The Strongest Inner Energy Refining Period in History

Chapter 423: Deal with Violet


The next morning, Fang Yu came back from the morning exercise and saw Violet sitting on the sofa in the living room with a fashion magazine in his hand. It should be Liu Liansha who had left in the apartment.

Fang Yu sat on the opposite sofa and poured a glass of water.

Violet lowered her eyes and looked at the contents of the magazine intently.

"As a kidnapped person, you have a good mentality." Fang Yu smiled.

Hearing Fang Yu's words, Violet raised his eyes and looked at Fang Yu.

After the energy in the body was blocked, the purple light in her eyes dimmed a lot.

Violet stared straight at Fang Yu, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't speak.

In the previous few days, her heart was tormented so much, and she even regretted not fleeing decisively that night, so that she ended up like this.

But later, she gradually accepted the reality.

When she was hired by the Jiangnan Yang family, she couldn't think that this goal would become her nightmare in the future!

You know, for hires like the Yang family, the Violet organization has to accept at least hundreds of them a year!

Therefore, Violet accepted his fate.

It was her misfortune to encounter an opponent of Fang Yu's level, but it was also her destiny, and she could not escape.

Now, she is in a state of perplexity.

Fang Yu doesn't kill her, but she has no desire to survive.

Her energy was blocked, and there was still a mark in her soul, and she couldn't escape Fang Yu's claws for a lifetime.

At any time, Fang Yu could make her life worse than death if she only had a thought.

In this case, there is no point in doing anything.

"That's right." Fang Yu didn't care about Violet's emotions. He suddenly remembered something and asked, "Do you know anything about the European genetic laboratory?"

Violet's eyes moved slightly, and he glanced at Fang Yu again, but did not answer.

"Do you want to experience the feeling of a soul being torn again?" Fang Yu raised his brows and said.

Upon hearing these words, Violet's face changed and her whole body trembled.

No one wants to endure the extreme pain again!

"...Gene Lab, we have cooperated twice with our organization." Violet took a deep breath, forced to calm down, and said.

"Cooperated? Then do you know the specific location of this laboratory? And who is their leader?" Fang Yu asked with a frown.

"They have a lot of laboratories. If you ask about the headquarters... Then no one knows except the core members of their laboratories." Violet paused, and continued, "As for their leader, I know. Dr. Gary, Nicknamed Doctor Monster, he is very famous in the dark world."

"Can you meet him?" Fang Yu asked.

Violet shook his head and said, "His deity never meets with anyone, and will only use his modified robot instead."

Fang Yu pondered for a moment, and then asked: "You worked with him before, what is the content of the cooperation?"

"It's just buying a batch of equipment." Violet replied.

"Then how did you contact him?" Fang Yu asked again.

Violet frowned slightly and replied: "His contact information is public. Anyone who wants to buy equipment from him can find him."

"One more question, do you know the power core in the genetically modified human body he made?" Fang Yu asked again.

"Power core?" Violet shook his head, "I don't deal with this laboratory much."

"That's it..."

Fang Yu leaned on the sofa, thought for a while, looked at Violet, smiled and said, "Do you want to leave here?"

Violet gritted his teeth and shook his head, and said, "As long as there is still your mark on my body, it doesn't make any sense for me to leave here."

"If you can help me accomplish something, I can lift the mark on you." Fang Yu said.

Violet moved his eyes and looked at Fang Yu.

"You help me find Dr. Gary's deity, or help me find his lair, or find the source of the power core I just mentioned... One of the three, I will lift the mark on you." Fang Yu said.

Violet's heart shook, and his eyes reappeared.

But at the same time, she still had some doubts.

Fang Yu also said a few days ago that it would take a long time to study the energy in her body.

Why suddenly I changed my mind again.

"The energy in your body is not easy to study. Maybe it will take three to five years. I can't wait." Fang Yu said.

Since the conception last night, his yearning for the foundation building period has become stronger.

This sentiment is stronger than at any time in the past five thousand years!

Just because he is now really only one step away from the 10,000-layer Qi Refining Period!

The five thousand years of gas refining experience is like climbing a high mountain with an invisible top.

But now, he feels that he is really not far from the top of the mountain!

He is about to climb to the top and see the scene behind the mountain!

"I accept this hire." Violet stood up and said.

Her eyes were firm.

She does not consider whether Fang Yu is worthy of trust, because she has no choice now.

"Okay." Fang Yu also stood up, took two steps forward, stretched out a finger, and pointed it on Violet's forehead.


A burst of white light appeared on the fingertips.

Violet only felt the feeling of being full of power in the past, and he was back!

There was a burst of strong purple light in her eyes!

At the same time, the momentum on his body has become fierce.

After being blocked for a few days, she could feel that the spar in her body seemed a little unhappy, and every energy in her body was expanding!

Violet was standing in front of the sofa, her aura slowly rising.


The glass on the coffee table closest to Violet cracked and then burst!

"Control your energy, this apartment is not mine. Any damage to any item must be compensated." Fang Yu said.

Violet took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed his excitement.

She looked at Fang Yu with a calm face, and her mood was complicated.

Fang Yu dared to release her like this, the meaning was obvious.

Fang Yu is not afraid of her doing it again!

"You have to pay at least three to five hundred for this cup, right? Remember to send someone to send the money." Fang Yu sat back on the sofa, tilted his legs, and said.

Violet glanced at Fang Yu, walked towards the gate, and said as he walked, "I will complete your employment as soon as possible. I hope you have the words."

"I will supervise you at all times." Fang Yu said lightly.

Violet stagnated, then pushed the door open and walked out.

The invitation to the banquet of the Chen family spread throughout the Chinese martial arts world.

As a result, in addition to the Huaibei martial arts circles, many forces from other regions also sent representatives to Huaibei to participate in this banquet of the Chen family. At the same time, they also wanted to watch the Huaibei martial arts convention held every four years as an audience.

On Friday this day, Chen's family was like a city. Just a living room could not accommodate so many guests.

Therefore, the Chen family simply greeted all the guests to the Chen family's martial arts field.

This place is a flat land with an area of thousands of square meters and a lot of space.

In the center of the venue, a competition platform has been set up.

After the banquet, the Huaibei Budo Convention will be held on the competition stage.

The guests who came to the banquet are still pouring in.

Chen Nansheng and his wife, as well as many core members of the Chen family, stood at the gate to greet the guests.

"Brother Chen, you gave birth to a good son..."

"Congratulations, Patriarch Chen..."

"Clan Master Chen, if you have a son, what can your husband want? Chen Luo is probably going to lead your Chen family to another level. I really envy others..."

The guests who came and went praised Chen Luo and Chen's family with compliments.

The core members of the Chen family were all smiling and very happy.

Especially Chen Nansheng and his wife, they laughed from ear to ear.

As Chen Luo's parents, they are extremely proud to give birth to a dragon among people like Chen Luo.

In the entire Chen family, the only person who was unhappy was Chen Yi.

Originally, his status in the family was very low.

Now that Chen Luo has been promoted to the Martial Saint Realm, he is even more famous in the entire Chinese martial arts world, and his status in the family is even higher.

Someone will mention Chen Luo in the future, and someone will definitely mention his ineffective brother.

He will completely become a negative teaching material, a joke!

Facing the visiting guests, Chen Yi just kept his face sullen, his eyes gloomy, and there was no smile on his face.

However, today's protagonist is Chen Luo, and no one pays attention to Chen Yi.

"Chairman Zhao is here!"

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion in the crowd.