The Strongest Inner Energy Refining Period in History

Chapter 383: Liquid man!


Fang Yu only felt a warm current coming from the meridians in his arm, into his body, and the meridians flowing in his body.

When the giant centipede saw the fire in the heart of the earth disappeared, it seemed extremely angry, opening its ugly mouth, and making a sharp and piercing sound.

It rushed forward quickly, and its extremely long body appeared in front of Fang Yu.

With extremely sharp feet on both sides of its body, they all grabbed Fang Yu.

Fang Yu waved his right hand forward, and a burst of true energy swept across the front.

Dozens of centipede feet were severed.


The giant centipede screamed again, shook its head, and quickly revolved around Fang Yu.

Its extremely long body is like a rope, entwining Fang Yu's body, trying to strangle it.

Its death entanglement can shatter even several tons of profound iron, let alone a human being.

The body of the giant centipede seemed to be infinitely long, continuously protruding from the soil, and surrounding Fang Yu's body layer by layer, layer by layer.

After ten seconds, the body of the giant centipede was finally fully revealed.

At least nearly fifty or sixty meters in length! Went around Fang Yu forty or fifty times!

And its power is also quite huge, every time it wraps around, the force exerted on Fang Yu's body will increase a lot.

Changing the position of Fang Yu, I'm afraid he would have been minced into meat long ago.

But Fang Yu looked like a okay person, even a little excited.

He didn't care what the giant centipede did.

He is now looking at himself internally, observing the changes in his body.

After using the Spirit Devouring Jue to absorb the fire in the heart of the earth, the fire in the heart of the earth turned into a warm current, flowing through the meridians of his body, and then into his dantian.

During this process, Fang Yu felt comfortable all over.

Especially after the fire from the heart of the earth entered the dantian, Fang Yu's dantian was a lot easier, no longer the feeling of swelling before.

"The fire in the center of the earth is indeed a good thing." Fang Yu's eyes lit up.

But at the same time he was a little confused.

In this way, the fire from the heart of the earth merged into the dantian, and it seemed to be mixed with the spiritual energy.

So, what is the specific role of the fire in the center of the earth

At least for now, Fang Yu's cultivation level has not improved, and he has no other feelings other than comfort.


While Fang Yu was thinking, the giant centipede tried its best, but was unable to hang Fang Yu, turned his head furiously, and opened his mouth to Fang Yu.

The fangs in its mouth spewed a cloud of green venom, and it rushed towards Fang Yu.

Fang Yu came out of his thoughts, frowning slightly.


In the next second, Fang Yu's true energy burst out!

The body of the giant centipede wrapped around him was blown apart in an instant and flew outward.

Fang Yu jumped up and hit the giant centipede's head with a punch.


The head of the giant centipede burst open.

In just two seconds, only countless tiny body fragments remained for this centipede that had long lived underground.

Fang Yu turned around and looked in the direction where Yan Yao had escaped.

But in his field of vision, Yan Yao was no longer visible.

Obviously, Yan Yao used the teleportation technique, otherwise it would be impossible to escape a distance of several kilometers in such a short time.

"Whose heart is that?" Fang Yu frowned slightly.

At this time, the corpses of the giant centipede scattered on the ground all around suddenly melted into a black liquid, and then slowly gathered together.

The body of Cao Tian, who was headshot with a punch by Fang Yu, also turned into black liquid.

Countless liquids slowly converged, condensed into a large group of dark liquids, and slowly formed a human-shaped silhouette.

Fang Yu sensed the breath, turned his head, looked at the human figure formed by the black viscous liquid, and raised his brow slightly.

After the liquid person formed, the liquid on the body began to bubble, as if it was boiling.

"What the hell?" Fang Yu frowned and slammed out his palm to the front.


Just the palm of the wind blasted the liquid to disperse.

However, the splashed liquid immediately condensed in the air and once again condensed into a human form.

"These liquids are actually living bodies, which is kind of interesting."

After Fang Yu opened those eyes, all the laws and invisible lines could be seen in his vision.

And in the liquid in front of him, he saw the law of life.

Not the whole liquid, but every part of the liquid, even just a drop, is a living body.

This is very interesting.

Fang Yu kicked his feet, jumped up, and rushed towards the liquid man.

In an instant, he rushed to the liquid man and punched the liquid man.


This fist hit the liquid, and the fist suddenly felt like it had entered a vacuum, and suffered tremendous resistance.

But this resistance was not enough to see in front of Fang Yu, and Fang Yu's fist broke through easily.

The head formed by the pitch black liquid was instantly pierced by Fang Yu's fist.

But just like before, the collapsed liquid condensed again to form the head.

At the same time, some liquid still got on Fang Yu's hand, trying to get in through the pores of Fang Yu's body.

But Fang Yu's body that had been tempered a hundred and one times had no flaws.

No matter it was liquid or gas, as long as Fang Yu didn't want to, nothing could forcefully enter Fang Yu's body.


A golden light glowed from Fang Yu's right hand.

Those few drops of liquid seemed extremely frightened, and immediately flew outwards, flying back into the main body of the liquid.

Fang Yu took two steps back, looking at the liquid person in front of him with playful eyes.

Since the opponent is liquid, there is no way to destroy it with the physical body.

The best way to destroy liquid is to burn it into steam with flames!

It just so happens that you can try to use the fire of the heart of the earth!

Fang Yu stretched out his right hand and held it in front of him, holding his claw slightly.

Just like usual condensing zhenqi, Fang Yu tried to call out the fire in the center of the earth in his dantian.


In the next second, there was an explosion, and Fang Yu's right hand rose with a cloud of innocence glowing with golden light.

It's not a flame.

"No, that's not the case."

Fang Yu frowned slightly, dissipating the true energy from his right palm, and once again invoked the aura of his dantian.


This time, Fang Yu's right hand suddenly burst into flames!

But the flame only appeared for a moment, and then immediately went out.

"It's almost like that! Do it again!" Fang Yu's eyes lit up, and he continued to try.

At this time, the liquid man in front of him was condensing a ball of pitch-black energy on his right hand.

A terrifying breath radiated from this energy ball.

This energy ball is getting bigger and bigger, and the size of the liquid person is getting smaller and smaller.

It is depleting its own vitality to condense this energy ball!

At this time, Fang Yu was still completely immersed in his own world, as if he hadn't noticed the movement of the liquid man in front of him.

"Wow! Wow! Wow!"

Just like a malfunctioning gas stove, Fang Yu's right palm always disappeared immediately after a burst of flames appeared, completely unable to retain the flames.

But Fang Yu didn't summon, instead, he became more and more focused.

As long as the fire in the heart of the earth can be displayed, there must be a way to keep it.

However, there are still some problems with the way he works.


Once again, the fire in the center of the earth appeared in the palm of Fang Yu's right hand.

This time, the crimson flame did not disappear in an instant, but lasted for a full three seconds before it suddenly extinguished.

"Yes, it really is the problem with the meridian above the dantian... As long as you avoid this meridian, the fire of the heart of the earth can be used perfectly!" Fang Yu's eyes were excited, and he called the fire of the heart of the earth again in his dantian.


This time, the flame ignited on Fang Yu's right palm, continued to burn, and never extinguished.

It's a success!

A smile appeared on Fang Yu's face.

After he goes back, he will write down his mind using the fire of the heart of the earth.


Fang Yu raised his head at this time and looked at the liquid man again.

At this point, the liquid man has become quite compact.

In front of it, a pitch-black energy ball of revealing size was suspended.

Fang Yu was taken aback.

In such a dazed time, the liquid man disappeared in place.

In the blink of an eye, the liquid man appeared in front of Fang Yu, pressing the energy ball on Fang Yu's chest!

Fang Yu's expression was calm, and a golden light appeared on his body.


The entire underground space collapsed instantly!

By the lake, Zhi'er and others looked solemn.

Although an elf was put into the lake, the lake water was really muddy, and there was no way to grasp the situation under the lake.

"Forget it, it's better..." Zhi'er was about to speak.


At this time, the ground shook violently!