The Strongest Inner Energy Refining Period in History

Chapter 57: It's really free!


It turned out that Fang Yu was the one who beat Liang Jinfu into that tragic situation

This is not only not a problem, but a good thing!

For Chen Zhenyu, this is an excellent opportunity to meet Fang Yu!

A glimmer of joy flashed in Chen Zhenyu's eyes and walked quickly towards Fang Yu.

Seeing Chen Zhenyu rushing towards Fang Yu, the guests around knew that Fang Yu was finished.

This middle school student is indeed too arrogant, dare to beat people in the Ande restaurant.

Even if you hit someone, it's not an ordinary person. Listening to the tone of the injured Liang Jinfu, he seems to know Chen Zhenyu!

As a result, Fang Yu's consequences would be even more serious!

The waiter on the side looked at Fang Yu with joking in his eyes.

Chen Zhenyu walked quickly to Fang Yu, with a respectful face, slightly bent over, stretched out his hand towards Fang Yu, and said, "Mr. Fang, I have been admiring your name for a long time."

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned, including Fang Yu.

Fang Yu didn't have any impression of this Chen Zhenyu, so he didn't understand what Chen Zhenyu meant for a while.

"Mr. Fang, you are very busy, you may not have much impression of me. My name is Chen Zhenyu, the owner of this restaurant and the chairman of a catering group... It was the first time I saw you Mr. Fang that day at the Ji’s reception. …" Chen Zhenyu looked at Fang Yu and said in a humble manner.

Fang Yu understood when he said this.

It turned out that it was the guest at the Ji's reception that night, and he recognized Fang Yu as normal.

After all, that night, Fang Yu was publicly accused by Jiang Yue as a thief, causing an uproar.

Seeing Chen Zhenyu's hand still hanging in the air, Fang Yu reached out and shook his hand, and said lightly, "Hello."

At this time, the surrounding area was quiet.

No one thought that things would develop like this.

Not only did Chen Zhenyu fail to punish Fang Yu severely, but instead shook hands with Fang Yu respectfully

"What does Boss Chen mean? That student hit and made trouble in the restaurant, but there was nothing wrong with it?"

"More than it's okay? The two are still shaking hands!"

"I seemed to have heard the Ji Family Cocktail Party just now... The Ji family that Boss Chen said... Isn't the Ji family the top richest in Jiangnan?"

Jiangnan Ji's house

Many people took a breath.

Those who can eat in Ande's Western Restaurant are considered middle-class, and the level of work exposure is relatively high.

Therefore, many of them have heard of the Ji family.

As the top giants in the south of the Yangtze River, the Ji family is definitely a superior existence for them.

The Ji family's assets are less than 10 billion yuan, and the scope of the industry is extremely wide.

Compared with the huge Ji family, the catering groups controlled by Chen Zhenyu are worth more than one billion yuan.

Just now Chen Zhenyu said that he had seen this student in school uniform at the Ji family reception

In other words, this student is eligible to attend the cocktail party held by the Ji family

What does this show

It shows that the identity of this student is extremely honorable!

No wonder Chen Zhenyu's attitude suddenly changed one hundred and eighty degrees!

After understanding this, the eyes of the surrounding guests looking at Fang Yu changed.

Wang Yan's mother and daughter sitting opposite Fang Yu were even more sluggish.

what's going on

"Mr. Fang, what happened just now?" Chen Zhenyu asked respectfully.

"It's nothing, it's just that there is a fly buzzing around, which is very annoying, so I just slapped it twice and drove the fly away." Fang Yu said blankly.

Casually slapped twice

Thinking of Liang Jinfu's face full of blood and the horrible redness and swelling of his cheeks, Chen Zhenyu looked strange.

"So, what are you going to do? Actually, I didn't break anything here..." Fang Yu said.

Chen Zhenyu's face changed, and he waved his hand quickly, and said, "Mr. Fang, I absolutely didn't mean that. I just want to know how things happened. As for the annoying fly you mentioned, I will help you get rid of him immediately. "

Hearing Chen Zhenyu's words, Liang Jinfu's expression in the rear changed drastically, and he shouted: "Boss Chen, don't listen to him talking nonsense... He..."

"Shut up!" Chen Zhenyu turned his head, staring at Liang Jinfu gloomily.

Liang Jinfu trembled all over and dared not speak any more.

"Mr. Fang is my distinguished guest. If you offend him, it is equivalent to offending me!" Chen Zhenyu said solemnly.

Liang Jinfu's face was pale, and he looked at Fang Yu with horror in his eyes.

This kid... Is his background so big

How could Wang Yan, a bitch, know someone of this level

"You come here immediately and apologize to Mr. Fang!" Chen Zhenyu shouted again.

Liang Jinfu was full of resentment and unwillingness.

He was beaten, and he still has to apologize to the one who beat him? Besides, there are still so many people watching!

But seeing Chen Zhenyu's gloomy eyes, he knew that he had no choice.

If Chen Zhenyu is offended, Chen Zhenyu's power in Jianghai City, especially in the catering industry, can easily block his restaurant and other stores!

Liang Jinfu has been poor for more than 30 years, and he is absolutely unwilling to go back to those poor days.

So Liang Jinfu stood up, walked in front of Fang Yu, and bowed his head to apologize.

"Don't apologize to me, apologize to her." Fang Yu looked at Wang Yan.

Liang Jinfu shook all over, then turned his head, bowed to Wang Yan, and said, "I'm sorry."

"Mr. Fang, are you satisfied with his apology?" Chen Zhenyu looked at Fang Yu and asked.

Fang Yu looked at Wang Yan and said, "Aunt Wang is satisfied if she is satisfied."

Wang Yan was a little stunned by the current situation, she didn't know what to say for a while.

But in Chen Zhenyu's eyes, Wang Yan's reluctance to accept an apology meant that.

"Liang Jinfu, this Miss Wang is unwilling to accept your apology, so I can't help it. From tomorrow, I will propose to Jianghai Catering Industry Association..."

Hearing Chen Zhenyu's words, Liang Jinfu's heart was shocked.

Although he has invested in a lot of businesses, most of them are small things. The real money for him is the catering business!

If Chen Zhenyu really blocked him, he would be done!

Thinking of this, Liang Jinfu directly fell to his knees.

"Wang Yan, I know I was wrong, please forgive me, I'm just a cheap mouth! I'm just a bastard!"

While apologizing, Liang Jinfu kowtowed his head, knocking the floor banging.

It was quiet all around.

The fate of offending the powerful is so tragic.

The dignity, fame, and money that ordinary people are proud of are not worth mentioning in front of the powerful.

Seeing that Liang Jinfu's forehead was bleeding and her face was pale, Yu Yueyue pushed Wang Yan's arm and whispered, "Mom, forget it."

Wang Yan returned to her senses and took a deep look at Liang Jinfu, who was kneeling and kowtow, and said: "You don't need to apologize anymore, as long as you don't show up in front of me again in the future."

Even if Wang Yan spoke, Liang Jinfu didn't dare to stop.

He was waiting for Chen Zhenyu or Fang Yu to speak.

Chen Zhenyu looked at Fang Yu, who nodded.

"Liang Jinfu, since Miss Wang forgave you, then you can go, and I will not hold you accountable." Chen Zhenyu said.

Liang Jinfu received a pardon, stood up, covered the blood on his forehead with a tissue, and walked out embarrassedly.

The female companion, who had been by the side and afraid to speak, hurriedly followed.

After Liang Jinfu left, Chen Zhenyu looked around and said loudly: "I know what happened just now, which disturbed everyone and wasted their meal time. In order to make up for everyone's loss, I decided to give all the guests present free of charge! Everyone! You can enjoy our dishes to your heart's content, and you can eat as much as you want.

Hearing Chen Zhenyu's words, there was a burst of cheers and applause in the restaurant.

"Boss Chen is magnificent!"

"Thanks Boss Chen!"

Is it really free

Fang Yu looked at the bewildered waiter standing aside, smiled slightly, and said, "Didn't you say that there is no rule of exemption after hitting someone?"

"me… "

The waiter looked at Fang Yu in horror, and remembered the attitude of the other party Yu just now. He only felt that his legs were weak and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

How could he think that such an ordinary student would turn out to be a big man who even Chen Zhenyu would treat him respectfully!

"Mr. Fang, please continue to eat. I will let the chef personally make the best dishes in our restaurant... I hope Mr. Fang will like it." Chen Zhenyu said.

"Well, that's right." Fang Yu looked at Yu Yueyue and said, "Today is her birthday. Can you provide a birthday cake here?"