The Strongest Inner Energy Refining Period in History

Chapter 60: I am a god!


Li Zhengrong was sitting on the sofa in the office with a pale face.

In just one night, he became a joke among the various underground forces in Jianghai City!

Sending out more than forty thugs, can't even deal with a mere middle school student

In this case, let alone other forces, Li Zhengrong himself felt unbelievable and unacceptable!

Are all his subordinates really a rice bucket

Forty or so people, not only did not bring the middle school student back, but all were beaten to the hospital!

Could it be that which middle school student is Superman? Or is it an alien

is it possible!

But in any case, the matter is a foregone conclusion, and Li Zhengrong has made a big deal this time.

His reputation has suffered a huge negative impact!

Li Zhengrong started mixing at the age of sixteen. He has been mixing for 30 years. He knows what the most important thing about mixing on the road is.

It's fame and face!

But now, Li Zhengrong seemed to be slapped severely!

Damaged reputation and loss of face!


Li Zhengrong became more angry as he thought about it, and slammed the table with both hands.

"What a bunch of trash!"

Li Zhengrong stood up and paced back and forth in the office.

He must now find a way to find his place!

Otherwise, let's not talk about other forces, who are his subordinates, what would they think of him

The dignified Jianghai city underground boss, can't even handle a middle school student

In this way, who still believes in him, who is willing to mix with him

It must be done! Win back fame and face in a ruthless way!

Thinking of this, Li Zhengrong's eyes flashed with determination.

Boy, you forced me!

Li Zhengrong used his office phone to summon his capable subordinate Ahu in.

"Ahu, have you found out the details of that bastard?" Li Zhengrong said with cold eyes.

"It was found out. His name is Fang Yu. He is a student in Grade Three of Jianghai Middle School. He currently lives in Lijiang District. The specific address has not been found yet..." Ahu replied.

"That's enough." Li Zhengrong waved his hand and said solemnly, "Some time ago, did the rifles we bought from foreign merchants arrive?"

"It arrived two weeks ago. Twenty in total, boss." Ahu replied.

"Have you tested these guns?" Li Zhengrong asked again.

"Tested, there are no problems at all." Ahu replied.

A vicious flash flashed in Li Zhengrong's eyes, and he said, "Today you brought ten elites who can use rifles, take the rifles, and find a way to ambush that Fang Yu!"

Ahu's expression changed, and he said, "Boss, is it necessary to take such a big risk to deal with a student?"

The firepower of ten rifles is equivalent to a special force.

The risk of using a rifle in a place like a city is very high. If the police find out, the consequences are extremely serious!

Smuggling of arms, illegal use of firearms, and murder, these are all serious crimes!

"No matter how big the risk is! It must be done!" Li Zhengrong's eyes were determined, and he said solemnly.

He has no other way. This is the best way to restore his reputation.

Not only can Fang Yu die tragically, but it can also remind all the forces.

I am Li Zhengrong, I am not a paper tiger, you angered me, and that's the end!

Ahu wanted to dissuade him, but seeing Li Zhengrong's fierce look in his eyes, he didn't speak again.

After school in the afternoon, Fang Yu walked home as usual.

Halfway through, he felt two jeeps following him behind him.


Fang Yu glanced back casually and saw a large bag of objects wrapped in black cloth on the back seat of one of the jeep.


Fang Yu frowned slightly, turned the road ahead, and walked towards the back mountain of Jiannan Village.

It is the most remote place in the whole Jianghai City, off the beaten track.

Doing it there will not cause shock, let alone hurt the innocent.

Seeing Fang Yu go further and further to remote places, Ahu in the car is also full of joy.

Great! He was worried about how to lead Fang Yu out of the wilderness, but he didn't expect that Fang Yu took the initiative to help them solve this problem.

The less people do it, the lower their risk.

Soon, Fang Yu came to the back mountain, an open area not far from the vegetable garden.

He turned around and quietly waited for the arrival of the two jeeps behind.

A few seconds later, the two jeeps saw Fang Yu in front of him and stopped.

Ahu got out of the car with a cold smile on his face, and said, "It seems that you still found us, but unfortunately it was too late. In this place, the gods can't save you."

Fang Yu smiled slightly and said, "I don't need anyone to save me, because to you, I am a god."

"I admit that you are really strong. The performance last night really surprised us, but..." Ahu laughed jokingly and continued, "Now you are facing ten rifles, I don't I know why you are so confident."

At this time, all the gunmen on the jeep got out of the car, holding a black automatic rifle in their hands.

This was bought by Li Zhengrong at a high price from foreign merchants. It was originally intended to be used in the struggle between the forces, but it came in handy in advance.

"Boy, this is the end that angers our boss Li." Ahu smiled cruelly and said, "You don't need so many guns to kill you, but boss Li asked us to beat you into a hornet's nest, so..."

"You have a lot of words." Fang Yu said lightly, and walked towards Ahu at the same time.

Ahu's face changed slightly, and he immediately made a gesture.

The two gunmen behind him immediately raised their guns and aimed them at Fang Yu, who was walking towards them.

"Reborn in the next life, remember not to provoke our boss Li again." Ahu said coldly, while waving his hand forward.

"Boom boom boom..."

The two gunmen behind him immediately pulled the trigger, and a series of bullets shot towards Fang Yu.

At this distance, there is no room for normal humans to dodge.

Fang Yu raised his left hand, palm forward, facing the direction of the bullet.

A reddish qi burst out from Fang Yu's palm.

Those bullets that fired extremely fast stopped in front of Fang Yu's palm and floated in the air.

When Ahu and the ten gunmen saw this scene, their complexions changed drastically, and they only felt their hairs stand up!

What kind of trick is this

How come those bullets are floating in the air!

Fang Yu stood still, with a faint smile on his face.

Ahu was the first to come back to his senses and shouted: "Hurry up and shoot, everyone will shoot together!"

The ten gunmen reacted and hurried forward a few steps, squeezing the trigger again towards Fang Yu!

This time, they directly shot out all the bullets in the magazine!

"Boom boom boom..."

A fierce gunshot echoed in the mountains and forests.

After a while, the capacity of the rifle magazines in the hands of the ten gunmen was emptied.

However, Fang Yu still stood in place.

In front of him, there were hundreds of copper-brown automatic rifle bullets floating.

At this time, Ahu and the ten gunmen looked horrified, their mouths were open, and they couldn't speak.

The scene in front of them makes them feel that they are dreaming.

how can that be!

How could those bullets stay in the air

"I have said that before you, I am a god." Fang Yu said calmly.

Hearing Fang Yu's voice, Ahu only felt an agitated spirit all over his body and woke up.

He once heard that there is a class of people in the world who can master this kind of ghost and god technique.

That is the master of martial arts.

Could it be that Fang Yu in front of him is a martial arts master!

You have to run away!

After escaping back, you must tell the boss that this Fang Yu is a martial arts master! I must not provoke him anymore!

Almost the moment Ahu turned and wanted to escape, Fang Yu leaned his palm forward.

Those bullets floating in the air shot at the group of Ahu at extreme speed.

"Puff puff… "

The sound of a frightening bullet penetrating the flesh sounded, accompanied by a scream.

In just a few seconds, Ahu and the ten gunmen all fell to the ground. There were more than twenty bullet holes on his body, and the blood flow continued. No one was spared.

And it was not the bullets of others that shot them into hornet's nests, but the bullets shot by themselves.

Fang Yu looked at the pile of corpses in front of him, without a trace of waves in his eyes.

He stepped forward, took out the cell phone in Ahu's pocket, and called the police.

"I want to call the police, there was a shooting in the back mountain of Jiannan Village."