The Strongest Inner Energy Refining Period in History

Chapter 445: The cold wind is raging!


Adams at this time, his head drooped, his face was not visible.

But judging from his motionless body, he has completely lost the ability to fight.

Fang Yu grabbed his head with one hand, just like grabbing a dead prey.

Seeing this scene, the hearts of many dark-listed powerhouses on the ground are about to burst!

Grim Reaper Adams, ranked fourth on the dark list... Lost!

He dragged Fang Yu into his exclusive domain, but he was the one who lost!

This is Adams, God of Death!

Although he has always been very mysterious, he is ranked fourth on the dark list after all, second only to the top three big bosses!

At this time, someone cast his sight on the ice block on the ground.

Rosa's body was in the ice, and his horrified and distorted face was clearly visible.

And on the distant mountain wall, the big hole that was smashed out by Quinn's body still remained silent.

"The three top ten kings on the dark list have all lost..."

Destroying King Quinn, the evil spirit Rosa, and Adams, the god of death, were all superpowers of the famous side before today!

They represent the top level of the dark list!

But now, they were defeated by the same person on the same day!

The strong people on the dark list are bloodless, their hearts are beating, and they are unwilling to accept this reality!

When they first came to the valley and saw the three big men standing in front of Fang Yu, they thought they could see an exciting killing.

As a result, torture did appear, but the target was the other way around.

Destroying King Quinn was killed with a single kick, the evil spirit Rosa was frozen alive, and Adams, the god of death, was blown to death in his own exclusive domain!

"These two people... Don't provoke!"

Looking at the expressionless Fang Yu in the mid-air, the strong faces of the dark rankings were like white paper, shivering!

Except for the howling wind, the entire valley was silent.

Fang Yu threw Adams' corpse to the side at will, then looked at the group of so-called dark list powerhouses below, and asked: "Who else wants to do it? Or, do you do it together?"

Fang Yu spoke in a very ordinary tone.

But to the strong people in the dark list, this is the voice of the devil!

After seeing the end of the three top ten big guys on the dark list, who has the courage to step forward and fight Fang Yu

Even if everyone goes together, it's still going to die!

Fang Yu alone suppressed dozens of famous powerhouses!

"No one speaks, then when you give up the underground spiritual vein... which is what you call the source of energy." Fang Yu said.

Give up the energy source...

Various dark-listed powerhouses came from all over the world, and many of them had crossed over half of the earth before they came to the far north of China.

Going back empty-handed like this is really aggrieved.

But facing the fierce Fang Yu, who would dare to say no

"You can go now." Fang Yu said with a wave of his hand.

The expressions of the strong people on the dark list changed.

"Fang... Sir, there are at least hundreds of tons of underground energy sources. I'm afraid you can't take them all alone..." At this time, Gerrard, standing in the front of the crowd, couldn't help but speak.

"So?" Fang Yu raised his brows and asked rhetorically.

Gerrard's heart jumped, but still forced his composure, and said, "These energy sources belong to you, Mr. Fang. We will not snatch them, and we have no ability to snatch them. But we are willing to spend a lot of money to buy part of the energy sources... You What do you think?"

"Buy? How much can you pay?" Fang Yu asked with interest.

"How about half a million dollars a kilogram?" Gerrard said.

As soon as he said this, the eyes of the people around him changed.

Buying a kilo for half a million dollars, reselling it, and then earning half a million dollars!

And this is the black market price on the dark web, and Fang Yu probably doesn't know it.

If Fang Yu agrees to this proposal, people like them won't make a trip in vain! It's just a half of the money! acceptable!

Thinking of this, everyone has a little expectation in their hearts.

Five hundred thousand dollars a kilogram is already a very high price.

If Fang Yu agrees, then so many people present will have to give him at least several million dollars, and together he can make at least more than 100 million dollars in vain.

This is an eye-popping number.

But this is the law of today's world.

With absolute strength, you can have absolute power.

This large piece of energy source was originally unowned, but now it only belongs to Fang Yu.

Faced with the expectant gazes, Fang Yu thought for a while, and said, "Then you just wait here. If I have extra spiritual veins, I will sell them to you. If there is none, there will be no way."

"Excessive? Could he still take away hundreds of tons of energy sources?"

Everyone was puzzled by the meaning of Fang Yu's words.

Fang Yu stopped paying attention to these people, turned around and said to Su Lengyun, "Follow me."

Afterwards, under the gaze of a group of strong men in the dark list, Fang Yu and Su Lengyun galloped into the depths of the valley.

"Is the water spirit ring easy to use?" Fang Yu asked, looking at Su Lengyun beside him during the flight.

"Well, after wearing it, I can sense the water molecules in the surrounding world, and my control over them has increased to several levels." Su Lengyun said.

"That's good, you will wear this one in the future. When you have the chance, you can wear the three rings together. It should be stronger." Fang Yu said.

The thing that Chen Luo was most unwilling to do before was that he did not gather the three spirit rings. It is conceivable how powerful the three rings would be if they were activated at the same time.

Soon, Fang Yu and Su Lengyun came to the top of the deepest valley.

According to the map, there should be a hole here.

Fang Yu released his spiritual sense and quickly found this secret cave.

This hole is located in the top of the mountain, covered by thick snow, it is impossible to find with the naked eye.

Before Fang Yu came to the entrance of the cave, he kicked the thick snow covering the surface, exposing the dark passage inside.

"This hole was obviously dug through by man, and it was never formed naturally."

Fang Yu's eyes moved slightly.

This passage was artificially pierced, obviously in order to get close to the spiritual vein below.

Judging from the information revealed by the sky, it is certain that this spiritual vein has been discovered long ago.

Discovering spiritual veins in this icy and snowy place could have been monopolized. Whether it is sold or absorbed, the benefits are huge.

Why do you want to make it public, so that so many people come here to share spiritual veins

Could it be that the person who discovered this spiritual vein is a good person with universal values

This possibility is very small.

Fang Yu has lived for nearly five thousand years, and has never seen such a selfless person.

After excluding this possibility, it can be determined that there is absolutely something else under this cave.

"I'll go in and take a look, you're waiting for me here."

After thinking about it, Fang Yu said to Su Lengyun.

Su Lengyun's face changed slightly, she bit her red lip, and replied softly, "Okay."

In her heart, she wanted to accompany Fang Yu down, but she knew that the reason Fang Yu asked her to wait here was because she definitely felt that there would be danger below.

With her current strength, she could only hold back Fang Yu.

Fang Yu turned around, preparing to enter the entrance of the cave.

"Brother Yu, pay attention to safety." Su Lengyun said behind her.

"If there is no problem below, I will let you down."

After speaking, Fang Yu entered the entrance of the cave.

At the same time, the far north is deeper.

A pair of gray eyes suddenly opened in the hole at the mountainside of a towering snow-capped mountain.

"Finally someone got in."

This figure stood up and walked slowly towards the entrance of the cave.

When approaching the entrance of the cave, there is light reflected in it, showing the appearance of this figure.

This is a person who is wrapped in white bandages, like a mummy.

His entire face showed only a pair of gray eyes and a mouth.

And this mouth is like sewing up, rather rough, crooked and oblique.


Suddenly the strange man said in confusion.

"How come only one person enters it?"

The weird man stood in place, looking into the distance.

A few seconds later, he kicked his feet, his body moved, jumped down from the entrance of the cave, and disappeared into the cold wind.

In the valley, the group of dark-listed powerhouses still did not leave.

They looked at Fang Yu's disappearance, and they made their own calculations in their hearts.

"Gerald, we can only wait now?" Kevin looked at Gerrard and asked.

"How else? Do you dare to fight for the energy source without authorization?" Gerrard frowned.

Kevin did not speak, but sighed and tightened his heavy cotton coat.

"Damn, I came to such a ghost place all the way to get cold, and I might not get anything! What a miscalculation!" Kevin cursed.