The Strongest Inner Energy Refining Period in History

Chapter 44: Silver Claw Octopus!


Zhu Lingshan reached out and soaked in the hot spring for a while, and everyone else was watching him nervously.

Afterwards, Zhu Lingshan raised his hand, nothing happened.

"Now confirm that there is no problem with the hot spring water, right?" Zhu Lingshan said irritably.

Zhong Liyu looked at Tu Feng.

Tu Feng nodded and said, "Okay, I'll pick it in the past, and you will be waiting for me here."

After that, Tu Feng took a few steps back, and then accelerated, walking towards the rock in the center of the hot spring.

He condensed the infuriating energy under his feet and stepped across the hot spring, leaving only a slight ripple.

The suspicion in Zhong Liyu's eyes disappeared when he saw how he walked on the water.

This is indeed the Shenfa that can only be mastered by a half-step master.

Tu Feng quickly walked to the rock in the hot spring center.

The scent of the snow lotus that was close at hand became even stronger.

Tu Feng looked at this snow lotus with greedy eyes.

The value of this snow lotus is no less than 100 million yuan, which is much higher than the commission Zhong Liyu hired him.

Thinking of this, Tu Feng had evil thoughts in his heart.

Picking off the snow lotus first, and then killing the three Zhong Liyu, he can swallow the snow lotus alone!

No one would know about doing this in this forest!

A fierce color flashed in Tu Feng's eyes, and he bent down at the same time, wanting to take off the snow lotus.

At this time, no one noticed that a tentacle that was thicker than the human body was sneaking out of the hot spring.

The surface of the tentacles is snow white, and the bottom surface is a row of black suction cups.

After drilling out of the hot spring water, the speed of the tentacles suddenly increased, instantly surrounding Tu Feng who was stepping on the rock.

Seeing this scene, Zhong Liyu and the three people on the shore were frightened and shouted.

"Master Tu, you, behind you..." Zhong Liyu shouted.

Tu Feng's complexion changed drastically, but he wanted to leave but found that he couldn't make any effort.

His upper body is tightly wrapped by tentacles!

"Help!" Tu Feng shouted at the three people on the bank.

Zhong Liyu recovered quickly. She drew a dagger from her waist, gritted her teeth, and threw it at the extremely thick tentacle with all her strength.


The sharp blade hit the tentacles, only making a sound, without causing any damage.

At this time, the tentacles entwining Tu Feng suddenly tightened.

"what… "

Tu Feng let out a scream, and blood was flowing out of his nostrils and ears at the same time.

"Hurry up and find a way to help!" Tu Feng shouted sternly in pain.

At this time, the white rock under Tu Feng's feet slowly rose, revealing a huge blood-red eye!

"This, what kind of monster is this!?" Zhong Liyu's face was bloodless, and he walked back again and again.

"... It looks like an octopus... a huge octopus monster!" Zhu Lingshan's voice was trembling.

At this time, several tentacles appeared on the hot spring.

The monster's head has been completely exposed, the size of which is like a huge boulder!

A frightening blood-red eye, and a huge mouth...

"what… "

The tentacles wrapped around Tu Feng tightened again, Tu Feng's forehead was full of blue veins, and his mouth was full of blood.

"Little, miss, what should I do?" Zhou Bei asked with weak legs.

"... Run!" Looking at the huge monster in front of him, where does Zhong Liyu care about snow lotus? Survival is the most important thing!

"Master Tu..." Zhou Bei hesitated.

"He is not saved! Run quickly! Otherwise, we are also in danger!" Zhu Lingshan on the side shouted.

The three Zhong Liyu ran back with all their strength!


A sound of cracking flesh and blood resounded through the silent forest.

Tu Feng's screams stopped abruptly.

Zhong Liyu turned his head and saw a terrifying scene.

The monster opened its mouth in the blood basin, and you could clearly see the blood stains and sharp teeth inside!

Tu Feng, who was entangled in his tentacles and burst into death, was thrown into the monster's mouth.

"Crack, crack..."

The monster began to chew, making a chilling sound of bone breaking.

At the same time, the tentacles began to attack in the direction where Zhong Liyu's three people were, extremely fast!

Run! Be sure to run!

Zhong Liyu tried his best and ran out.

The tentacles extend extremely fast, and the length is extremely exaggerated, reaching nearly seven or eighty meters, not to the end!

Zhou Bei, who was running at the back, suddenly felt his feet entangled, lost his center, and fell to the ground.

"Help me! Miss..." Zhou Bei's face was pale and sternly shouted.

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Bei was quickly dragged back.

When Zhong Liyu looked back again, he saw Zhou Bei screaming and being put into the monster's mouth.


Zhou Bei was split in half by the sharp teeth of the monster.

Seeing this scene, Zhong Liyu only felt his legs feel weak.

As the eldest lady of the Zhong family, she grew up in a greenhouse since she was a child. How has she ever seen such a bloody scene

Zhu Lingshan, who was running at the front, looked back and found that the tentacles were getting closer and closer to him.

If this continues, he will inevitably be the same as Zhou Bei, being dragged back by the tentacles, and then tragically dying in the mouth of the monster.

He doesn't want to die, he can't die!

Zhu Lingshan looked at Zhong Liyu who was running behind him, with a vicious look in his eyes.

If Zhong Liyu was entangled with tentacles first, he would have more time to escape.

"Miss, I'm sorry, I just want to live!" Zhu Lingshan's eyes were fierce, and he decisively drew a dagger from his waist and threw it at Zhong Liyu's leg.

"Ah!" Zhong Liyu screamed, his calf was scratched by the sharp blade and fell to the ground.

The tentacles quickly wrapped Zhong Liyu's body.

Zhong Liyu looked at Zhu Lingshan running ahead, and shouted resentfully: "Zhu Lingshan, I will not let you off if I'm a ghost!"

As soon as the voice fell, Zhong Liyu was dragged back by the tentacles...

Fang Yu turned around in other places in the forest, and didn't even see a ghost.

It seems that there are no monsters in this forest.

Run for nothing.

Fang Yu was a little depressed and was about to leave.

But at this moment, he heard a scream from a distance.

At the same time, he also felt a breath belonging to a monster beast!

It's at the location of the hot spring just now!

Fang Yu's face showed joy, and immediately rushed to the location of the hot spring.

When he came to the hot spring, he happened to see Zhong Liyu being dragged back by his tentacles.

"It's actually a silver claw octopus? It's really a Tier 7 monster!" Fang Yu was overjoyed when he saw the monster.

The silver claw octopus is a very cunning monster, it can hide its breath.

This silver-clawed octopus is even more exaggerated. It can even disguise the position of its head as a rock, on which there is actually a icy snow lotus.

Even Fang Yu was deceived by it, and almost went home directly, missing a seventh-order monster inner alchemy.

"Fortunately, there are these people here." Fang Yu's face was full of smiles, and at the point of his feet, people leaped towards the silver claw octopus.

At this time, the tentacles of the silver claw octopus had already caught up with Zhu Lingshan.

Zhu Lingshan was also dragged back by the tentacles, dragging it back even faster than Zhong Liyu.

Seeing this scene, Zhong Liyu's face was full of joy, and said: "Zhu Lingshan, do you think you can run? Are you going to die? And you will die before me!"

Zhu Lingshan's face was bloodless and couldn't speak.

He was tentacled and pulled to the front of the mouth of the blood basin, and he could see the corpse inside.

Seeing half of Zhou Bei's head, Zhu Lingshan only felt hot in his lower body.

Zhong Liyu was also pulled to his mouth by the tentacles, alongside Zhu Lingshan.

Silverclaw octopus, want to put these two people into their mouths at the same time!

Zhong Liyu closed his eyes in despair, only regret.

If she was given another chance, she would not come to this ghost place if she was killed!


At this moment, Fang Yu landed on the top of the octopus's head.

"Take this ice soul snow lotus by the way, too." Fang Yu bent down, pulled up the ice soul snow lotus, folded it and put it in his trouser pocket.

Fang Yu had eaten ice lotus snow lotus several times before, not to mention the effect, the taste of the soup is absolutely superb.

"Roar… "

The moment Fang Yu pulled out the Ice Soul Snow Lotus, the silver-clawed octopus shook all over and let out an angry roar, resounding through the entire forest.

It threw Zhong Liyu and Zhu Lingshan away at will, raised the eight huge tentacles on its body, and at the same time stab Fang Yu on the top of its head!

The tentacles of the silver-clawed octopus are extremely sharp and extremely hard. They are several times more powerful than human weapons.

Fang Yu didn't have a trace of panic. With a hard step under his feet, he bounced into the sky, easily avoiding the full blow of the eight tentacles.

On the contrary, it was a silver-clawed octopus. Because of the excessive force, the spikes of the eight tentacles directly inserted into his head.

"Roar… "

The silver-clawed octopus twitched violently and looked very painful.

"A monster is a monster, and even the cunning monster is a fool in front of humans." Fang Yu soared in the air, showing a slight smile.

Zhong Liyu was thrown to the ground aside, looking pale at the almost crazy octopus.

She found the figure in the sky, but could not see who it was.

On the other side, Zhu Lingshan had passed out in a coma.

Fang Yu gathered a blush of infuriating energy in his right fist, and then swooped towards the head of the silver claw octopus!

In Zhong Liyu's vision, she only saw a red glow in the sky!


The red light hit the silver-clawed octopus's head, bursting out a burst of extremely strong light!

The loud sound echoed through the empty forest, and it lasted for a long time.

After the light dissipated, Zhong Liyu saw the tentacles one by one, falling in different positions.

The silver-clawed octopus's head was already torn apart, and the huge blood-red eyeballs also fell on the ground, looking very horrified.

There was a faint smell of blood in the air.

That monster... is dead

Zhong Liyu looked at the scene in front of him and was stunned.

Immediately, she found a figure standing in front of the blood red eyeball.

"Yes, it's him!?"

When Zhong Liyu saw Fang Yu, his eyes were extremely shocked.

It was Fang Yu... who killed that monster

Fang Yu stretched out his right hand and inserted it directly into that eyeball!

Then, he took out a red glowing round object from his eyeballs!