The Strongest Inner Energy Refining Period in History

Chapter 316: The Zheng Family Became Saint!


Today, I went to the nine-story tower. The killer did not lead out, but a masked man who was so powerful and terrifying.

"Fang Yu, who is that masked man...?" Qin Yimo asked.

"I don't know, I forgot to ask. But I killed another masked man before in Huamanlou in Jiangnan." Fang Yu replied.

"The other one?" Qin Yimo was puzzled.

"According to his words, it is his ghost clone." Fang Yu replied.

"Doppelgänger? What doppelganger?" Qin Yimo was even more surprised when he heard this word.

"You don't understand what you said, why do you ask so much?" Fang Yu asked rhetorically.

Qin Yimo bit his red lip and looked at Fang Yu angrily, but helplessly.

"If there is nothing else, I will leave first." Fang Yu said.

"Where are you going?" Qin Yimo asked.

"Back to Huaibei, where else can I go?" Fang Yu said, walking outside.

When he walked to the door, he turned his head again and said to Qin Yimo: "By the way, after you return to the capital, remember to tell Qin Wudao and ask him to return the things I gave him for safekeeping. May need to be used recently."

"What is it?" Qin Yimo asked curiously.

"A sword." Fang Yu finished speaking and walked out of the room.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Fang Yu returned to the apartment in Nandu.

Liu Liansha is still staying in Frost Cold Palace, and should not be able to leave in a short time.

I went to Kowloon Island and gained a lot.

First, get the source of Shenlong and absorb it into the body. Then he met Yuntian, the remnant of Ziyan Palace, and obtained a lot of information from his memory.

After that, those items obtained from the top of the nine-story tower this morning.

Thinking of this, Fang Yu took out all those items.

The secrets of the exercises in the items made him very curious.

Who is it that collected so many secrets of ancient sects

Where did he get these cheats

Fang Yu picked up one of the exercises, flipped through it at will, and glanced at the content.

From the content point of view, there is nothing wrong with this exercise, and it should be a real legacy.

Fang Yu looked at other items, many pills and medicinal materials.

For ordinary warriors, these items are indeed good things, and every one of them can be sold at a good price.

But for Fang Yu, it had no effect.

The only thing he cares about is the source of these exercises.

After thinking for a while, there was no result, Fang Yu stuffed all the items back into the storage bag and put them aside.

He walked to the balcony, looked at the scenery outside, thinking about the remnants of Ziyan Palace.

The chance that Yuntian encountered this time was the guy who killed dozens of people in Southern Metropolis.

The reason why he was so bloodthirsty was probably because the soul was sleeping for a long time and was invaded by the evil spirits, which affected his mind.

But this is not the point.

The only important point is that the big brother Jiang Dao.

From Yuntian's memory, Fang Yu knew that Jiang Dao was the core of Ziyan Palace's recovery plan.

Only he can contact other souls, and the so-called sect divine stone is also in his hands.

As long as he finds him, Fang Yu will be able to completely annihilate the plan of Ziyan Palace that spans more than two thousand years!

"According to Yuntian's memory, Jiang Dao should be the first one of their souls to awaken... Only in the Nascent Soul Stage can the sect god stone be activated... According to the progress of Yuntian and the Xiao Chen and others that he met before..."

"Even if Jiangdao hasn't reached the Nascent Soul Stage, I'm afraid it will be very close."

Thinking of this, hostility rose from Fang Yu's chest, with murderous expression in his eyes.

He didn't know how many Ziyan Palace inheritance existed in that sect sacred stone.

But in any case, he would not allow Ziyan Palace to live in the world.

"Jiangdao... I will definitely find you."

Fang Yu looked into the distance with golden glow in his eyes!

At night, Fang Yu meditated on the floor of the room.

After absorbing the origin of the Shenlong, there was something wrong in his body.

The meridians, dantian, and blood vessels are still hot. Although this feeling is not painful, it is not comfortable.

Fang Yu looked at himself internally and wanted to see what was wrong in his body.

Then, he found that all the meridians in his body, including his dantian, were glowing with light to translucent golden light at this time.

And the golden dragon is still circling the pubic area, never stopping.

Fang Yu tried to run a cycle of Zhen Qi.

Fang Yu felt a sense of comfort inexplicably when Zhen Qi traveled through the meridians throughout his body and returned to his dantian again.

At this time, the golden dragon hovering at the pubic area seemed to have some sense, and the hovering speed became a bit faster.

Could it be...

Fang Yu ran a cycle of Zhen Qi again.

This time, the sense of comfort remained, and he also clearly felt that the golden light on the meridians had become stronger.

This lower feather is confirmed.

Shenlong's origin, has not yet completely integrated with his body!

Before, he just absorbed the essence of Shenlong into his body!

No wonder you can't feel the power of the dragon!

A gleam of excitement appeared in Fang Yu's eyes, and the true energy in his body began to circulate, further refining the origin of the dragon.

The next day, a bomb detonated in the Huaibei martial arts world!

The Grand Elder Zheng Family has left the customs and successfully broke through to the realm of Martial Saint!

The saint of martial arts!

No warrior wants to reach this state!

It is said that as long as you break through to the realm of Martial Saint, you can truly master the laws of heaven and earth, change the colors of the heaven and the earth with a single thought, and you can turn the river into the sea with one shot!

There are very few people in Huaibei who can break through to the realm of Martial Saint!

As the aura on the earth is getting thinner and thinner, the last time someone was promoted to Martial Saint was more than sixty years ago!

Any clan who can produce a strong man in the martial sage realm can instantly raise the status of the clan to the ranks of the top martial arts family!

And now the family of Wu Sheng is actually the Zheng family, who was already the first martial arts family in Huaibei!

This is also the reason why this news is so hot!

The Zheng family originally had a very strong background, and in Huaibei it could be described as an existence that covered the sky with only one hand.

Now that another martial sage is added, his status has been elevated to an untouchable existence!

Soon after the news that the Grand Elder of the Zheng family broke through to the martial sage realm, the Zheng family released another news.

In order to congratulate the great elder on his promotion to the martial sage realm, the Zheng family invited the Quartet!

All major martial arts families and sects, and even the wealthy of the secular world, can send representatives to participate, without any threshold!

This morning, Zheng's guests were full of guests.

Representatives from all major families came to congratulate the elders of the Zheng family with gifts.

Elder Zheng family sat on the high seat, looking at the guests who came to congratulate, with a faint smile on his face.

After he was promoted to the realm of Martial Saint, the aura on his entire body was essentially different from that of ordinary martial artists.

This is the gap between'sage' and'human'.

When all the guests saw the detached elder Zheng family, their faces were shocked.

This is Wu Sheng!

Huaibei has only given birth to a martial sage for decades!

One guest after another came to the elder Zheng's family, congratulated him, and offered congratulatory gifts.

Zheng Xiuchen, Yang Yinzhu, Zheng Rong, and the other two elders stood by, quietly looking at the guests in front of them.

For their Zheng family, now is a good harvest time.

Any guests who come to congratulate and show their faces can be regarded as showing an attitude.

That is, they recognize the hegemony of the Zheng family and are willing to respect the Zheng family in the future.

And the guests who didn't arrive, I'm sorry.

After today, the Zheng family will eradicate it.

"Dad, I haven't seen the Han and Chen families yet." Zheng Xiuchen approached Zheng Rong's ear and whispered.

"It's okay." Zheng Rong said with a cold smile.

These two are the only rivals of the Zheng family.

In the past, the Zheng family still had some fears.

But after the Great Elder broke through to the martial sage realm, they no longer had any scruples.

Whether it's the Chen family or the Han family, if you don't agree, then go to war!

One after another guests stepped forward.

"Great Elder, I am Han Qi, and I congratulate you on behalf of the Han family. Congratulations to the Great Elder for breaking through to the martial sage realm. Since then, he has mastered the universe, and the world is invincible."

Han Qi, wearing a luxurious robe, stepped forward, bent slightly, and bowed to the elder of the Zheng family.

The elder of the Zheng family laughed and said, "Okay! Okay! Han Qi, after you go back, tell your second child Han that I will find him for tea when I have time!"

"Okay, I will tell you what the great elder said." Han Qi smiled and walked aside.

Although there is a smile on his face, there is a gloomy color in his eyes.

Originally, the Han family and the Zheng family were on the same level, but today, his status has obviously become a drop-off!

The second elder of the Zheng family, the second elder of their Han family, was the strong man at the peak of Wu Zun who used to be on par with the elders of the Zheng family!

But now, the elders of the Zheng family seem to ignore the elders of the Han family at all, and even directly call him by his nickname!

This significant change in identity made Han Qi feel very uncomfortable.

But in the current situation, the Han family had nothing to do. They could only temporarily show weakness until the elder of the Han family broke through to the martial sage realm.

As time passed, the guests came to congratulate one by one.

At the back, everyone congratulated them and retreated to the back.

Zheng Xiuchen glanced at the visitors, with a vicious look in his eyes, and said to Zheng Rong, "Dad, the Chen family didn't send anyone to our big banquet."

"Well, I know." Zheng Rong nodded, with a sneer on his face, and said, "When Fang Yu's kid is killed, we will take action against the Chen family immediately!"

Hearing the word Fang Yu, Yang Yinzhu immediately turned his head and asked, "Should the Great Elder announce that, right?"

As soon as the voice fell, the elder Zheng family on the high seat cleared his throat and said: "Thank you friends for coming to the Zheng family. Your congratulations to me are all in my heart."

Everyone quietly watched Elder Zheng's speech.

"Today, I have one more thing to announce."

Hearing these words, Yang Yinzhu was so excited that his body trembled.

Finally... finally able to deal with Fang Yu's bastard openly!

Yang Yinzhu's eyes were wide open, his eyeballs burst, and his eyes were full of resentment and hatred.