The Strongest Inner Energy Refining Period in History

Chapter 332: Enchanting Chen Luo!


"Recently, Chen Luo hasn't been in sight. I saw Chen Nansheng yesterday and asked. Chen Nansheng's answer is vague. So I speculate that Chen Luo may have been in retreat recently." Han Qi replied.

"Retreat? Didn't he break through to the Wu Zun realm a few years ago? Why did he retreat so quickly?" Han Tianci asked with a frown.

"The last time I saw Chen Luo was in Baichuan Mountain, the cultivation level he showed at that time... As far as I am concerned, it is a bit close to the peak of Wu Zun." Han Qi said in a deep voice.

"The peak of Wu Zun..." Han Tianci said with his hands back, raised his head, sighed, and said, "The Chen family is so blessed that such a wicked evildoer has appeared."

Han Qi lowered his head and said nothing.

Before the age of fifteen, he was considered a genius, and his reputation in the Huaibei martial arts world was not small.

However, since a car accident, Chen Luo has changed his cultivation by leaps and bounds. In two years, he broke through from the fifth stage of the innate to the grandmaster state, and in three years, he broke through from the grandmaster state to the martial arts state.

From that time on, Chen Luo's reputation had become very famous, and the so-called martial arts geniuses in Huaibei could not breathe.

Among these suppressed geniuses, the most uncomfortable is Han Qi.

In the Huaibei martial arts world, the Chen family and the Han family are equal in strength, and both families have always regarded each other as imaginary enemies, and they must compare each other in any respect.

Especially the younger generation, it is the most important point for both parties.

Before the age of fifteen, the Han family steadily gained the upper hand.

At that time, Chen Yi and Chen Luo of the Chen family were both mediocre talents, and it seemed that they didn't even have a chance to break through the realm of masters.

On the Han family's side, the two brothers Han Qi and Han Tianyu are very talented, especially Han Qi, who is only fifteen years old, he is already a martial artist of the tenth dan, and his cultivation is far superior to that of Chen Luo at that time.

But after Chen Luo's car accident, Han Qi was left far behind.

Chen Luo stood firmly at the top of the young generation in the martial arts world in Huaibei, looking down on all the young people in Huaibei.

Although Han Qi, Chen Luo, and Zheng Xiuchen also called the three major families in Huaibei, Han Qi knew in his heart that this name was determined by the strength of the three major families, not on personal strength.

If it depends on their strength, Han Qi and Zheng Xiuchen are not at the same level as Chen Luo.

Today Chen Luo is a strong man close to the peak of Wu Zun, and Han Qi hasn't even touched the ceiling of the Grandmaster Realm, and even a little out of reach.

This is the gap between talents.

Han Qi was very angry and unwilling, but in the end he had no choice but to accept reality.

Now Han Tianci's sigh is particularly harsh to Han Qi.

Han Tianci seemed to perceive Han Qi's mood swings, turned to look at Han Qi, and said: "Qi'er, don't think about it, you've done well enough. A monster like Chen Luo is rare in a thousand years, and it happened to be caught by Han Qi. I ran into home and there was no way."

"Now that the Zheng family arrives at him, it is a good time for our Han family to reach the top... But Chen Luo seems to be about to break through to the Martial Saint Realm, when the time comes, the Chen family's side..." Han Qi raised his head and said solemnly.

With a sly smile on Han Tianci's face, he said, "Chen Luo, we can find someone to deal with it."

"Find someone to deal with? If he breaks through the Martial Saint Realm, who else can we find to deal with him..." Han Qi's eyes widened, and his expression changed suddenly.

He suddenly understood Han Tianci's thoughts.

Fang Yu!

If Fang Yu can defeat Zheng Yan, he can also defeat Chen Luo!

If they can think of a way to make Fang Yu and Chen Luo go to war, their Han family will be able to take advantage of the fisherman's profit!

At this time, Han Qi suddenly remembered that when he was in Baichuan Mountain, Chen Luo and Fang Yu seemed to have had friction...

"Understand what I mean?" Han Tianci squinted and smiled.

"Well, Great Elder, I know what to do!" Han Qi said with some excitement.

"Then do it, I believe in your ability." Han Tianci waved his hand. Said.

"I will definitely not let the Great Elder down." Han Qi bent down and bowed to Han Tianci.

Fang Yu stood under the office building. After waiting for about fifteen minutes, he saw Song Liuge hurriedly running towards him.

"No, I'm sorry, I made you wait for a long time." Song Liuge ran to Fang Yu, panting.

As a result of strenuous exercise, her white and flawless face flushed slightly.

"Let's go, go eat." Fang Yu turned and left.

"Well, what do you want to eat?" Song Liuge asked.

"Whatever you want, you just have to eat enough." Fang Yu replied.

"Then... How about going to the school cafeteria? I just got the campus card, and I can swipe it in the cafeteria." Song Liuge said.

"Okay." Fang Yu said.

Then, according to the signs on the road, the two quickly came to the nearest cafeteria.

As some majors have already started, there are quite a few students in the cafeteria.

There are many kinds of food in the canteen. Fang Yu took Song Liuge's campus card and unceremoniously brushed several meat dishes for more than 20 yuan.

When Fang Yu sat down in front of Song Liuge with the dinner plate, Song Liuge's eyes widened.

"Can you eat so much?" Song Liuge asked in surprise.

"Actually, I can eat more, but unfortunately I can't fit the plate." Fang Yu said.

"... It's okay, after you finish eating these, if you still want it, go get it." Song Liuge laughed.

Fang Yu stopped talking and ate his head.

During the meal, Fang Yu didn't speak much.

But Song Liuge's appearance has attracted the attention of most of the boys in the cafeteria.

Fairy goes down!

After seeing Song Liuge, many boys could no longer look away.

At the same time, many people also cast their sights on Fang Yu.

"Damn, eating face-to-face with such a beautiful girl, this kid has been eating and eating without lifting his head? What does this mean? I don't like women?"

"Oh, how nice it would be to let me sit in that position! I definitely don't eat a bite of food, just staring at the fairy's face so close..."

"You are too disgusting again, if it were me, I might choose to chat with her, relax and relax..."

Many boys talked in a low voice.

Fang Yu looked up at Song Liuge and found that she was quite calm, as if she had been used to being so many eyes gathered.

"Where are you from?" Fang Yu asked after eating a chicken leg.

"My hometown is in a small town in a remote area of Huaibei, called Fuluo Town. You have never heard of this place, right?" Song Liuge said.

"Well, I haven't heard of it, what's the environment there?" Fang Yu grabbed a meat folder with his left hand and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Very beautiful, with beautiful landscapes. When I was a kid, I liked to go to the stream at the door to catch small fish..." Song Liuge held his chin in both hands, his face full of reminiscence.

"In that case, have you still plowed the fields?" Fang Yu asked.

"Of course! My family relies on farming and selling food for me to go to school for so many years! I go back every summer and will help..." Song Liuge replied.

"I also like plowing the fields. I also have a vegetable garden." Fang Yu said.

Thinking of the vegetable garden, Fang Yu's heart felt a little awkward.

Before leaving Huaibei, he confessed that Ji Rumei had helped him take good care of the vegetable garden, and he didn't know how it was implemented.

That vegetable garden was his painstaking effort, and there must be no problems.

"You still have a vegetable garden?" Song Liuge's beautiful eyes widened, her dark eyes gleaming.

"Yes, but now it's handed over to others. But if I have the opportunity, I can give you two green vegetables, which are pure natural and pesticide-free, very healthy." Fang Yu said.

"Okay!" Song Liuge nodded heavily.

Fang Yu ate for a while, then raised his head and asked, "You also studied in Fuluo Town in high school?"

"Yes, this is the first time I have come to this kind of metropolis. When I got off the train yesterday, I was really excited..." Song Liuge excitedly told Fang Yu how she was feeling at the time.

Hearing Song Liuge's answer, Fang Yu's eyes flashed slightly.

After a while, the food on Fang Yu's plate had been resolved.

Fang Yu stood up, took Song Liuge's campus card, and walked to the window selling dishes again.

Taking advantage of Fang Yu's departure, a tall and handsome boy walked up to Song Liuge.

"Hello, this junior sister. I am Gao Junsheng, the president of the student union of our school, this year's junior." The boy said with a smile on his face.

Song Liuge raised his head, looked at Gao Junsheng, and asked, "Hello, what can I do with you?"

"Oh, I just want to ask Junior Sister, are you interested in joining our student union? Originally this was required to be assessed, but if you have the will, I can let you join now." Gao Junsheng said.