The Strongest Inner Energy Refining Period in History

Chapter 378: Disguised Orderer


"This... I can be sure that it is him..." Luo Jinian asked hesitantly, looking at Wang Yangshi.

"On this issue, I have repeatedly confirmed. The college entrance examination is such a strict occasion, there is no substitute exam." Wang Yangshi said.

Luo Jinian nodded, put the test paper back on the conference table, and said: "I also agree with the school's decision now that Fang Yu is qualified to be a visiting professor."

Hearing Luo Jinian's words, the expressions of the other professors here changed.

The magic of this test paper convinced Luo Jinian, a staid and strict old professor!

Luo Jinian picked up the test paper again and passed it to the professor next to it for observation.

After reading and writing the composition, the professor next to him showed shock on his face, and then passed it on to the next one.

Soon, the professors on the entire conference table read Fang Yu's language test papers.

Looking at Fang Yu again, everyone's eyes changed.

The original scrutiny and faint disdain were completely transformed into shock!

If Fang Yu himself wrote that article, then he is indeed qualified as a visiting professor.

The article is really well written.

It is so good that many professors feel ashamed and feel that they have studied for so many years in vain.

Most of them are probably unable to write such an article.

"Now, everyone understands the decision of the school, right?" Wang Yangshi smiled.

The professors didn't say anything, and many professors nodded straightly.

"But the dean, we still have to consider the aspects of students. Fang Yu is so young, he took the stage to give lectures, will students think that our College of Arts is too trifling..." An associate professor objected.

"This is not a problem. As long as there is real talent and learning, age is the least important." Wang Yangshi waved his hand and said.

The dean said so, and the professors naturally no longer disagree.

The meeting ended soon.

When the meeting ended, Fang Yu got the timetable.

From the course schedule, Fang Yu can see that his class is scheduled on Wednesday afternoon every week, and the elective course is called Literature and Writing.

When Fang Yu was about to walk out of the meeting room, Wang Yangshi patted his shoulder and stayed behind.

The two walked to the balcony of the corridor.

"Fang Yu, why didn't you choose to go to university? Although your level may have exceeded the scope of college students, four years of university is not just about studying. There will be more valuable wealth during this period that will affect your life."

"It's a shame not to go to university."

Wang Yangshi looked at Fang Yu and said.

"There is no way, I forgot to apply for a volunteer at the time. I realized that the time had passed, so I just stopped reading." Fang Yu said lightly.

Forget to volunteer!

Wang Yangshi's expression stagnated.

He originally thought Fang Yu had some far-sighted ideas, but he didn't think the reason for not going to university was so absurd!

"Ah... At your level, you can repeat the course for a year, and you can get good grades next year. Going to Beijing University is not a problem." Wang Yangshi said with a dry cough.

Before Fang Yu could speak, Wang Yangshi smiled and patted Fang Yu's shoulder, and said, "Hehe, respect your choice. Anyway, now you are a member of our College of Arts, work hard. Your elective courses, I will let someone promote it specifically for you."

After that, Wang Yangshi wanted to turn around and leave. Thinking of something, he turned around and said, "By the way, although you only have one class a week, the office still has a place for you. On the second floor of the office building of the Faculty of Arts, you can go now. Take a look."

"Good." Fang Yu stuffed the course schedule into his pocket, walked slowly down the office building and on the school road.

After the school started, there were a lot of students on the school road.

It was 11:30 in the morning, and many students were already going to the cafeteria.

Fang Yu originally wanted to go to the canteen, but he didn't have a campus card and couldn't make consumption in the canteen.

So Fang Yu had to give up this idea and walked towards the liberal arts college.

The closer you get to the liberal arts college, the fewer men you see.

Men are partial to rationality and women are partial to essays. This has been the tradition of China for many years.

Fang Yu came to the office building, walked to the second floor, and saw an office.

Inside the office, there are many compartments, each of which represents every professor or lecturer.

Fang Yu saw that on the other side of the tail, there was a compartment door with his name pasted.

That's his desk.

At this time, most of the other compartments were empty, and only a few lecturers were working.

Fang Yu didn't return to the desk, but walked out of the office directly.

At this time, a handsome-looking man with gold-wire glasses walked towards him, about 30 years old.

With a confident smile on his suit and leather shoes, Fang Yu nodded and walked into the office.

Fang Yu turned his head and looked at the man's back, his eyes moved slightly.

Although the method of concealment was used, it was deliberately hidden.

But Fang Yu still noticed a very subtle aura exuding from his body.

It is not the breath of a warrior, but a breath similar to that of the Orderer that I have seen before.


Fang Yu watched the man return to his desk.

His name, Ji Feng, hung on the door of the compartment. Title, lecturer.

Fang Yu silently wrote down the name, left the office, and went downstairs.

How could a professor at the School of Arts of Nandu University be a mage

Is he also a member of the Orderer

If it is the orderer, the reason for his appearance at Nandu University is obvious.

It must be for Fang Yu.

"Deliberately concealing the breath to prevent me from discovering... But unfortunately, the magic skills are not enough." Fang Yu's mouth raised slightly, showing a slightly sarcasm, and slowly walked downstairs.

When he walked downstairs, Fang Yu suddenly thought of something.

It is also possible that the orderer named Ji Feng didn't come to him.

It is easy to confirm this.

Fang Yu took out his cell phone and called Guo Gang from the Personnel Department.

"Does the College of Arts have a lecturer named Ji Feng?" Fang Yu asked.

"Let me check... Yes, there is a lecturer named Ji Feng. Are you looking for something to do with him?" Guo Gang asked.

"I want to know, when did this Ji Feng come to work at Nandu University?" Fang Yu asked.

"In April of this year. Since a lecturer in the Faculty of Letters took maternity leave, we hired an external lecturer. The level of the lecturer Ji Feng is very high. He graduated from Beijing University and was hired by me personally..." Guo Gang introduced.

"Thanks a lot." Fang Yu hung up the phone.

Ji Feng came to Nandu University in April.

At this time, Fang Yu was still in Jianghai Middle School, two months before the college entrance examination.

Obviously, Ji Feng's goal was not Fang Yu.

Or, Ji Feng is not an orderer at all, just a mage.

But if you are a mage, why should you come to a university as a lecturer and hide your breath

Just to not attract the attention of others? That is superfluous.

The vast majority of people in the university are mortals, and they can't sense the breath of a mage at all.

Even if Ji Feng didn't hide, no one would know that he was a mage.

But he was hiding all the time.

This shows that he came to Nandu University for a purpose.

He concealed his breath, lurking in Nandu University, it must be for something.

Moreover, he is likely to be an orderer.

"Is there anyone in the university who can be followed by the Order? It's interesting."

After sorting out the matter, Fang Yu knew that the other party's goal was not himself, and he was very happy, and he stopped thinking about it.

No matter who Ji Feng's goal is, as long as he doesn't provoke him.

When Fang Yu passed the teaching building, he saw a familiar girl in front of him.

It was Ye Shengxue who just met last night!

Ye Shengxue walked down the stairs alone.

The icy breath exuding from her made people around her dare not approach at all and only dared to watch from a distance.

Not only the boys, but even the girls, are watching Ye Shengxue silently, with envious eyes.

Ye Shengxue became a recognized goddess in the liberal arts college at the beginning of her sophomore year this year, and she is the dream of many boys.

There are admirers of Ye Shengxue in every major department.

However, this is just one-sided admiration.

Ye Shengxue's temperament is too cold, making people feel inaccessible.

There have been many courageous boys who took the initiative to strike up a conversation with her, only to retreat immediately with a cold face.

One year later, Ye Shengxue's cold image was engraved in every student's heart, and it became an existence that could only be seen from a distance.

Even the rich and powerful, dare not go beyond half a step.

Because the Ye Family behind Ye Shengxue is stronger than any of them!