The Strongest Inner Energy Refining Period in History

Chapter 443: Fight against death!


As soon as Fang Yu started, Kui En had rushed to a position less than one meter away from him.

"Hahaha..." Quinn showed a bloodthirsty smile on his face.

In his eyes, Fang Yu was already dead.

With his physical body, even a mountain would collapse when he ran into it like this! What's more, the flesh and blood of humans!

"Die!" Quinn stepped out with his right shoulder in front, trying to hit Fang Yu in front of him.

But at this moment, Fang Yu suddenly jumped up!

His bullet speed was quite fast, and he jumped to a height of more than two meters almost in an instant.

"The way you run is really like a football." Fang Yu smiled faintly, pulled his right foot back, and then kicked forward!

Quinn had no idea that Fang Yu could take off in such a short time and kick his head!

Although Quinn's body is extremely tyrannical, as a human being, the head is still the most vulnerable part.

Therefore, he had to shrink his head down, and then raised his right shoulder to block it in front.

But Fang Yu's kick itself was not towards Quin's head!


Fang Yu's kick kicked on Quinn's right shoulder muscle, which was as hard as steel, and made a loud noise.

"what… "

The muscles and bones of Quinn's right shoulder were shattered almost instantly, making a screaming scream.

At the same time, Quinn's whole person is like a football, flying backwards quickly.


Quinn hit the edge of the valley and burst a big hole in an instant!

Fang Yu fell on the ground, looking at the big hole in the distant mountain wall, frowning slightly.

This kick didn't actually kick Quinn's body into an explosion.

It seems that Quinn's physical strength is still good.

At this time, the scene was deadly silent.

The strong people on the dark list looked stiff, and stared blankly at the big hole that was smashed out of the distant mountain wall.

Destroying Wang Kui'en... Just like this, Fang Yu was kicked out like a football, losing his voice.

This famous mercenary king in the dark world, just like that... Lost

This too... Isn't it too fast

The momentum and energy of Quinn's shock just now shocked everyone present!

Everyone thought that Fang Yu would be smashed into meat sauce in the next second, and his flesh and blood would fly wild.

But the result now is unbelievable!

Fang Yu just jumped up like this and kicked Kui En into the air for nearly a hundred meters!

If Quinn’s power is terrifying enough to hold the missiles, then Fang Yu’s power... to what point

The most frightening thing is that Fang Yu still made an understatement on his face after kicking this kick, it seems that the kick just now didn't use much strength!

"This… "

The faces of the strong people in the dark list were shocked, and they were speechless.

Some people stared at the big hole in the wall of the mountain, feeling that Quinn would still rush out of it.

But unfortunately, after half a minute, the location was silent, except for the gravel that fell from time to time, there was no movement.

At this time, everyone finally realized that Wang Kuien, the sixth destroyer on the dark list, had lost!


Completely defeated!

Desperately defeated!

The evil spirit Rosa, who was walking towards Su Lengyun, stopped when he saw Quinn being kicked out.

His sensitivity is very keen.

From the moment Quinn screamed, he knew Quinn had lost.

How could this Chinese person be so strong

Rosa stared at Fang Yu, her narrow and slender eyes filled with shock.

He knows Quinn's body very well. He has seen Quinn fighting and training with more than a dozen gorillas with his own eyes.

Before today, he could be sure that Quinn was the strongest person he had ever seen.

It can even be said that Quinn represents the limit of the human body.

But now, after seeing Quinn's end, Rosa's heart was shaken.

This Fang Yu in front of me... is it really a human

Thinking of this, Rosa turned his head and looked at Adams not far behind.

In this situation, Adams must be able to do it!

At this time, Adams was staring at Fang Yu with squinting eyes, a strange red glow appeared in his eyes.

"Hua Xia actually has a strong like you, I have to say, it is beyond my expectation." Adams raised his foot and walked slowly towards Fang Yu.

His body exudes shocking auras.

Fang Yu looked at Adams, his eyes changed slightly.

This man is just like the Ares brothers I've met before, and his body exudes divine power!

Is there really a so-called descendant of the gods in Europe

Rosa was relieved to see Adams coming out.

As long as Adams takes the shot, everything is safe.

No matter how strong Fang Yu is, it is impossible to be the opponent of Adams, the'God of Death'.

After all, it is impossible for human beings to defeat God.

Even if it's just a demigod.

"Reaper is going to make a move!?"

The dark list of strong men in the rear showed horror on their faces.

On the dark list, besides the first place, the most mysterious is Adams, the fourth place.

There is no way to find information about this person in any official channels.

Before today, many people didn't even know his appearance, let alone saw him make a move with their own eyes!

"That Fang Yu can easily defeat the King of Destruction... Is Death his opponent?"

"It's hard to tell... but I think Adams can win. The breath in him is so strong that I can't breathe."

"I think Fang Yu can win. Think about his terrifying power..."

The strong people on the dark list once again talked about it.

They are very nervous.

Fang Yu's strength was so amazing that they all found the result unpredictable for the fourth strongest player in the dark list to make a shot.

But in any case, Adams is the highest ranked person in the dark list among all the people present.

And Fang Yu is a Chinese man who provokes the secret list!

The battle between Adams and Fang Yu was not only a battle between the two, but also a battle that symbolized the honor of the dark list!

Except for Su Lengyun, no one wanted Fang Yu to win!

"Reaper, you must kill this Fang Yu!"

Everyone looked ahead nervously.

At this time, Adams had reached a position about ten meters away from Fang Yu.

"Although Quinn has no brains, he has helped me a lot and is considered my partner." Adams always had a calm smile on his face, "I'm not too happy for you to beat him so badly."

"What do you have to do with the Nord royal family?" Fang Yu asked suddenly.

Adams's face changed slightly, and he didn't speak.

"Or, what do you have to do with Ares and the Apollo?" Fang Yu asked again.

"Do you know them?" Adams asked with a gloomy smile on his face.

"I met them before and beat them." Fang Yu said.

"Oh?" Adams raised his eyebrows. "You did what I wanted to do."

"It seems that you are not relatives or friends?" Fang Yu said when he saw Adams's reaction.

"Family and friends?" Adams sneered, and a sudden burst of murderous aura broke out from his body.

A gust of wind blew, and the black clothes on Adams suddenly floated.

Adams stretched out his right hand and shook it in the void.

A burst of red light appeared in his hand, and then slowly faded, revealing a black sickle that was one meter long.

At this time, Adams's face was gloomy, and his eyes were completely filled with red light.

A burst of black energy rose up and wrapped around his body.

"As soon as the death sickle comes out, no one can survive!"

Rosa on the side saw this scene, and the stone in his heart was completely put down.

He knew that Adams was angry.

Although I don't know why Adams was angry, the battle was over as soon as the death sickle came out.

Fang Yu will definitely die.

"I should deal with this beauty." Rosa looked not far away and was in Su Lengyun who was staring at Fang Yu intently, with a cold smile on his face.

As the battle was about to start, a strong wind blew in the valley.

Standing behind watching the competition, the dark list powerhouses only felt cold all over.

"Damn it, why do you feel that your surroundings are getting colder and colder? Is it because of death?" Kevin sneezed and cursed.

"Stop arguing, Adams is about to take action!" Gerrard said to the side.

As soon as he finished speaking, Adams, who was standing in front of Fang Yu, suddenly felt a burst of black air at his feet.

"call out!"

Adams suddenly volleyed into the air.

He grabbed the death sickle in his hand and slashed towards Fang Yu below.

A fierce energy like a crescent blasted towards Fang Yu!

Fang Yu leaped aside, avoiding the blow.


Where Fang Yu stood, a huge gully was cut!