The Strongest Inner Energy Refining Period in History

Chapter 47: Never forget it!


The classroom, which was originally extremely noisy, immediately became much quieter.

Fang Yu walked to the podium under everyone's gaze, picked up the chalk, and began to answer.

Hu Bo frowned, looking at every word Fang Yu had written on the blackboard.

"Damn, Fang Yu seems to really know how to do it? The formulas he listed at the beginning seem to be correct."

"Who wouldn't list a few formulas? I can do it for me!"

"The most difficult part of this question is the proof of the theorem. The front is good, and many people can do it... Look, Fang Yu must be stuck soon."

The students under the stage also stared at Fang Yu, whispering.

Fang Yu took the chalk and wrote on the blackboard without even pausing.

For many complicated calculations, he was able to get the results immediately without the help of any tools.

Some students have used calculators to verify that there are no errors in his calculations.

As time went on, half of the blackboard was filled with the problem solving process.

And the eyes of the students in the class opened wider and wider, their expressions getting more and more surprised.

Gradually, they could no longer understand what Fang Yu wrote, the formulas and proof methods used in the process of solving problems, they had never learned.

Rao is Hu Bo, the mathematics teacher standing on the podium, and he can't keep up with the rhythm of Shangyu.

He knew how to solve this problem, but the method used by Fang Yu was quite different from what he knew.

For some steps, he needs to think for a while before he can understand.

After another two minutes, Fang Yu finally stopped, turned around, and threw the remaining half of the chalk back into the chalk box.

"Just now there was one person who said he wanted to stand upside down and poop, and another said he wanted to eat poop. You two can just work together. I look forward to your performance." Fang Yu propped his hands on the podium and said to the students under the stage.

The audience was quiet.

They watched the densely written problem solving process on the blackboard, and their mouths opened involuntarily.

This is too exaggerated, right

Fang Yu really solved the problem

So many great gods couldn't answer the correct question. Fang Yu just thought about it in the audience for dozens of seconds before he finished it

It is impossible!

"Do you think it must be correct if you write more? I think you are just scribbling!" a boy said loudly.

Fang Yu looked at him, smiled slightly, and said, "I remember you, you are the one who wants to stand upside down and shit."

"Fang Yu, what are you doing in such a hurry? Teacher Hu hasn't spoken yet! What are you arrogant about?" Another boy said angrily.

Fang Yu still smiled and said, "You are the one who wants to eat shit, and I remember you too."

"You..." The boy's face was flushed and he was frustrated.

"Quiet!" Hu Bo shouted sharply at this time.

The class calmed down immediately, and everyone looked at Hu Bo nervously.

Hu Bo took a deep look at Fang Yu and said, "Although Fang Yu's problem-solving method is different from the problem-solving method of the reference answer,... his problem-solving method is also correct."

There was an uproar in the class.

Fang Yu actually really made this Mathematical Olympiad problem that has baffled countless great gods!

The scariest thing is that Fang Yu only thought about it for less than a minute before doing this question!

"Student Fang Yu... I apologize to you for what I said before. You are indeed a capable student." Hu Bo looked at Fang Yu and said sincerely.

"It's just that you still need to correct your learning attitude... If you have something in the future, at least you need to give me a leave of absence, and you must not absent from class without reason." Hu Bo said.

This sentence seemed to be a criticism of Fang Yu, but it was actually Hu Bo who gave in.

He didn't mention Fang Yu's reading of novels in class, which means that he admits Fang Yu's level and does not need to attend class.

With a smile on his face, Fang Yu scanned the whole class, especially the two boys who said they were going to stand upside down and shit and eat shit. He stayed for a while.

At this moment, the two boys both lowered their heads, their ears were red, and they dared not speak any more.

Fang Yu walked off the podium in the shocked eyes of everyone and returned to his seat.

Of course he wouldn't really ask the two to shit and eat shit, it was disgusting.

As for the question on the blackboard, Fang Yu felt that it was not very difficult.

The reason why he thought about it for a while in the audience was because his memory of some formulas was a bit vague.

"Hey, I'm still getting old, and my memory is not as good as each day." Fang Yu sighed in his heart.

After class, Tang Xiaorou brightened her eyes, and couldn't wait to ask: "Fang Yu, what are you..."

Fang Yu immediately interrupted her with gestures, and said, "I was over-exercising with my brain just now, and I was a little sleepy. I will ask if I have any questions when I wake up."

After speaking, Fang Yu lay on the table, closing his eyes and resting.

"Huh! What a look!" Tang Xiaorou snorted and turned her head.

After school in the afternoon, Fang Yu went directly to the back door of Class 2 and waited for Fatty Liu.

But he saw that Fatty Liu was surrounded by a group of boys.

"Fat man, I heard that you were beaten by Han Zixian yesterday. Tsk tsk, look at the wound on your face, it is really miserable..."

"Where's your brother Fang Yu? Why didn't he avenge you? Is he already in hiding? Haha..."

"Fatty, I'm really not worth it for you. What benefits did you get from walking so close to Fang Yu? His Fang Yu transferred directly to the key class by virtue of Tang Xiaorou's background. How about you? You can only stay here. Bullying, being beaten as a sandbag!"

This group of boys played well with He Donglin before. After He Donglin was forced to transfer, they always wanted to find a chance to avenge Fang Yu.

However, after seeing Fang Yu's skill, they were very jealous, so they kept holding back.

Now, Han Zixian, the chairman of the Sanda Association, has stepped forward to stand up for He Donglin, and they naturally have the support and no longer flinch.

"Have you said enough?"

Fatty Liu, who had been silent, finally couldn't help but explode.

"Yo? You have a big temper? Can't hear the truth?" The tall man in the lead directly stretched out his hand and pushed Fatty Liu's head vigorously.

"You!" Fatty Liu stood up, glaring at the tall man.

"Liu Dong, I'm damn your mother, who do you think you are? Still want to do it? Yesterday Han Zixian beat you up with someone, but today I will beat you up again! You look at your brother Fang Yuhui Won't help you get ahead!?" The tall man cursed, while rolling up his sleeves, wanting to do something to Fatty Liu.

Only in the next second, he felt his body lighten, and his whole person was lifted into the air.

"Who..." The tall man was about to yell at him, but when he saw Fang Yu's expressionless face, his heart was shocked.

"Fang, Fang Yu..." The surrounding boys took a few steps back in shock.

After all, the scene of He Donglin being trampled on broken hand bones is still vivid.

"I have to say, your voice is quite loud." Fang Yu said, looking at the tall man.

"You, hurry up and let me down..." The tall man was pale, and he was terrified in his heart.

"Fatty, do you think it's better for me to slap him a few times?" Fang Yu looked at Fatty Liu and asked.

Fatty Liu looked at the tall man raised by Fang Yu, hesitated, and finally said, "Fang Yu... Forget it."

So many people in the classroom watched, if Fang Yu did it, it would definitely cause another commotion.

Fatty Liu didn't want Fang Yu to be punished by the school because of him.

"Okay, you just forget it." Fang Yu said, throwing away the tall man in his hand at will.


The tall man sat down heavily on the ground, screaming, and felt a sharp pain in his butt.

"This matter can be forgotten, but the incident that Han Zixian hit you must never be forgotten," Fang Yu said lightly.

"Fang Yu..." Fatty Liu didn't expect that Fang Yu really wanted to trouble Han Zixian. He was anxious for a while.

"Let's go, I don't know where the Sanda Association is, you lead the way." Fang Yu pulled Fatty Liu over and left the classroom.

There were still many students in the classroom, and they all heard what Fang Yu said.

He is going to the Sanda Association to help Fatty Liu

Here is a good show!

Many students quickly packed their schoolbags and ran out of the classroom.

The tall man also got up from the floor, his face pale.

"Don't get angry, hurry up and watch a good show. Han Zixian will help you get revenge later!" a boy patted the tall man on the shoulder and said.

The tall man nodded, his eyes spiteful.

Fang Yu, dare to trouble Han Zixian, I want to see with my own eyes how you die!

Most of the students in Class 2 ran out to watch the excitement... Or rather, to watch Fang Yu's jokes.

Jiang Yue in the front row of the classroom was finishing his books, his eyes glistened.

"Han Zixian..."

"This is my chance!"