The Strongest Inner Energy Refining Period in History

Chapter 335: Saint!


After confirming this, Tang Xiaorou almost cried.

No one can see this man, which means that no one can help her!

Following the plot of the horror movie, she will eventually be completely killed by the ghost when she is alone...

Seeing Tang Xiaorou with tears rolling in her eyes, Fang Yu only felt a little funny.

"Pay the bill, let's go." Fang Yu said.

Hearing Fang Yu's voice, Tang Xiaorou came back to her senses in the world of fear in her heart.

"Okay, okay." Tang Xiaorou summoned the waiter, took out several banknotes from the handbag he carried with him, and handed them to the waiter.

Then, she hurriedly got up and took Fang Yu out.

She always feels that this restaurant is gloomy, and the more she sits, the more uncomfortable she is! Just want to leave now.

Fang Yu was pulled out of the restaurant by Tang Xiaorou, and walked to the sidewalk outside.

At this time it was two o'clock in the afternoon, the sun was shining, and the surrounding temperature was not low.

But Tang Xiaorou felt cold all over.

She took Fang Yu's hand and walked forward aimlessly.

How to do? How to do!

Tang Xiaorou didn't even dare to turn her head back, afraid to see that man still behind!

"Where do you want to go?" Fang Yu asked after walking a certain distance.

Tang Xiaorou stopped and turned to look at Fang Yu.

For her now, Fang Yu is the only reliable pillar.

"Fang Yu, let me tell you one thing, you must believe me." Tang Xiaorou said with a pale face.

"What's the matter?" Fang Yu asked with a frown.

"Just, when I was in the restaurant just now, I didn't ask you..." Tang Xiaorou said with a trembling voice.

In the process of speaking, she inadvertently glanced behind Fang Yu and saw a black figure.

It is the man!

Tang Xiaorou couldn't help it anymore, screamed, buried her head in Fang Yu's arms, and reached out to hug Fang Yu tightly.

"Fang Yu, I, I met a ghost!" Tang Xiaorou sobbed.

Tang Xiaorou was shaking violently all over, obviously fearing to the extreme.

"This girl is not very capable of psychological endurance," Fang Yu said in his heart.

"Fang Yu, you believe me, there are real ghosts..." Tang Xiaorou cried.

"Of course I believe that there are ghosts in this world. However, the man you saw is not a ghost." Fang Yu said lightly.

"Huh?" Tang Xiaorou raised her head, looking at Fang Yu with tears in her eyes.

Fang Yu gently pushed Tang Xiaorou away, turned his head to look at the man in black who was standing not far away, and said, "Is it really fun to use magic techniques to scare people?"

The man thought Fang Yu could not see him.

But Fang Yu's words changed his expression.

"How can he see me? I have obviously used invisibility!" The man was shocked.

But he reacted quickly.

Concealment is a secret method taught to him by the saint, and there will be no problems!

The other party is just bluffing!

As long as he is silent, he will not expose himself!

"I thought I saw you? That's okay." Fang Yu's mouth raised a sneered smile, and his magical hand grabbed forward.

The man immediately felt a huge force pulling him to fly forward!


The man threw himself in front of Fang Yu in the manner of a dog chewing mud, his nosebleeds running across.

He raised his head and saw Fang Yu with a smile on his face.

"Is it fun?" Fang Yu asked.

The man struggled to stand up, but couldn't move anymore!

A force is pressing hard on him, and it is getting heavier and heavier!

At this time, the man still doesn't know where, he has kicked the iron plate!

Fang Yu in front of him can really see him, and his strength is far above him!

He lifted his head hard and begged for mercy: "Da, Master, I just lost my head for a while, please let me go..."

"Let you go? You asked her if she agreed."

Fang Yu turned to look at Tang Xiaorou who was stunned.

Tang Xiaorou hadn't reacted at this time, what had happened.

Didn't Fang Yu see this man before? Why did you do it suddenly

"You scared people to cry and swell their eyes, how could I easily let you go?" Fang Yu smiled.

While speaking, the pressure exerted on the man was a bit heavier!

The man let out a cry of pain.

As it was noon, no one else passed by this street.

Therefore, the shouting of the man has no effect.

"Da, Master, I am an officer of the Sorcerer Sect. Please take the bishop's face and spare me once!"

A man knows that if this continues, he will be crippled even if he does not die!

Therefore, he can only try all means to escape.

If Fang Yu happened to know the witch god cult, he might have spared him!

Sure enough, after hearing the man's words, the pressure on his body suddenly became a lot lighter.

"Are you from the Sorcerer God Sect?" Fang Yu raised his brows slightly and asked.

"Yes! Yes! I am an officer of the Southern Branch of the Sorcerer Sect. My name is Liang Manhao." The man nodded and said.

"The Southern Capital Branch..." Fang Yu pondered for a moment.

Liang Manhao knew that his words worked.

Fang Yu, he really knows the witch god cult!

"Master... I really know that I was wrong, please look at the shamanism and let me go." Liang Hao Hao continued to speak while the iron was hot.

Seen in the face of the witchcraft

Fang Yu raised a smile on his face and said, "Okay, as long as you answer a few questions, I will let you go."

"Good! Good! I must know everything!" Liang Manhao said with a smile of joy.

"Where is the address of your southern branch?" Fang Yu asked.

"Yes, in..." Liang Manhao's expression changed.

He didn't expect that when Fang Yu asked questions, what the teachings strictly required not to disclose to outsiders!

Especially in the last two or three months, the ban has become more stringent.

But if he doesn't answer Fang Yu's question right now, he will have to suffer!

"In a mountain on the outskirts of the southern capital!"

After making a decision, Liang Haohao replied vaguely.

Fang Yu knew that Liang Haohao was vague, but continued to ask: "Then where is the headquarters of your witch god sect?"

"This, I really don't know about this... I'm just an officer in the branch, and I have a very low position in the faculty..." Liang Manhao said with a bitter expression on his face.

"Well, the last question, why do you pretend to be scary?" Fang Yu asked.

Hearing this question, Liang Haohao subconsciously glanced at Tang Xiaorou who was standing next to Fang Yu.

To be honest, he pretended to scare Tang Xiaorou by pretending to be a ghost.

At the beginning, he just wanted to see Tang Xiaorou's beauty.

But after Tang Xiaorou wanted to find a waiter to drive him away, he used his tricks and used the concealment technique that he had learned only recently.

The effect after hiding was very significant, Tang Xiaorou was so scared that Qihun lost six souls.

After that, Liang Haohao's interest also rose, following Tang Xiaorou, wanting to find her chance to go alone, and take her down...

But this idea cannot be said anyhow.

If Fang Yu was not the boyfriend of this girl, he would be a bodyguard.

Speaking the true thoughts will definitely cause a torture.

"I, I just learned the invisibility technique, I want to try it, there is absolutely no malice..." Liang Haohao said cautiously.

"Who taught you this technique?" Fang Yu asked.

"Yes, it is the saint in our church." Liang Haohao replied.

"Saint?" Fang Yu frowned.

Liang Manhao realized that he had leaked again.

However, Fang Yu did not continue to ask about this matter, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

"Master, I have answered all your questions, can you let me go?" Liang Haohao asked hopefully.

"Of course not." Fang Yu shook his head. "None of your three answers are true. Do you still want to leave?"

While speaking, Fang Yu knelt down.

"I..." Liang Manhao's face changed drastically, and he was about to speak.

At this time, Fang Yu stretched out his right hand and pointed it on Liang Manhao's forehead.

Fingertips flashed white light.

Liang Manhao's eyes immediately became dull.

Fang Yu entered Liang Manhao's soul and searched for his memory.

Soon, Fang Yu saw scenes.

In addition to some life trivial matters, a few key memory points are the memory of Liang Manhao when he joined the Witch God Sect and the memory of a recent meeting within the church.

The first memory is of little value, but the second memory makes Fang Yu quite concerned.

In this memory, Liang Hao-hao stood among a group of congregations dressed in the same clothes as him.

And in front of them, stood two men in purple robes.

Between these two purple-robed men, there was another figure standing,

This person is wearing a pure white robe with his back facing everyone.

Judging from the body shape, this person is a female.

"The saint will perform a very important task in Nandu recently. Attention, everyone, during this period of time, you must never reveal your identity! No matter where you are, face anyone! Unless the other party is a member of the sect, you will never be exposed. Don't disclose anything about this sect!" said one of the purple-robed people.

"In addition, the saint may sometimes need your help. No matter what order she gives, you must execute it immediately! Don't neglect!" The purple-robed man continued.


All the people present replied together.

"Okay! Next, the saint will teach you a technique, you must listen carefully..." the purple-robed man continued.

Then, it was the saint who spoke.

Her voice sounded neutral, as if it had been disguised.

And what she said was all about the secret formula.

After teaching this spell, the saint left.

From beginning to end, she never turned around, showing her face.

After reading this memory, Fang Yu casually scanned the other memories of Manhao Liang.

From these fragmentary memories, Fang Yu knew that there were many so-called officers like Liang Manhao in the Nandu branch.

These clerks are all decent figures in the secular world.

Some are company presidents, some are elites in the financial industry...

For example, Liang Manhao is the owner of a decoration company.

These officers are located in all walks of life, and their combined role is not trivial.

This is probably what the purple-robed man said, the reason why the saint may need the help of these people.

Fang Yu deleted Liang Manhao's memory today, and then withdrew his spiritual consciousness.

He stood up and kicked Liang Haohao away.

Liang Hao Hao fell to the ground and fainted directly, his nose bleeds all over his face.

"Let's go."

Fang Yu said to Tang Xiaorou, and turned and left at the same time.


As Fang Yu walked, he recalled the back of the white clothes in Liang Manhao's memory.

This figure inexplicably gave him a familiar feeling.

who is it

Fang Yu took a few steps, and his frowned brows suddenly stretched out.

It turned out to be her.