The Strongest Inner Energy Refining Period in History

Chapter 387: The curse of the Ye Family


"Who told you that you are the guardians of the dragon?" Fang Yu asked after taking another sip of tea.

"This is the family motto left by our ancestors of the Ye family. In addition, we also have evidence." Ye Shengxue's delicate face was full of seriousness, and she said in a low voice, "Our ancestors have seen Shenlong with their own eyes!"

Have you seen Shenlong with your own eyes

The news is quite explosive.

However, according to legend, the body of Shenlong is at least several hundred meters long and nearly one hundred meters wide.

If it does appear, wouldn't it cause a sensation

But Fang Yu changed his mind.

After he absorbed the origin of the Shenlong, a small golden dragon appeared in his pubic area, circling all the time.

Think about it this way... If the Shenlong appeared in a similar form, it would really be evasive.

Fang Yu raised his brows and said, "What else?"

"Many of the secrets of mind in our family are bestowed by Shenlong." Ye Shengxue said.

"Where did the Shenlong go after?" Fang Yu asked.

"This... is not clear. The family instructions left by the ancestors mentioned that the dragon will leave its bloodline, but this bloodline is uncertain in time and place, and it may appear on anyone in the world."

"Our mission of the Ye family is to find someone who has the blood of Shenlong and guard his growth...until he completely becomes a real Shenlong." Ye Shengxue said.

Fang Yu listened, frowning deeper and deeper.

At first he thought Ye Shengxue was talking nonsense, but after listening so much, he suddenly felt that Ye Shengxue didn't seem to be talking nonsense.

Shenlong left blood...

Did you stay in the deep sea beneath Kowloon Island

At this time, Fang Yu once again remembered the little golden dragon circling around his pubic area.

Could it be that this is the bloodline left by the dragon in Ye Shengxue's mouth

It seems right, this little golden dragon really looks like a young dragon!

Fang Yu raised his eyes, looked at Ye Shengxue, and asked: "I remember what you said last night, let me help? Why do you need help? Isn't it just to find someone with the blood of Shenlong and protect him?"

Upon hearing this question, Ye Shengxue's face suddenly became ugly, and she whispered: "I just told you that Shenlong chose our Ye family as guardians... and gave us many treasures and techniques..."

"But in dealing with Shenlong, the pay is relative."

"When Shenlong gave us these things, it also imposed a curse on our Ye Family's bloodline."

Having said this, Ye Shengxue's face was extremely pale, and her lips trembled slightly.

"What curse?" Fang Yu asked.

"If we didn't find someone with the blood of Shenlong, half of the members of the family would die every 30 years." Ye Shengxue said with a trembling voice.

Fang Yu frowned.

Every 30 years, half of the people in the family will die. This is a just right cycle.

The other half of the surviving members will continue to train the next generation within these twenty years, and continue to guard the dragon bloodline owners who do not know where they are.

With such a curse, even if the Ye Family possessed the techniques and treasures left to them by the Shenlong, it would be difficult for them to become truly powerful, and they could only continue to search for the owner of the Shenlong bloodline with all their heart.

"This kind of curse... is really vicious." Fang Yu said in his heart.

Speaking of the curse, Ye Shengxue seemed to think of her sadness, her eyes flushed, and her beautiful eyes shouted with crystal clear tears.

"We have no other way. The curse left by Shenlong is irreversible. We only have to search for generations after generations, looking for people with Shenlong blood, and only hope that we can escape this hell as soon as possible." Ye Shengxue said in tears.

Fang Yu looked at Ye Shengxue quietly, without speaking.

Ye Shengxue quickly stopped, wiped his tears, looked up at Fang Yu, and said, "Nineteen years have passed since the last time the curse occurred. We only have one year left. If we don’t find the blood of the dragon this year. Owners of, half of our family is about to die."

"And I am one of them."

Fang Yu raised his brow slightly and said, "How do you know you will be one of them? Isn't it random?"

Ye Shengxue shook her head slightly and said, "Ten years after a curse strikes, there will be a mark on the family members... and this mark indicates that they will be the victims of the next curse. Moreover, the closer the curse strikes. , The body of the marked person will become weaker and weaker."

When she said this, Ye Shengxue didn't have any expression on her face, and she was very calm.

She suddenly pulled the sleeve back, exposing the skin of her entire arm.

At this time, Fang Yu saw that there were many gray marks on the skin of Ye Shengxue's arms.

"In the last year, the imprint will climb on my neck, then on my face, all over my body. Then, by then, my vitality will be exhausted." Ye Shengxue said.

At this time, the waiter is ready to serve.

Ye Shengxue pulled her sleeves back and took a deep breath.

Fang Yu frowned slightly, thinking.

Ye Shengxue's words should be true, not lying.

A girl like her could not escape Fang Yu's eyes if she lied or acted.

But Fang Yu still had a lot of doubts.

Shenlong appeared more than a thousand years ago. Why didn't he hear the wind at that time

Why does Shenlong leave his bloodline to any corner of the world? And entrust an ordinary family as the guardian? And leaving such a vicious curse to force a family to do something for it

And the most crucial point, if the Shenlong had been completely extinct after confessing the Ye Family as the guardian 1,200 years ago. So where is it hiding in the long history of thousands of years? Why does the information about it stay ten thousand years ago

No matter how you think, nothing is right.

Moreover, the whole thing was filled with a weird and cult atmosphere.

The dragon is a sacred beast, controlling the power of sacredness and symbolizing light.

Will it really leave such a vicious curse on an ordinary family

And the bloodline of Shenlong really needs a human family to guard it

"If you find the owner of the Shenlong bloodline, what can you do to get rid of the curse on you?" Fang Yu asked.

"As long as we bring people to the ancestral hall in our house, the curse on us will be automatically lifted." Ye Shengxue looked at Fang Yu steadily.

In this curse, there are marks on her body, besides her, her mother, cousin, cousin and so on.

These people are her closest people, and she doesn't want to see them die!

Fang Yu is her last straw!

If Fang Yu is willing to visit Ye's house, her family will be saved!

But Fang Yu did not express his position, but bowed his head and started to eat.

Ye Shengxue was full of expectations, but she knew that this kind of thing could not be forced, and she could not be too anxious.

It hasn't been two days since she met Fang Yu, and she said a lot of words that seemed so absurd to others. Fang Yu was already very good not to regard her as a lunatic.

She still has almost a year to make Fang Yu believe this.

At least for now, she can see hope that the Ye Family will no longer be as dark as the past one thousand or two hundred years!

Thinking of this, Ye Shengxue felt a lot more comfortable.

"Mr. Fang, eat slowly. Although this restaurant has three Michelin stars, it has unlimited dishes." Ye Shengxue said with a smile.

Fang Yu took one bite and ate all in front of him in three or two.

Ye Shengxue immediately let the waiter in and continued to add more dishes.

In the room, Fang Yu was stuffed and ate, while Ye Shengxue watched Fang Yu quietly, without moving the food in front of him.

After a while, the opposite room suddenly began to make noisy noises.

It's like someone is drunk and yelling at each other.

Ye Shengxue frowned slightly, summoned the waiter, and asked, "Why is the other side so noisy?"

"I'm sorry to affect your meal, Miss Ye. I will go over and handle this for you immediately." The waiter bowed deeply and retired.

Within five seconds after the waiter went out, a louder voice erupted from the opposite room.

"Do you fucking know who Lao Tzu is? Dare to say Lao Tzu is noisy? Your boss doesn't dare to say such things when sitting in front of me!"


Next, there was a painful cry and the muffled sound of heavy objects falling.

Ye Shengxue's expression changed, she immediately stood up and walked out of the room.