The Strongest Inner Energy Refining Period in History

Chapter 329: The first person in Huaibei!


Just when everyone was shocked, Fang Yu walked towards the crowd.

I don't know who is leading the head, and the representatives of the martial arts family all bend down and bow to Fang Yu!

"Gong, welcoming Master Fang!" everyone shouted in unison.

Fang Yu was taken aback for a moment, and did not pay attention to them, but walked straight to Qin Lang who was dumbfounded.


Qin Lang woke up like a dream, with a spirit all over his body, and immediately replied: "Okay, okay!"

Then, the two of them walked out of the crowd and walked outside of Zheng's house.

After two steps, a voice suddenly heard from behind.

"Master Fang, please stay!"

Fang Yu stopped and turned around to see Han Qi walking out.

"What's the matter?" Fang Yu frowned slightly and asked.

Han Qi took two steps forward, clasping his fists respectfully and said: "Master Fang, if you sweep the Zheng family with your own strength, you will surely make a sensation throughout China. On behalf of the Han family, I am willing to respect you and obey you in the future. 'S command..."

When he spoke like this, the representatives of the aristocratic families in the rear were also ready to move.

They all saw Fang Yu's terrifying strength.

After the Zheng family was killed, Fang Yu was the first person in the Huaibei martial arts world!

Now is a good time to show your attitude!

As long as you stand on Fang Yu's side, you will be safe!

Just when the representatives of the various families were about to post, Fang Yu frowned and said, "I am not interested in participating in the affairs between your families."

"I came to the Zheng family because the Zheng family provoked me first."

"In addition, today's matter, you can just see it, don't promote it. If it causes trouble for me, then I will go to you to trouble me, okay?"

Fang Yu's last words made the representatives of the various families aroused.

They all saw the tragic end of the Zheng family.

They don't want to repeat the same mistakes!

"Master Fang, don't worry, if you don't want to be too high-profile, we will join hands to minimize the impact of today's incident." Han Qi said.

"Yes, yes, Master Fang, please don't worry..." The representatives of other families in the back echoed together.

Fang Yu glanced at Han Qi, then turned and left.

Han Qi looked at Fang Yu's back, with excitement hidden in his eyes.

He deliberately stood up and said those words by Fang Yu, just to test Fang Yu's attitude.

Now, he already knew that Fang Yu had no intention of participating in the battles of the great families in Huaibei.

This is excellent news for the Han family.

In the past, the Zheng family, who had a strong background, was like a mountain, and the Han family was overwhelmed.

But after today, the Zheng family collapses, and the pattern of the Huaibei martial arts world is about to change drastically!

As long as the Han family seizes the opportunity, they can reach the top!

When Fang Yu and Qin Lang disappeared from the field of vision, representatives of the major families took a breath.

The oppression Fang Yu gave them was too strong.

"Now... what should we do?" a Patriarch asked in confusion.

"What to do, leave here first." Another Patriarch said.

Afterwards, representatives of many aristocratic families left the Zheng family one after another.

When he walked to the entrance of the Zheng family manor, Han Qi happened to meet Chen Nansheng, the head of the Chen family.

When Chen Nansheng saw Han Qi, his eyes flashed with a strange color.

Han Qi walked forward with a smile on his face and asked, "Patriarch Chen, I have rarely seen Master Chen Luo recently. Where did he go?"

Chen Nansheng's face changed slightly.

"It's your shit, why are you asking so much? Is Chen Luo familiar with you?" Chen Yi said impatiently.

Han Qi didn't say anything yet, but Han Tianyu, who was standing next to him, walked out, glared at Chen Yi, and said, "Chen Yi, do you dare to talk to my brother like this?"

The two are about to quarrel at the sight.

At this time, Han Qi patted Han Tianyu on the shoulder, and said, "Just say hello, there is no need to fight."

Then, Han Qi looked at Chen Nansheng and smiled: "Patriarch Chen, I need to see Chen Luo for something important, I wonder if you can tell me about it?"

Chen Nansheng narrowed his eyes to look at Han Qi and was silent for a moment. He replied in a deep voice, "No problem, Chen Luo is currently dealing with some affairs in the field. It will take some time. When he comes back, I will let him find you."

"Okay, thank Patriarch Chen, let's go first." Han Qi smiled and pulled Han Tianyu around and left.

Chen Nansheng looked at the back of Han Qi away, his face solemn.

After the Zheng family collapsed, the Han family was the only opponent of the Chen family.

The self-confidence on Han Qi's face made him feel a little puzzled.

"Damn, this bitch is really disgusting, there is a smirk on her face every day..." Chen Yi cursed next to her.

Chen Nansheng glanced at Chen Yi, frowned and said, "Go back, we have to hold a family meeting tonight."

Han Qi sat back in the car, thinking.

Han Tianyu next to him was panting.

Thinking back to Fang Yu's skill in the fight against Zheng Yan, Han Tianyu was frightened.

Back then, in Frost Cold Palace, if he were a little more arrogant, the consequences would be disastrous...

"Brother, did you know Master Fang before?" Han Tianyu turned to look at Han Qi and asked.

Han Qi's thoughts were interrupted, and his face was not very pretty, and he replied, "I've seen two sides."

"If we can get the help of Master Fang, we will definitely be the first! Should we go to Master Fang again..." Han Tianyu said with a look of excitement.

"No, Fang Yu doesn't participate, it's the best thing for us." Han Qi said categorically.

"Why?" Han Tianyu asked in confusion.

"We can go to Fang Yu to cooperate, then the Chen family, and other major families, can also do the same thing. The final competition is who can give more benefits... Who can get Fang Yu's help, who can dominate Huaibei Martial arts world." Han Qi looked at Han Tianyu and said calmly, "Fang Yu is an existence that disrupts balance."

"Fang Yu did not participate. In the entire Huaibei martial arts world, our opponent is the Chen family. As long as the Chen family is overwhelmed, our Han family will be able to reach the top."

Han Tianyu nodded his head seemingly understanding, thinking of something, and said: "Then we don't go to Fang Yu, what will happen to the Chen family?"

Han Qi smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, as far as I know Fang Yu, this person is not a profit-seeker, and he will not approach any house."

In the downtown area about 20 kilometers away from the Zheng Family Manor, the presidential suite is on the top floor of a five-star hotel.

A square mirror floats in the center of the living room.

The surrounding area of this mirror is surrounded by a faint water wave-like energy.

In front of the mirror is a sofa. On the sofa sits a 13-year-old girl and a slightly bald man.

These two people are Zhi'er and Wu Neng from the Order of Order.

Zhi'er had a pillow in his arms and a lollipop in his mouth, but his eyes were full of shock.

Wu Neng's expression on the side was even more exaggerated, and his mouth couldn't close at all!

At this time, the two were looking in the mirror.

The content in the mirror is exactly the current situation of the Zheng family!

The perspective of the mirror is above the sky, looking down.

The huge ground depression caused by Fang Yu and Zheng Yan's fight is particularly shocking from this perspective!

A pit hundreds of meters in diameter!

How strong is it to be able to blast out such a huge pit!

It's unimaginable!

"This... How did it do it?" Wu Neng swallowed, his face full of disbelief, and muttered.

Zhi'er didn't speak, but turned his head, glared at Wu Neng, and said softly, "It's all to blame you! If you can wake me up early, I will be able to see the scene of their fight!"

Hearing these words, Wu Neng turned his head and said angrily: "Are you embarrassed to say me? I told you not to take a nap! You don't listen! If you don't take a nap, we can turn on the spiritual mirror two hours ago! "

"Girls must take a nap! Otherwise, they will become ugly. You don't even understand the truth. No wonder people in their 30s can't find a wife!" Zhi'er said with his arms around his chest, angrily.

"You!" Wu Neng stood up with anger, pointing to Zhi'er, shaking all over.

He has had enough!

Every time a dispute arises, Zhier will launch a personal attack! Every time, he was hitting his sore spot!

"Wait! Don't make a noise!"

At this moment, Zhi'er's face changed suddenly, his eyes fixed on the spirit mirror.

"what's happenin?"

Wu Neng followed Zhi'er's line of sight and looked towards the Lingjing.

The Lingjing's angle of view has not changed, it is still high in the sky.

Wu Neng squinted his eyes and saw nothing unusual.