The Strongest Inner Energy Refining Period in History

Chapter 381: Fire in the center of the earth!


Fang Yu jumped into the lake, and there was a dark green in front of him.

The lake is muddy and unclear, and visibility is very low.

But after entering the lake, Fang Yu could clearly sense a breath from below.

It should be the breath of Cao Tian.

Fang Yu kicked his feet and rushed toward the place where the breath was emitted.

At this time, Cao Tian was already at the bottom of the lake about a hundred meters away.

Under his feet, there is a dark ground.

"Just below here!"

Cao Tian was extremely excited, and his whole body was lying on the ground.

Then, his swollen body suddenly shrank into an inch, disappeared from the ground, and went under the ground.

This is the natural magical power of their immortal race.

Able to move freely underground.

"I can already feel the scorching heat, not far below!" Cao Tian's speed increased to the extreme, quickly approaching the fire in the heart of the earth.

At this time, Fang Yu had just landed where Cao Tian had previously stood.

"Go down?" Fang Yu looked down at the ground under his feet, frowning slightly.

Unlike the immortal, he couldn't directly enter the ground.

The only way for him to enter the underground is to forcibly create a passage. In other words, it is to pierce the ground.

Fang Yu raised his foot and was about to step down.

But he lifted his feet into the air and stopped abruptly.

"There is no need to worry, first look at what exists under the ground."

Thinking like this, Fang Yu closed his eyes, pointed his right hand with two fingers, and pointed on his forehead.

Opening his eyes again, Fang Yu's pupils glowed with red light, and the white runes turned inside.

Now Fang Yu's field of vision can penetrate the thick underground soil and see what exists below.

The order structure of the underground is much simpler than that of the ground, and there are a lot of fewer frames, which makes Fang Yu's vision particularly clear.

Fang Yu frowned, looked straight down, and quickly saw a tiny outline.

This figure should be Cao Tian.

The reason why he is so small is because he has already entered a deep underground position, far away from Fang Yu.

"These people move underground as easily as we fly on the ground, and the soil itself is solid, but it can't stop him from moving forward. What is the principle?" Fang Yu thought.

Following the direction Cao Tian rushed towards, Fang Yu continued to look down.

Further down, it was pitch black, and there was nothing to be seen.

what happened

Cao Tian kept going deep into the ground, what is it for

Below the ground, there seems to be nothing.

Could it be that what Cao Tian wanted to find could not even be seen by these eyes

Fang Yu frowned, looked down attentively, and then stretched out his brows.

In his field of vision, where Cao Tian rushed towards, there was actually an extremely small spot of light, like a tiny spark in the night sky.

Because the distance was too far, the light spot was too small to be seen, so Fang Yu ignored it.

"It seems to be this thing."

Fang Yu stared at this light spot, then pointed his right hand on his forehead.

The red light in the pupils is even more dazzling!

The white runes in the pupils of the eyes turned rapidly clockwise.

At the same time, Fang Yu's field of vision began to enlarge! Keep getting closer to the light spot.

The light spot is getting bigger and bigger.

Soon, Fang Yu could see exactly what this light spot was.

It's a fire!

In a small enclosed space thousands of meters deep underground, a fire is burning!

The color of the flame is exactly the same as other flames, and there is no essential difference.

But Fang Yu knew that this flame was definitely not an ordinary flame.

Fire in the center of the earth! Also known as the eternal fire, it is a flame that will never go out!

This kind of flame is said to have existed since the beginning of the formation of the earth.

Many monks in the previous world of cultivating immortals have been searching for the fire in the heart of the earth all their lives.

Just because the fire in the heart of the earth can be absorbed into the body!

In history, there have been several monks who have absorbed the fire in the heart of the earth, and then they have all become the power of the famous party and successfully ascended.

It is said that the cultivation talents of these cultivators all belong to an extremely mediocre category.

But after absorbing the fire in the heart of the earth, their bodies have undergone tremendous changes, and they have since reached the sky in one step!

Their deeds have also become the driving force for other monks to pursue the fire in the heart of the earth.

However, finding the fire in the heart of the earth is quite difficult.

First of all, the fire in the heart of the earth exists in the ground and does not emit a trace of breath.

There is no quick way to find it, only luck.

People who can meet the fire in the heart of the earth have strong luck!

In the entire history of mankind, there are only a few people who have seen the fire in the heart of the earth.

With the passage of time, the existence of the fire in the center of the earth is gradually regarded as a legend, and fewer and fewer people are looking for the fire in the center of the earth.

Others think that the fire in the heart of the earth is long gone.

Those great powers have absorbed all the fire in the earth's core that is left on the earth.

But I didn't think that today, thousands of years later, Fang Yu discovered the fire in the center of the earth!

"This… "

Fang Yu was a little stunned.

At this time, he noticed that Cao Tian was already quite close to the fire in the heart of the earth.

Fang Yu returned to his senses, his eyes a little excited.

If he does not accept the fire in the heart of the earth, he may be struck by thunder.

Fang Yu leaned down, facing the ground, floating in the water.

Then, he clenched his right fist, and the right fist swirled up with golden infuriating bursts.

"I hope this punch will not destroy the entire lake."

Thinking like this, Fang Yu blasted a punch toward the ground!


On the originally calm lake surface, bursts of water burst out suddenly, one by one higher than the other!

Ye Shengxue, who was not far from the lake, changed her face and backed away again and again.

At this time, she felt the ground vibrate!

"What happened down there?"

Ye Shengxue's face was solemn, pulling Ji Feng back for a certain distance.

She was hesitating whether to notify the family to send someone to help.

But after some deliberation, she decided not to do it.

This incident involved the Orderer and another organization, and Fang Yu was also involved. The situation was rather chaotic, and the Ye family was really not suitable to step in.

"Teacher Ji, how long will it take for your companions to arrive?" Ye Shengxue asked, looking at the weak Ji Feng.

"It should be almost there," the bloodless Ji Feng replied.

"Wow... what's the situation!? Hurry up and take pictures! Wonders of the world!"

The water column suddenly burst on the lake, causing many students who were walking by the lake to exclaim.

At this time, a man and a woman were rushing forward.

Among them, the male is slightly bald and looks more than 30 years old, while the female is petite and looks like a junior high school girl.

These two people are the three-star mage Wu Neng and the four-star mage Zhi'er who have been stationed in the southern capital for a long time and are responsible for monitoring Fang Yu.

The two walked forward quickly, and noticed the abnormality of the lake.

"Zhier, what's going on?" Wu Neng asked, looking at the water column on the lake.

At this time, the ground also vibrated.

Wu Neng's expression was a little horrified.

"Look at your scared demo, are you ashamed to say that you are the Orderer?" Zhi'er glanced at Wu Neng and said sarcastically.

Wu Neng blushed and said, "I, I'm not afraid! I just don't know the situation..."

"Before I saw Lao Ji, no one knew what was going on. Let's go faster." Zhi'er's tone suddenly became serious.

It didn't take long for the two to see Ye Shengxue and Ji Feng lying on the ground.

"Brother Ji!"

Seeing Ji Feng covered with blood, Wu Neng's expression changed and he walked forward quickly.

Zhierxiu frowned, looked at Ye Shengxue, and asked, "Where did the person who injured him go?"

Ye Shengxue pointed to the lake and said, "I jumped into the lake."

"Jump into the lake?" Zhi'er's face changed slightly and walked to the lake.

Standing by the lake, Zhi'er stretched out his right hand, and a staff appeared out of thin air in his hand.

Compared with Ji Feng's staff, Zhi'er's staff was much shorter, about less than half a meter.

But at the top of Zhi'er's staff, a faint purple appeared.


Zhi'er muttered the magic trick silently in his heart, and the staff glowed with a burst of light.

Then, a small ball glowing with purple light appeared in front of the staff.

"Elf, help me go down and take a look at the situation."

Zhier gently waved his hand and said.

This small ball flew into the lake immediately, and soon submerged in the lake.

Zhi'er walked back in front of Ji Feng and the others, swiping his hands in the air, and drew a circle.

Then, a mirror-like existence appeared in the sky, showing the scene in the bottom of the lake.