and he was also able to exert the power of this ring.

"Brother Yu, this magic weapon has a rank of at least exquisite... I can't accept such a valuable gift." Su Lengyun took the ethereal ring from her hand and wanted to return it to Fang Yu.

"Master, this ring should have belonged to me, he just borrowed flowers to present the Buddha! You can take it!" At this time, Liu Liansha stepped forward and said angrily.

Su Lengyun looked at Liu Liansha, with some doubts in her beautiful eyes.

She didn't know that this ring was also related to Liu Liansha.

"Why is it yours?" Su Lengyun asked.

Liu Liansha was about to speak, suddenly remembering something, her face changed slightly, and said: "It's nothing, I'll just say that..."

Since the last time she was fined and confined, Su Lengyun has strictly forbidden her to continue to be a mercenary.

If the origin of this ring is revealed, the fact that she secretly accepted employment will be exposed.

This time, Su Lengyun had to fine her at least half a year in confinement!

Seeing Liu Liansha's appearance, Su Lengyun knew that she had something to hide.

However, she didn't want to ask further at this time.

"I have no use for this ring. Its function overlaps with my own strengths. But for you, it is quite useful." Fang Yu said lightly, "With this ring, your melee ability can at least be Upgrade two or three grades."

Su Lengyun looked down at the ethereal ring, raised her head again, the waves of water flowed in her beautiful eyes, and she whispered softly, "Thank you, Brother Yu."

Liu Liansha next to him coughed dryly and said, "Master, you have to pay attention to the influence, so many senior sisters and younger sisters are watching!"

Su Lengyun was taken aback, then she smiled, and said: "Brother Yu is not an outsider, there is nothing shameful."

"Not an outsider..."

Hearing these words, Liu Liansha was completely desperate.

"Brother Yu, if you want, you can stay in Frost Cold Palace for a long time. This is more suitable for cultivation." Su Lengyun said as she walked beside Fang Yu.

"I still have something to deal with, come look for it when I have time." Fang Yu said, "By the way, next time remember to prepare more normal food, such as fish and meat. It is not good to eat potatoes and sweet potatoes for a long time."

Su Lengyun smiled and said: "Next time you come, you must notify me in advance, and I will prepare food for you specially."

"By the way, why did the Han family cooperate with Frost Han Palace?" Fang Yu suddenly remembered Han Tianyu this morning and asked.

When it came to this, Su Lengyun's eyes were a little gloomy.

"The so-called cooperation is actually to make Frost Han Palace a subsidiary sect of the Han family, under orders from the Han family... This is not cooperation, this is an annexation in disguise." Su Lengyun said in a deep voice.

"To annex?" Fang Yu was taken aback.

According to his cognition, the status of the sect was the highest in the former immortal cultivation world.

Almost every monk with spiritual roots would want to join a good sect, so as to obtain resources for cultivation.

This situation is similar to what students in the secular world want to get into a good university.

At that time, with the exception of a few families with profound cultivation, no family could be compared with the sect, even the family of the head of a country.

But in the martial arts world today, the situation seems to be reversed

"My master told me that three hundred years ago, the martial arts world was completely dominated by major sects. At that time, there was no concept of martial arts family."

"But after that, the head of a large sect used his position to provide a lot of resources in the sect to his family. Over time, the family of the head has developed rapidly, and the cultivation resources they have mastered are more than most of the resources in the sect. The sects are equal, even better."

"Then, what the head was doing was exposed, but at this time, no one in the sect could help this head, because the family behind him already has enough background to feed him back and protect him."

"This incident has had a profound impact on the martial arts world. Since then, many high-ranking sects have started to follow the example of that master and use the resources of the sect to nurture their families."

"This trend has not been curbed. As time goes by, the power of the sect is getting weaker and weaker, while the power of the major martial arts families is soaring."

"Not only in Huaibei, but the situation in the entire Chinese martial arts world today is dominated by martial arts families, and only a few areas are evenly matched."

"Before the event of Falling into the Immortal Valley, Huaibei's sect and aristocratic families were evenly matched." Su Lengyun paused and said, "But now, the situation has fallen to one side."

"In these nine days, many sects took the initiative to seek refuge in the major martial arts families to stop losses."

"If you don't take refuge, those martial arts families will do something to the sect? Does the martial arts association do not care about this kind of thing?" Fang Yu raised his brows and asked.

"I won't do it directly, but I will use various methods to curb the development of the sect. For example, forcibly cutting off the cooperative relationship between the sect and the secular family, cutting off the wealth of the sect at one time. Or inciting the emotions of the disciples in the sect, making There are many ways for them to leave the sect." Su Lengyun frowned and said, "This kind of thing is not handled by the Budo Association. Because a large part of the operating funds of the Budo Association is sponsored by major martial arts families. The two are on the same front."

"Listening to you, it seems that the situation in the sect is not optimistic." Fang Yu said.

"Yes." Su Lengyun's tone was a little low.

She is just struggling to support her at the moment, and she hasn't thought of a solution yet.

"In that case, cooperation with the martial arts family is the only way, right?" Fang Yu asked.

Su Lengyun shook her head and said: "Cooperating with these martial arts families, you will soon lose control of the sect, and then become a tool of the martial arts families."

"Master passed me the position of the head, and I must be responsible for the Frost Cold Palace to the end."

"Not bad."

Seeing the firmness in Su Lengyun's eyes, Fang Yu nodded.

Su Lengyun's situation is very similar to that of the person who took over the Tiandaomen.

And Su Lengyun's determination made him very gratified.

As the head, you have to carry the entire sect on your shoulders and be responsible to every disciple in the heavenly sect.

What Fang Yu didn't do at the beginning, now he hopes that Su Lengyun can do it.

"If you need help, you can find me at any time." Fang Yu said to Su Lengyun.

"Yeah." Su Lengyun nodded.

Su Lengyun asked Liu Liansha to stay in the sect to practice, so Fang Yu returned to the southern capital alone.

Back to Liu Liansha's apartment, Fang Yu frowned as soon as he opened the door.

The floor inside the house is clean, and all kinds of furniture are neatly arranged.

But Fang Yu knew very well that someone was in the house and had not left yet.