The Strongest Inner Energy Refining Period in History

Chapter 283: Fang Yu's eyes


Fang Yu walked into the house.

He could feel an extremely subtle breath in the room.

It's the human breath.

The breath was so subtle that it was almost imperceptible.

But Fang Yu's sensory abilities were too strong, even if there was only such a subtle wisp, he still discovered it.

This person deliberately hides his breath and hides in the house, wanting to wait for him to come back before doing it

Fang Yu scanned the entire house and quickly realized that his thoughts were wrong.

At this time, no one was in the house.

And that subtle breath may not come from the human body, but... another kind of existence similar to human beings.

Spirit body.

This is a spell that can only be mastered by wizards.


Fang Yu remembered the so-called orderers he had met back then, they were they are called wizards.

"It's them again." Fang Yu sighed helplessly.

Just like Xia Xiaoying's previous statement, this group of wizards formed an organization that really didn't resist.

Fang Yu's right index finger and middle finger were brought together, then placed on his forehead and closed his eyes.

Two seconds later, he opened his eyes again, red light appeared in his pupils.

If you look closely, you can see that a few white runes appear in his pupils, which are turning.

Fang Yu got these eyes from a weird old man more than two thousand years ago.

At that time, Fang Yu was staying in an ordinary small village.

The old man was an outsider and suddenly appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Every day after that, he would sit on a rock at the entrance of the village, and as long as someone passed by, he would forcibly pull people over to chat.

He claims to be the messenger of the return from hell, and he often speaks wild words.

Such as if the law allows, he can crush the entire world of cultivation... This world can't hold him, he will eventually destroy the law and other words, he repeats almost every day.

After a long time, everyone regarded the old man as a lunatic, and many people were reluctant to walk the road at the entrance of the village, for fear of being dragged by the old man to chat.

Until one day, Fang Yu passed the entrance of the village and was forcibly pulled to the side by the old man.

The two chatted very hotly, and they had a tendency to meet each other late.

Fang Yu did not refute the crazy remarks of the old man, but listened quietly and even agreed with him from time to time.

This made the old man very happy, and the more he talked about it, the more energy he got. When it comes to the back, the old man even said that he had killed a dragon himself.

But Fang Yu still didn't raise any questions. Instead, he asked him what kind of knife was more appropriate for slaying the dragon.

The old man didn't answer Fang Yu's question, but instead laughed up to the sky, smiling for thirty to forty seconds.

Then he stood up, patted Fang Yu on the shoulder, and asked: "Boy... No, you have lived for more than two thousand years, and then you call it inappropriate..."

Fang Yu was shocked at that time.

He didn't expect that this seemingly crazy old man could actually tell his age at a glance.

"Brother, you are very good. It's been a long time since I chatted with anyone for so long." The old man grinned and said, "I'm leaving anyway. Before I go, let me give you something.

"What?" Fang Yu asked.

"A pair of eyes." The old man said, reaching out his hands and clasping his eyes down.

But the strange thing is that all these movements are very natural.

The old man took two eyeballs in his hands, but his eye sockets were not hollow, and a pair of eyes still existed.

"Here, these two eyeballs will be given to you." Old Dao said, raising his hand and pressing it against Fang Yu's eye socket.

Fang Yu wanted to avoid it at the time, but he didn't react for a while.

The old man's hand just pressed Fang Yu's eyes.

After that, Fang Yu felt black in front of him and lost his vision.

"Don't worry, you can see it tomorrow. These eyes are not easy. They can help you see through all the disguised things in the world, including the laws that exist between heaven and earth. Don't lose them." The old man's voice, Into Fang Yu's ears.

"Are you leaving now?" Fang Yu asked.

"Yes, I have given you everything, what am I doing here?" the old man asked rhetorically.

Afterwards, Fang Yu heard a sound of footsteps.

"Hey, wait a minute." Fang Yu shouted anxiously after losing his eyesight.

"I said, your eyesight will be restored tomorrow..." the old man said impatiently.

"You haven't answered my previous question, what kind of knife is more appropriate for Tu Long?" Fang Yu asked.

The old man was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed.

"Boy, if there is a chance in the future, we will meet again. At that time, I will not only tell you what knife to use to slay the dragon, but also tell you that killing the fairy king requires..." Disappeared.

After that, Fang Yu returned home and lay down all night.

When he got up the next day, his eyesight really recovered.

It's just that he couldn't control these eyes at the time.

During that time, the world in Fang Yu's eyes was quite complicated, and the things he saw were not just entities, but more in virtual bodies.

Fang Yu saw all the souls, various laws, and even extremely tiny atoms.

In Fang Yu's field of vision, the entire world is connected by the power of various laws.

Fang Yu was in pain during that time, almost like digging his own eyes. He would rather be blind than those eyes.

But later, he gradually mastered the usage of this pair of eyes, and was able to disable it when it was not necessary.

It was during this process that Fang Yu discovered the true power of these eyes.

Just like it is now.

After using these glasses, Fang Yu looked around again and immediately saw a spirit body standing behind the sofa in the living room.

In Fang Yu's field of vision, its outline resembled a human body, just standing there, staring at Fang Yu.

For the mage, this is an invisible surveillance camera that can track.

Fang Yu stepped forward, looked at this spirit body, and waved his hand.

"Hello there."

Huaibei, a hidden location.


A middle-aged man stood up abruptly and knocked down the table in front of him.

"How can it be!?"

The man was pale and muttered to himself.

"What's the matter?" a girl who appeared to be only thirteen or fourteen years old walked in from the door, frowning and asked.

"My spirit body was discovered by Fang Yu!" the man said in amazement.

"Even if you are discovered, you don't have to react so much, right? This Fang Yu is an SSS-level target. Isn't it normal for him to be stronger?" said the girl.

"He didn't just discover... him, he seemed to be able to see my spirit body completely!" said the man with sweat on his forehead.

"Seeing your spirit body? It's impossible. The spirit body itself is something that doesn't exist. It's just a ray of thought power. Fang Yu can sense that this ray of thought power is normal, but he can't see it." The girl frowned. Wrinkle, said.

"He just waved at my spirit body and greeted me. His eyes were also directly facing me... It felt like I was standing in front of him!" the man said.

Seeing the man so horrified, the girl narrowed her eyes and said, "Then you try to communicate with him and see what he will say."


At this time, there was a clear applause.

The man's cheek was wounded and fell to the ground.

He clutched his swollen face, and there was only endless horror and fear in his eyes!

"He, he can actually cause harm to my deity through my own thought power..."

This situation has completely exceeded his cognitive level.

The girl looked at the man with extremely solemn eyes.

Can see the spirit body, and use the power of the spirit body to hurt the deity

What kind of means is this

In this world, I'm afraid that only the girl's instructor, the six-star archmage recognized as the strongest in China, can perform similar operations, right

The SSS-level goal is indeed stronger than imagined.

The girl thought for a while, took out the mobile phone in her pocket, and made a call.

After Fang Yu slapped the spirit body in front of him, he sat on the sofa and looked at the coffee table in front of him.

He probably hasn't used these eyes for more than a thousand years.

Nowadays, I am not used to it.

"It's been useless for so long, I don't know if I can control it."

Thinking of this, Fang Yu stared at a cup on the coffee table in front of him.

This cup is Liu Liansha's, and there is an iron spoon in the cup.

Fang Yu stared at the cup, and the runes in his pupils slowly rotated.

The cup rose slowly into the air.

Then, suddenly dissipated!

No fragments fell.

The whole cup, including the iron spoon in the cup, was instantly decomposed into individual particles, which could not be detected by the naked eye!