The Strongest Inner Energy Refining Period in History

Chapter 284: Zero points in the college entrance examination?


"not bad."

A red glow appeared in Fang Yu's eyes, and the spinning rune in his pupil suddenly reversed its direction.

The cup and iron spoon that had disappeared in the air were recombined by particles one by one and fell back to the tabletop.

Afterwards, Fang Yu closed his eyes.

When I opened my eyes again, my eyes had returned to their usual appearance.

"It's okay to use these eyes sparingly, it makes everything boring." Fang Yu shook his head and muttered to himself.

The next day, June 25th.

This is the most stressful day for every senior high school graduate in China.

On this day, the college entrance examination results will be announced.

The results of three years of study can be seen today.

Jianghai City, Tang Family.

Tang Xiaorou got up early in the morning and sat in front of the computer, always ready to log on to the website to check his college entrance examination results.

As usual, the college entrance examination results will be announced at ten o'clock in the morning.

Tang Xiaorou's hands trembled nervously.

Tang Feng was just going home on holiday. At this time, she was sitting next to her and said, "Xiaorou, don't be so nervous. Based on your brother and my experience back then, the results are generally much higher than your psychological expectations."

Tang Xiaorou bit her lip and said, "I don't want to be nervous, but I'm just nervous. I'm afraid that if I don't get the score of Nandu University, it will be over."

"The score line of Nandu University should be around 660 this year. As long as you perform normally, there should be no problem." Tang Feng said.

"Mathematics for the college entrance examination is too difficult, and I am confused about the next two big questions..." Tang Xiaorou said.

"It's been so long since the exams have been taken. It's a foregone conclusion. Just wait for the results." Tang Feng said with relief.

Time passed by every minute, and it was getting closer and closer to ten o'clock.

Like Tang Xiaorou, countless students are sitting in front of the computer, waiting to check their college entrance examination results.

Soon, this moment will come.

Tang Xiaorou immediately entered his admission ticket number and ID number to check the results.

At the moment the webpage popped up, Tang Xiaorou closed her eyes, not daring to look.

"Haha, I said you are fine." Tang Feng patted her shoulder and smiled.

Tang Xiaorou dared to open her eyes and look at her achievements.

682 points.

This result is not much different from Tang Xiaorou's psychological expectations.

Tang Xiaorou held her heart tightly and instantly relaxed.

With this score, it is no problem to apply for Nandu University.

After Tang Xiaorou let out a long sigh of relief, she immediately thought of someone.

Don't know how he did in the exam

Tang Xiaorou thought for a while, picked up the phone, and called Fang Yu.

Fang Yu just got up and was about to go downstairs to buy some breakfast.

The phone rang and he immediately connected.

"Fang Yu, how did you do in the exam? Are you satisfied with your results?" Tang Xiaorou asked anxiously during the call.

"What are you talking about..." Fang Yu asked in confusion.

"College entrance examination results! Today is the college entrance examination results, don't you know!?" Tang Xiaorou said in surprise.

"Oh, I forgot." Fang Yu replied lightly.

He has gone through the college entrance examination many times and doesn't care at all.

The only difference is that he was a little sleepy during the college entrance examination. He just wanted to quickly finish the rest, or continue to study the Spiritual Array.

This caused him to confiscate the speed when doing the questions, and seemed to have finished all the questions he could do.

This was a subconscious behavior, which Fang Yu suddenly remembered after finishing the exam.

However, it doesn't matter.

"Then you don't have to check your results now?" Tang Xiaorou asked.

"There is nothing to check, won't the school notify me when the time comes?" Fang Yu asked.

"This is the college entrance examination score... Why are you not nervous at all? I, let me check it for you! You tell me your admission ticket number." Tang Xiaorou said.

"Well, I'll send you a text message later." Fang Yu said.

Tang Xiaorou quickly received a text message from Fang Yu.

She immediately entered Fang Yu's admission ticket number on the web page, and then clicked Find.

"The query result was not found."

Tang Xiaorou was taken aback, then re-entered the admission ticket number and re-inquired.

"The query result was not found."

"How could this happen? The test admission ticket number should be correct, otherwise the test admission ticket number should be displayed incorrectly." Tang Xiaorou doubted.

"Maybe too many people are inquiring at the same time. The system is busy. It will be better after a while." Tang Feng said.

Ten minutes later, Tang Xiaorou inquired again, with the same result.

Half an hour later, Tang Xiaorou inquired again, still unsuccessful.

After several inquiries, Tang Xiaorou confirmed that this is not a problem of the busy system.

She asked many classmates, and they all inquired about their results.

Only Fang Yu's results cannot be inquired, which is too strange.

In the afternoon, Tang Xiaorou received a call from Sun Xingchun, the head teacher.

"The results of this year's college entrance examination are quite gratifying. The school will hold a commendation meeting tomorrow. As one of the outstanding students, you must come back. You will be awarded a certificate at that time." Sun Xingchun said with joy.

Tang Xiaorou agreed and asked, "Teacher Sun, I want to ask, can you find Fang Yu's grades?"

"It's not true. It's strange that the whole class can't check his grades alone." Sun Xingchun said.

"What the hell is going on?" Tang Xiaorou asked.

"I don't know, but Fang Yu doesn't care about it, right? When I changed to another student, I found that I couldn't find the results, so I came to ask me a long time ago. But what about Fang Yu? I need other students to help him ask. I think he just doesn't want to go to university! So, there is no need to talk to him. That's it, I have to notify other students." Sun Xingchun finished speaking and hung up the phone.

Tang Xiaorou's face was solemn.

If Fang Yu's college entrance examination results have not been found, wouldn't he be unable to apply for college

"In fact, there is a situation... that is, Fang Yu's score in the college entrance examination is only zero, and the results will not be found in this situation... When this was my teacher told me, it seems that a candidate appeared like this a few years ago. The situation..." Tang Feng said hesitantly.

Zero points in the college entrance examination!

Tang Xiaorou thought of Fang Yu's lazy appearance.

Could it be that the wrong name or the wrong admission ticket number resulted in a zero score

"No..." Tang Xiaorou was dull.

On this day, Fang Yu received many calls from Tang Xiaorou, Fatty Liu, Wang Yan and others.

The content of the call is nothing more than asking him about the college entrance examination results.

Can't find the results

Hearing this situation, Fang Yu was also taken aback, but he didn't really care.

If you can't apply for college, then you won't go to college.

After waiting for a while, change to another place and continue reading from the first year of high school.

This kind of behavior is shameful, but Fang Yu can't help it. Who will let him live forever with such a young face

Early the next morning, many senior high school graduates returned to Jianghai Middle School.

A large bulletin board was placed at the entrance of the school.

On the bulletin board are the names of the top 10,000 students who scored in the top ten thousand in the Jiangnan area in this college entrance examination.

Many students huddled in front of the bulletin board, raised their heads, and looked at the names on it.

Most of the students are looking up at the name at the top. This person is the number one in the college entrance examination!

He Zhanpeng from the key class!

With 721 points, the school ranks first and third in the entire Jiangnan area!

Explore the flowers!

"Sure enough, it is He Zhanpeng... This person is Xueshen!"

"Jiangnam ranks third... too strong, right?"

"Ranked third in the entire Jiangnan, then he must be the top pick in Jianghai City!"

The students gathered around the bulletin board talked a lot.

"I said that the number one must be He Zhanpeng, and you still have confidence in Fang Yu. Isn't that kid doing well in a mock exam? The college entrance examination is the place to see the true chapter. Look, now Fang Yu's name where is it?"

At this time, a boy said loudly, loudly.

He was the boy who said that Fang Yu couldn't do the Mathematical Olympiad on the blackboard, so he broadcasted the boy who ate shit.

Fang Yu's question was made that day, which shocked the whole class.

And he and another boy who stood upside down and shit were both slapped in their faces, showing no self-confidence.

Since then, he has been holding a grudge.

Now that there is no Fang Yu's name on the bulletin board, he doesn't know how happy he is.


What if you can do that Mathematical Olympiad? Isn't the exam smashed now

He Zhanpeng is the real master of learning!

"I already said that Fang Yu was cheating on the mock exam. He has a fart!"

"Yeah, as soon as the college entrance examination results come out, he has nowhere to hide. At the beginning, he got such a good result by cheating!"

"This kind of scum can actually be transferred to our key class. I really don't know what the school leaders think..."

Many students around him echoed, most of them were students in key classes, and Fang Yu had been upset for a long time.

Now that the college entrance examination results have come out, and the dust has settled, they are naturally not afraid of being beaten in the face again.

"What are you talking about? Fang Yu just couldn't find out the results, how do you know that he must have failed the exam!?" At this time, Tang Xiaorou walked behind the group of students and said.