The Strongest Inner Energy Refining Period in History

Chapter 286: Crush the audience!


On this side, Tang Xiaorou was also pronounced her name and stepped onto the high platform.

She scored 682 in the college entrance examination, ranking sixth in the school and 47 in Jiangnan.

Tang Xiaorou is already very satisfied with this result.

Pan Qiang read the names one by one, and quickly reached the last person.

"Next, the name I want to pronounce is a classmate that everyone knows. He won not only the first prize, but also the super bursary specially awarded by the school board, totaling 200,000 yuan!" Pan Qiang said passionately into the microphone.

Two hundred thousand yuan!

There was an uproar in the audience!

This reward is too generous! It is enough to support this student's entire college career!

"Hehe, this little money is nothing. In this classmate's situation, it is very likely that he will be competed by famous universities again. The scholarships provided by these universities will only be more!" Pan Qiang said.

The audience exclaimed.

Most senior high school graduates know who this student is.

He Zhanpeng!

Apart from He Zhanpeng, who else can get this huge scholarship!

"Now, I invite this student to come on stage to accept the award!"

"Student He Zhanpeng, 721 points, Jianghai City ranked first, Jiangnan Province ranked third! He is the Jianghai City college entrance examination this year, and he is also the explorer of Jiangnan! It is worth mentioning that He Zhanpeng is only better than Jiangnan college entrance examination. The champion is two points lower! The gap is very small!" Pan Qiang said passionately, "In addition, 721 points are also the highest record of the college entrance examination scores of our Jianghai Middle School!"

Amidst the exclamations below the stage, a boy wearing glasses stood up and walked onto the high platform.

This is He Zhanpeng Xueshen!

All the students looked up at He Zhanpeng.

"Look at it, people look like scholars, they are really different in temperament..."

"Which parents are so blessed to be able to give birth to such excellent children."

"This is the real dragon among people..."

The parents were also full of emotion.

"This year there are 750,000 candidates in the Jiangnan area, and student He Zhanpeng is the third among them!" Pan Qiang reiterated again.

He Zhanpeng stepped onto the stage and stood among the students.

Tang Xiaorou on the side looked at He Zhanpeng who was expressionless, sighing in her heart.

so amazing.

She asked herself to study hard enough, but only got 682 points on the test.

721 points, a full thirty-nine points higher than her, how did this come out on the test

Leaders stepped forward and presented awards to the students on the stage.

When the award was given to He Zhanpeng, President Chen personally took the 200,000-worth sign and handed it to He Zhancheng.

He Zhancheng's face was indifferent, without a trace of tension.

For him, this result is a matter of course.

Even, he was still a little unhappy.

Only two points away!

Only two points away, he is the college entrance examination champion in Jiangnan area!

The leaders took photos with the students on stage. Many leaders personally found He Zhanpeng, communicated with him cordially and shook hands.

He Zhanpeng's results have given Jianghai Middle School a face!

In the past few years, it was difficult for the best students in Jianghai Middle School to get into the top ten in Jiangnan.

But He Zhanpeng got the third place directly!

This is why he can get such a generous reward!

"These talents on stage are real academic bullies. Fang Yu is a shameless cheater! I didn't see him today, so I shouldn't dare to come to the scene? I'm afraid we will laugh at him, hahaha..."

On the seat, Luo Hui laughed sarcastically.

Next to him, all the students in the key class were sitting, and they laughed together at this time.

They all hate Fang Yu. Now that Fang Yu has failed the college entrance examination, they are not overjoyed.

On the stage, after the photo was taken, the leaders returned to their seats, and the students receiving the award were also preparing to step down.

The commendation meeting is about to come to a successful conclusion.

But at this moment, the principal's secretary rushed to the stage and said a few words in the ear of principal Chen.

Chen Deqing's face changed, and he turned to ask: "Are you sure you are not mistaken!?"

The secretary was sweating profusely and said: "I have confirmed many times, Jianghai Education Bureau, Jiangnan Education Department... There is absolutely no mistake."

Chen Deqing opened his eyes wide and his face was incredulous, and then he showed ecstasy.

"His results can be checked now, right?" Chen Deqing asked anxiously.

"Yes," the secretary replied.

"Great! You immediately project the results query page on the big screen at the rear!" Chen Deqing's voice was trembling, and he stood up.

"Understood." The secretary immediately walked to the computer behind.

He picked up the microphone and said to the students and parents who were about to leave below:

"Dear students, parents, please stay."

Everyone in the audience, as well as the students on the stage, looked at Chen Deqing with doubts on their faces.

"Due to some accidents, there was a student's college entrance examination results, which I only found out now." Chen Deqing swallowed and said.

The doubts on everyone's faces became heavier.

Including the leaders around Chen Deqing, they also looked at him curiously.

Whose achievements are they worth mentioning in front of so many people

"This candidate is also within the scope of receiving scholarships..." Chen Deqing continued.

"After the student's grades came out, because the grades were too high, he was required to resubmit it back to the Jiangnan Education Department for verification. Every test paper was re-examined... Therefore, his grades did not come out until just now."

The score is too high, review again!

How high is the score required to do this

Everyone was silly, and looked at Fang Yu blankly.

But at this moment, only Tang Xiaoruan Yu Yueyue under the stage, a figure suddenly appeared in his mind.

Fang Yu, who couldn’t find his results, could it be...

"This student is called Fang Yu. He is a student in our senior high school key class. His college entrance examination score is... 750 points, full score! At the same time, he is also the college entrance examination champion of the entire China!" Chen Deqing said this sentence, Even his own face was full of disbelief, and after speaking out, he got goose bumps all over his body.

The whole audience was silent.

Everyone thought they had heard it wrong.

750 points! This is a perfect score!

What is the concept of full score in the college entrance examination

This is simply impossible!

Since the establishment of the college entrance examination by Huaxia, there has never been a situation where the total score has been perfect!

If the subject of Chinese exists in the college entrance examination, it is impossible to get full marks.

Because there are too many subjective questions in the Chinese test papers, the grades given by the teacher to change the papers are also subjective to a large extent, especially for reading questions and composition, it is impossible to get full marks!

"Principal Chen... 750 points? Are you sure you are not mistaken?" Pan Qiang looked at Chen Deqing and asked.

Chen Deqing did not speak, but looked at the secretary behind him.

At this moment, the large screen at the rear has been lit up, and the page displayed on it is the page for inquiring about the results of the college entrance examination.

Now everyone can see the score.

Name, Fang Yu.

Language, 150 points. Mathematics, 150 points. English, 150 points. Comprehensive, 300 points.

The total score is 750 points.

It's really 750 points!

After seeing the page on the big screen, the audience finally broke out a huge exclamation!

They confirm that they read it right!

This is too exaggerated!

Tang Xiaorou on the stage, even though Fang Yu's results were expected to be very good, she did not expect that it would be an impossible score of 750 points!

She stared at the big screen behind her blankly, her mouth opened in a round shape.

And He Zhanpeng, who had been calm and composed, his face changed at this time.

He always thought that he was the most extreme score he could get.

But Fang Yu got 750 points!

He had never put Fang Yu in his eyes before, even if he made a difficult Mathematical Olympiad problem.

Because of that Mathematical Olympiad, he will also do it.

He didn't believe that someone with mediocre grades in the past three years could suddenly get such a high score.

But now the college entrance examination results came out.

750 points!

This score shattered all the pride in He Zhanpeng's heart!

He couldn't even question the authenticity of this score. Because this score has been reviewed again!

In the audience, Luo Hui looked at the results on the big screen, the expression on his face was stiff.

It's not just him, all the students around him are like that.

Just a few minutes ago, they were still laughing at Fang Yu.

They thought that this time, Fang Yu could not slap them in the face again.

But the reality is that they were beaten in the face again.

And this time a face slap is the deadliest one.

750 points in the college entrance examination, is this a result that humans can get