The Strongest Inner Energy Refining Period in History

Chapter 404: Meet Violet again!


This woman is Roche.

"Just now I heard Zhao Xuan say that there is a man named Fang Yu... I guessed it was you!" Luo Xi said with a beautiful smile.

"So you two know each other?" Zhao Xuan said in a daze.

"Well, I must know Mr. Fang earlier than you!" Luo Xi nodded and said, approaching Fang Yu's side.

A burst of fragrance came.

Fang Yu frowned slightly, shifted the position a little, and opened the distance between Luo Xi.

"Beautiful lady, I am Ares, the prince of the Nord royal family. I wonder if I have the honor to know your name?" At this time, Ares stared at Roche with a charming smile, the gentleman said.

Luo Xi noticed that Ares was still standing in front of him, and immediately responded in English: "My name is Luo Xi, Prince Ares, hello."

Before coming to the exchange meeting tonight, the elders in the family had told her and asked her to take the initiative to make Ares.

"Miss Luo, I have been to China for many times, but I have never seen a beautiful and moving woman like you..." Ares looked at Luo Xi and smiled.

"Thank you for the compliment." Faced with Ares' unabashed compliment, Roche's cheeks flushed slightly, and he lowered his head and said.

Her shy appearance even moved Ares's heartstrings.

"This woman... I'm going to make a decision."

Ares narrowed his eyes and made up his mind.

There are more and more people in the living room, and the atmosphere is getting more and more lively.

Among them, many are martial artists, and their cultivation bases are not low, and the worst are above the realm of masters.

Fang Yu turned his head and saw an acquaintance at a glance.

Han Qi.

At this time, Han Qi was talking with others and did not notice Fang Yu's existence.

Fang Yu looked to the other side again, and a figure attracted his attention.

That woman actually came too.

Fang Yu thought for a while, and the corners of his mouth raised, forming a curve.

He turned his head and said to Qin Lang, "You talk first, I've seen an acquaintance."

"Oh... OK." Qin Lang was taken aback, then nodded.

Luo Xidai frowned, her mood was not very beautiful.

She has just arrived, and she hasn't talked to Fang Yu yet!

Fang Yu walked straight to the corner of the living room.

In this position, a woman with a hot body and purple hair was talking to an old man with a withered face.

Next to her, there was a red-haired man standing.

This woman is the world-famous killer organization, the founder of the Violet Organization, the Violet who had fought Fang Yu before!

And the old man standing next to her is her right-hand man, the head of the West Asia branch of the Violet Organization, nicknamed Rhodes of the'living dead'!

Another red-haired man is the head of the Oceania branch, Clark, nicknamed the "Sword Demon"!

Anyone who knows the secret list will be shocked and speechless if they see these three appearing at the same time!

These three people are all in the top ten on the dark list!

Among them, Violet ranks third on the dark list, Rhodes ranks sixth, and Clark ranks eighth!

It can be said that these three people are the core strength of the Violet Organization! At the same time, it is also the strongest trio on the dark list in the entire world!

These three people appear in one place at the same time... It shows that the Violet Organization is laying out an extremely important event!

Violet wore a slim black short skirt and showed off white long legs, which attracted the attention of many men.

But her aura is so strong that no one dared to come forward to strike up a conversation.

"Tonight, there are more people attending this exchange meeting than we planned, a mixed bag...Should we change our plan?" The skinny old man Rod said in a low voice.

Violet frowned, her purple eyes filled with coldness.

"Follow the original plan! No matter how great the price is, we will get it!"

"Understand." Rod bent slightly.

"long time no see."

At this time, suddenly there was a hand patted on Violet's shoulder!

Violet's face changed drastically, and he subconsciously put his hand to his waist, wanting to take out the weapon!

Someone could walk behind her without her noticing, and reach out and pat her shoulder!

how can that be!

The vigilance in the subconscious even caused Violet's body to glow with a faint purple light, and the energy in the body almost gushed out.

"Don't be nervous, if it causes a sensation, your actions tonight might be ruined." Fang Yu patted Violet on the shoulder and smiled.

Violet turned his head to see Fang Yu's face, and his heart shrank suddenly!

How could he appear here!

"You are... Fang Yu!?"

Rod and Clark, who had seen Fang Yu's photos before, quickly recognized them.

"What do you want to do!?" Clark's eyes were bloody, and murderous aura rose.

"Do not move!"

At this time, Violet scolded coldly.

Clark glanced at Violet and then at Rod.

Rod was also using his eyes to signal Clark to calm down.

Although Fang Yu is Violet's number one enemy, now is definitely not the time to do it!

Tonight's action is very crucial. If Fang Yu starts at this time, the whole plan will be completely ruined!

Clark calmed down, his murderous aura suppressed.

Violet looked at Fang Yu, the purple pupils in her eyes gleaming.

After Fang Yu appeared, she couldn't maintain her composure, her heart beat fast and her breathing accelerated.

She still hasn't forgotten the scene where she was beaten by Fang Yu violently in Beihuan Mountain that night and could not fight back.

That was the worst time she was injured, and it was also the most desperate time.

That night, she surpassed her previous self and activated the spar in her body by 50%!

At that time, she was full of confidence and thought she could defeat Fang Yu.

Unexpectedly, in front of Fang Yu, she was still just a sandbag!

There seems to be no difference between forty percent and fifty percent.

They are all being slapped unilaterally!

For the arrogant Violet, the psychological shock of that battle was far stronger than the physical pain!

She originally thought that she was already strong enough, with a strength far surpassing 99% of the people in the world.

But after fighting Fang Yu, she knew how ridiculous and naive this idea was!

She tried her best, not even Fang Yu could hurt a single hair!

This shows that the strength gap between her and Fang Yu has reached an extremely terrifying point!

I'm afraid it's not an exaggeration to use a day or a land to describe it!

After that night, Violet began to penance again.

She wants to activate the spar in her body to 100%!

She wants revenge!

She wants to defeat Fang Yu and step Fang Yu under her feet!

During this time, Violet's cultivation has reached the level of hell.

She gritted her teeth in her dreams, wanting revenge on Fang Yu!

But now, Fang Yu appeared in front of her unexpectedly...

She is definitely better than last time.

But inevitable, it is still not Fang Yu's opponent.

Violet looked at Fang Yu, breathing heavily.

She had to admit that she was terrified.

The moment she saw Fang Yu, a crack suddenly appeared in her heart as hard as iron!

Fang Yu is like her nightmare, making her feel suffocated!

"What are you staring at me for? Why? Still want to fight with me?" Fang Yu raised his brows and asked.

Violet's heart trembled and he immediately shifted his gaze, unable to speak for a while.

Rohde on the side saw that the always strong Violet had turned into this look, frowning, and said: "Fang Yu, we know you very well, you probably know us too... But the current situation is that it is best not to do anything. ."

"No, I can do it at any time, but you can't do it easily." Fang Yu smiled.

Rod's face changed.

Fang Yu's words seemed to know the action plan of the three of them today!

But this plan, only Violet, Rhodes, and Clark knew about this plan, and even within the organization, they did not receive notification!

How did Fang Yu know? !

"Rod, needless to say so much, if I want to tell him, just kill him..." Clark said with sharp eyes on the side.

But halfway through what he said, he came into contact with Violet's terrifying eyes and forcibly stopped.

Violet took a deep breath, turned to look at Fang Yu, and asked in a cold voice, "What do you want?"

"Tell me, who is your goal here?" Fang Yu asked.

The Violet organization is a killer organization, and their people are dispatched either to kill people or to seize some precious items.

As for Violet's goal, status, status, and strength, which can be used by Violet himself, obviously, he won't be weak.

Among the many people present, the only ones who met this condition were Qin Lang and the Prince Ares.

What Fang Yu wanted to know was whether Violet's target was Qin Lang.

If so, who hired her to do it.

In this way, Fang Yu could know who had always wanted to move the Qin family.

Hearing this question, Violet looked hesitant.

Seeing that Violet was thinking about it, Clark next to him said anxiously: "Boss, how can I say this! This will make our efforts go to naught!"

Rod frowned, apparently disagreeing with Violet's plan.

But Violet is different from their considerations.

She knows the horror of Fang Yu.

If Fang Yu is angered, there is no need to talk about actions or plans.

The lives of all three of them must be lost here!

"I can tell you. Come with me." Violet finally made a decision and turned and walked out of the living room.

"Boss!" Clark looked incredulous.

The operation was so secret that even the heads of other branches did not know.

But now, just before the action, Violet had to tell an outsider of the plan, and he was still a deadly enemy!

What does it mean! ? Violet is crazy!

But Violet just walked out.

Clark was very anxious and wanted to follow out to stop Violet, but was stayed by Rodela behind him.

"The boss must have her consideration for doing this. Don't be impulsive."

"But..." Clark's face was pale.

"Trust the boss," Rod said.

Clark had to shut his mouth and stay where he was.

Fang Yu followed Violet out of the hall and came to a quiet path by the door.

"It's safe enough here, let's talk."

Fang Yu stopped and asked.

Violet looked at Fang Yu, gritted his teeth, and said: "Our goal... is Prince Apollo of the Nord royal family."

"Oh? That little boy?" Fang Yu raised his brow.

It seems that this matter has nothing to do with Qin Lang.

"Yes." Violet nodded, unwilling to say more.

"You want to kill him? Or what? Make it clear." Fang Yu said.

"You know Apollo? Why do you ask so much?" Violet frowned.

"Because I want to confirm if you are lying." Fang Yu smiled.

Violet was silent for a while, and said: "We will not kill him, but take him away. Our golden master wants to get this person Apollo."

Fang Yu squinted at Violet and asked, "That's it?"

"That's it." Violet replied, looking directly at Fang Yu.

Fang Yu fixedly looked at Violet, turned and left after three seconds, and said, "If this is the case, then it has nothing to do with me. Good luck."

Soon after Fang Yu left, Violet followed him back into the hall and saw the front at a glance, standing beside Ares, Apollo licking an ice cream.

The corners of Violet's mouth curled up slightly, revealing an evil and cold smile.