The Strongest Inner Energy Refining Period in History

Chapter 373: You are the person I am looking for!


The power contained in these five hands is extremely strong.

They grasped Fang Yu's limbs like the strongest chain.

Fang Yu tried to move his limbs, but was firmly grasped by the four hands, unable to move a bit.

"The strength is good," Fang Yu said.

"Join us, or die in pain, become our lunch, choose a path."

At this time, a slightly hoarse voice sounded from the lair.

"You keep letting me join you without telling you who you are. How can I trust you?" Fang Yu said with a faint smile on his face.

"As long as you join us, you will know everything."

"Well, how do I join you? Eat bugs?" Fang Yu asked.

"Yes it is."

As soon as the other party's voice fell, the hand that pinched Fang Yu's neck, a small dark hole appeared on the palm of his hand, and a poisonous insect got out of it and climbed onto Fang Yu's body.

It tried to penetrate directly from Fang Yu's skin, but it failed.

Then it crawled towards Fang Yu's ears, trying to get in through Fang Yu's ears.

"Trust me, joining us is the best choice. Under Wang's leadership, you can get everything you want." The hoarse voice continued.

"No, I don't want to stay in the dark underground all the time." Fang Yu said.

"Relax, in the near future, all of us will leave the ground and return to the ground! At that time, we will become the kings of the ground!" the other party said passionately.

"Back to the ground..." Fang Yu's eyes moved slightly when he heard this word.

At this time, the poisonous insect had crawled to Fang Yu's ear and was about to get in.

At this moment, Fang Yu's body was full of golden glow.


In an instant, the poisonous insect was evaporated into a plume of white smoke.

"It seems that you want to choose the second way... Then die!" the other party said coldly.

While speaking, he pinched Fang Yu's neck with his hand and began to exert force.

Under this huge grip, not to mention the human neck bones, even steel, I am afraid it will be crushed!

But Fang Yu looked like a okay person, his expression was indifferent, even with a mocking smile.

how can that be!

The devil's claws in the darkness shook his heart, and raised the power of the hand holding Fang Yu's neck to the extreme.

But even so, Fang Yu still had no painful reaction!

"No way? Goodbye then."

The corners of Fang Yu's mouth raised, and his body moved forward.


The four arms clinging to Fang Yu's limbs were unable to withstand the tremendous force on Fang Yu's body, and they all broke apart!

Fang Yu stretched out his hand again and snapped off the arm that was pinched on his neck.

The devil's claws in the dark, the heart thumped straight!

The current situation has exceeded his expectations.

He has always believed that the power contained in each of his hands has reached the limit.

No human being on the ground can rival him.

But the current situation stunned him.

He had never thought before that a human body and power could be so powerful!

He easily abolished his five hands!

Devil's heart sank.

But the Immortal King did not give him any instructions.

In other words, he can't run away now! Can only bite the bullet and fight Fang Yu!

After the five hands broke, Fang Yu took a step forward and said with a smile: "Since I have been dragged here, why are you hiding? At least I have to meet?"

As soon as Fang Yu's voice fell, several arms stretched out on the ground again!

The speed of his arm was very fast, and a black hole was opened in the palm of his hand, and different sharp weapons appeared from it, stabbing each deadly part of Fang Yu's body.

Fang Yu's face was expressionless, and a burst of real energy suddenly exploded from his body.


These hands were bombarded in an instant.

"Since you won't come out, then I will take the initiative to look for you." Fang Yu said coldly, releasing the power of divine consciousness.

In just two seconds, he locked the opponent's position.

Fang Yu raised his right palm, facing a direction in front, bursting out a cloud of true energy.


The rock wall at that location was cracked.

Fang Yu flashed forward and rushed forward.

In the divine consciousness, he could see a spider-like silhouette in front of him.

The center position is the torso, and the torso is covered with hands of different sizes.

Some of these hands are inserted below the ground, and some are floating in the air.

"The location was discovered!"

Facing the rushing Fang Yu, Demon Claw was flustered and immediately stretched out a dozen hands.

Among them, a few hands were holding a sharp weapon to stab Fang Yu, and the other hands were pinching Fa Jue!

A terrifying breath came out one after another, black holes appeared in the palms of several hands, and extremely strong energy was ejected from them!


Fang Yu was really blasted by several energies, and there was a muffled noise.

The nest seemed to be collapsing, and the rock above it began to fall, crumbling.

Under this level of attack, Fang Yu remained unaffected, rushed forward and rushed to the front of Demon Claw.

"It's a waste of time to not see the king in your mouth for a long time." Fang Yu said coldly, clenching his right fist.


Fang Yu's fist glowed with golden light.

At the same time, a sacred breath radiated.

Feeling this breath, the magic claws screamed.

He even ignored the immortal king's confession, he just wanted to escape!

As an underground creature, the fear of divine power comes from the depths of the soul!

Run! Otherwise you will die!

As a member of the immortal clan, Magic Claw never thought that one day he would be so afraid of death!

When Demon Claw was panicking, Fang Yu's right fist had already blasted out.

The fist slid through the air, and even the space could not withstand the pressure, making bursts of noise.

Magic Claw knew that he had no chance to escape at this time! He can't run away!

The survival instinct makes all the hands on the devil's claw come together and wrap the devil's torso to form a natural defensive cover.

Fang Yu's fist was hitting the defensive cover formed by countless arms.


Almost in an instant, these overlapping arms broke.

The torso of the devil's claw guarded in the center was also instantly annihilated by the divine power, and even the screams were too late!

In front of Fang Yu is a rock wall, and behind the rock wall is endless soil.

But the power of Fang Yu's punch instantly blasted this rock wall, blasting the soil behind it out of the giant passage!

The whole underground seemed to be shaking, gravel, dust flying everywhere.

Fang Yu's nest is about to collapse!

Fang Yu stood still, expressionless.

Will anyone come

But at this time, except for the falling gravel, there was no movement around.

In this case, there should be no other creatures showing up.

Fang Yu was a little regretful not seeing the so-called supreme king.

But he currently has no other way but to leave the ground.

Fang Yu moved, following the hole he had fallen before, and quickly ascended.

On the ground, Ye Shengxue and his group, who were about to turn around and leave, suddenly felt the ground shake.

"What's going on!? Why did the earthquake happen suddenly?" Ye Shenglong's expression changed slightly.

Ye Shengxue frowned and suddenly noticed something, and turned to look at the cave not far away.

"Sheng Xue, in the end..." Ye Shenglong asked.

"Someone is coming up, right in the entrance of the cave." Ye Shengxue said solemnly.

"Someone is coming up!?" Ye Shenglong's expression changed slightly.

A few seconds later, he also felt a clear breath, just under the ground in front of him.

About five seconds later, a figure flashed out of the hole and stood upright on the ground.

It is Fang Yu.

When Ling'er saw Fang Yu, she was stunned for a moment, then reacted, her expression overjoyed, and she ran towards Fang Yu.

"Fang Yu, are you okay!?"

"It's okay, it's just a sightseeing under the ground." Fang Yu said.

Luo Xi recovered and walked forward quickly.

"Mr. Fang, you are fine, we are about to contact the Budo Association to search for your whereabouts." Luo Xi said in surprise.

Fang Yu did not speak, but looked at the Ye Family brothers and sisters ahead.

Ye Shenglong and Ye Shengxue were also staring at Fang Yu.

"There is no scar on his body..." Ye Shenglong looked at Fang Yu with a little surprise in his eyes.

He didn't expect that Fang Yu, who was dragged into the depths of the earth, could return to the ground like an okay person.

He originally thought that Fang Yu was already ill-fortuned.

While Ye Shenglong was thinking, Ye Shengxue walked towards Fang Yu and stopped in front of Fang Yu.

"You are the person I am looking for."

Ye Shengxue raised her head slightly, looked at Fang Yu, her beautiful eyes were slightly excited, and said.

In the deepest cave underground, the huge black shadow let out a roar.

In front of it, stood a shivering figure, and it was Yan Yao who had escaped from the ground.

"No matter what method is used and what the cost, we must get rid of this child! Otherwise, the power he has will be the biggest obstacle to our immortal race's return to the ground!" The Immortal King furiously said.