The Strongest Inner Energy Refining Period in History

Chapter 54: Try it for the first time!


Fang Yu notified Tang Si to deal with Zhao Shuang'er.

Tang Xiaorou's personal safety mattered, Tang Si naturally wouldn't take it lightly, and rushed over immediately.

Zhao Shuang'er was taken away by Tang Si, Tang Xiaorou didn't say a word, she didn't have the energy to speak.

She is tired, she wants to rest.

So she took time off and went home.

In the afternoon, Fang Yu had been lying on the table with his eyes closed and rested.

However, even though his eyes were closed, his heart was still carrying on the mental calculation of Essence Devouring Dafa.

The research last night showed him the possibility.

As long as he is given a little more time, he can successfully improve the Essence Devouring Dafa and make it a cultivation technique that does not absorb essence, but absorbs spiritual qi.

Central hospital, VIP ward.

Li Zixuan was lying on the hospital bed with thick gauze on his left cheek.

An imposing, unrelenting middle-aged man stood by the hospital bed, his fists clenched, his face pale.

He is the gangster who can make Jianghai City tremble with a stomping foot, Li Zhengrong.

Li Zhengrong was discussing business with guests in Southern Capital last night. He heard that Li Zixuan was beaten and rushed back overnight.

Seeing Li Zixuan's tragic situation, Li Zhengrong only felt his blood surge and his head was dizzy.

Li Zixuan is his only child. Although he is usually harsh on Li Zixuan, he is only verbal and has never beaten or scolded him.

But now, Li Zixuan was slapped in the bar and fainted!

This is not only hitting Li Zixuan in the face, but also hitting him Li Zhengrong in the face!

Li Zixuan was already awake, and seeing Li Zhengrong next to him, he said bitterly: "Dad, you must avenge me! Break the limbs of that bastard and send it to me!"

"The harm he caused to me, I will pay back ten times!"

Li Zhengrong looked fierce and said, "Don't worry, Zixuan, I have sent all my men to find this person. Although Jianghai City is big, it is still under my control of Li Zhengrong! Even if this person hides in the underground mouse hole, I will Will dig him out!"

After school in the afternoon, Fang Yu walked home as usual.

But today, he walked more slowly.

Because he felt strange.

At this time he had already walked to a trail, which was very quiet and there were no pedestrians.

The breeze blew by, and the leaves of the small trees on both sides made a squeaky sound.

At this time, a deliveryman in uniform was riding an electric bicycle and turning around a curve.

Whether his speed is not fast or slow, he has to pass Fang Yu's side.

At this moment, Fang Yu shot.

He directly lifted his foot and kicked the electric bicycle that was moving forward.


The rear wheel of the electric bicycle was kicked directly by Fang Yu.

Although the deliveryman sitting on the electric bicycle was horrified, he reacted quickly and left the electric bicycle with a kick.

In the air, the deliveryman reached into the inner pocket of his jacket and drew a small pistol with a peculiar shape.

Fang Yu didn't hesitate, and blasted the deliveryman with a punch.

The deliveryman's face changed drastically, but before Fang Yu's punch hit him, he successfully squeezed the trigger and fired a black bullet.


Fang Yu blasted the takeaway's chest with a punch, and blasted the takeaway out directly.

But the bullet had already come out and pointed directly at Fang Yu's forehead.

Fang Yu instantly raised his hand between the lightning and flint, and patted it on the bullet.


With a muffled sound, the bullet burst open in the air, releasing a burst of black mist.

Gas bomb

Fang Yu frowned slightly, condensing zhenqi, and then released it all over his body.


A reddish zhenqi erupted from Fang Yu, directly dissipating the thick black mist.

The black mist touched the leaves on the side of the small tree, causing the leaves to turn yellow instantly!

Fang Yu slowly walked towards the assassin who was lying more than ten meters away, wearing a takeaway uniform.

"I have to say that your methods of organizing murder are quite a few." Fang Yu said with a smile on his face.

In order to kill him, the Violet Organization first used a sniper rifle, then a bomb, then a poison needle, and now even gas bombs are coming.

"After this failure, should you not use rocket launchers next time?" Fang Yu said.

The killer in the takeaway uniform, clutching his chest, looked at Fang Yu's gaze, full of fear.

This person is simply a monster!

The gas bullet he used just now is one of the top killers in the Violet Organization.

Although the bullet is not big, the poisonous gas content in it is not low!

According to the original plan, he only needed to get close to Fang Yu and fire a poisonous gas bullet, even if the plan was successful.

Fang Yu would die suddenly if he breathed in a little bit of poisonous gas!

But I didn't think, the first half of the plan was successful, but the second half exceeded expectations!

Fang Yu not only shook the poisonous gas easily, but he was also unharmed!

This has far exceeded expectations!

The Violet organization made a very serious mistake in the assessment of Fang Yu's strength!

If this continues, the organization's losses will only become more and more severe!

The killer looked at Fang Yu with horror in his eyes.

He wanted to send a message back to the headquarters, but he knew that he probably had no chance.

Fang Yu looked at the killer and asked, "I guess you don't know the specific location of the Violet Organization headquarters."

The killer's face changed slightly, and he said nothing.

This assassin was not a mortal, he had a cultivation base of five levels during the Qi Refining Period.

Fang Yu stepped forward and placed his right hand on the killer's head.

"Just use you to test the improved Essence Essence Dafa."

With a smile on Fang Yu's face, he meditated on the mental method he had improved last night.

There was a flush of light from his right hand.

The assassin's face changed drastically, and he only felt the dantian in his body feel hot.

The zhenqi in his whole body was forcibly absorbed back to his dantian uncontrollably.

Dantian slowly expanded...


Dantian's endurance reached its limit, and it burst directly!

The killer spouted blood and his eyes burst out.

Fang Yu retracted his right hand, and the assassin fell to the ground, losing his life.

Although the experiment failed, Fang Yu's eyes were very excited.

Because his previous steps were basically successful.

All the true qi in the body of others is gathered back to the dantian and transformed into spiritual qi.

Fang Yu made a mistake in the last step, and failed to absorb the aura of Dantian in the killer's body.

At this step, the timing of absorption must be right, otherwise the spiritual energy in the dantian will flow backwards, which will burst the dantian and give up all previous efforts.

But this point can be mastered by experimenting a few more times.

After disposing of the killer's body, Fang Yu went home contentedly.

Back in the Lijiang community, Fang Yu saw Wang Yan mopping the floor as soon as he opened the door.

"Xiaoyu, you are back." Wang Yan smiled when she saw Fang Yu.

Yu Yueyue should have gone to the rehearsal, but he hasn't returned yet.

Fang Yu sat on the sofa, nibbling on sunflower seeds, and asked, "Aunt Wang, have you found a job?"

Aunt Wang stagnated when she was mopping the floor, and replied, "Yes, not yet."

"Is the economic situation so bad now? It's so hard to find a job?" Fang Yu wondered.

"I have no academic qualifications, no professional skills, and a relatively old age. Many companies don't need employees like me." Wang Yan said with a wry smile.

"Aunt Wang, your cooking is so delicious, shouldn't it be difficult to find another restaurant job?" Fang Yu said.

Hearing these words, Wang Yan lowered her head and said softly: "I don't have a skill certificate for chefs, so... It's not easy to find a job in a restaurant."

Fang Yu frowned slightly and said, "Aunt Wang, if you need it, I can ask my friend to find you a job."

Wang Yan hurriedly waved her hand and said, "Xiao Yu, how am I ashamed to trouble you all the time? What about your friend? He can provide me and Yueyue with free accommodation. I am already very grateful to him..."

Fang Yu knew Wang Yan's character and didn't speak any more.

"By the way, Xiaoyu, today is Yueyue's birthday, let's go out for dinner later," Wang Yan said.

"Okay." Fang Yu agreed immediately.

At 6:30 in the afternoon, Yu Yueyue returned home on time.

Yu Yueyue jumped up happily when Wang Yan said that she was going out to eat and celebrating her birthday.

After half an hour, the mother and daughter finally dressed up and were ready to go out.

"Where to eat?" Fang Yu asked.

"Go to the Ande restaurant." Wang Yan replied.

This is a high-end western restaurant she has chosen long ago, and there are many branches in Jianghai City.

The consumption of this western restaurant is very high, at least 1,000 yuan per capita.

If only to celebrate Yu Yueyue's birthday, Wang Yan would never choose this restaurant.

But the significance of this meal is to thank Fang Yu, so she must not be stingy. Even if he is poor, Fang Yu has to entertain him.

This is the only way she can reciprocate.