The Strongest Inner Energy Refining Period in History

Chapter 70: The Jiangnan martial arts world shakes!


Fang Yu looked at Yang Shaorong's side and found that Yang Yinzhu had disappeared.

"Gone again? This woman's heart is really cruel." Fang Yu said in his heart.

He wanted to dispose of Yang Yinzhu altogether, but he didn't think about it, when he absorbed Yang Jian's spiritual energy attentively, Yang Yinzhu ran away.

However, Fang Yu didn't care too much.

He looked at the crowd in the audience and found that they were also staring at him.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, you have to go." Fang Yu didn't want to be famous, so he walked off the competition stage and walked outside the hall.

Everyone in the hall watched Fang Yu leave, and no one dared to speak out.

In less than ten minutes, what happened was too appalling, and most people couldn't relax.

On this day, a burst of news came from Jianghai City, instantly detonating the entire Jiangnan martial arts world.

Yang Jian, the young master of the Yang family, who had just stepped into the realm of the master, was defeated by a young man named Fang Yu on the martial arts stage. He lost his right hand and his cultivation was completely useless. His life and death are still unknown!

As the eldest young master of the Yang family, Yang Jian was adopted as an apprentice by Gu Rulong, who was regarded as the great master, and he was already very famous in the Jiangnan martial arts world.

Recently, he successfully broke through to the realm of the martial arts master, becoming the youngest martial artist to enter the realm of the master in the past 50 years, and many people have heard the news.

No one would have thought that Yang Jian, a rising star in the Jiangnan martial arts world, would actually fall so fast!

And the person who made Yang Jian fall, Fang Yu, has become the focus of discussion among all warriors!

How sacred is Fang Yu, who has never heard of it before!

Huatai Group, Jiangnan Branch.

Qin Yimo sat on the sofa in the office and called his grandfather Qin Wudao.

"Grandpa, Fang Yu... who is this?" Qin Yimo asked hesitantly.

"I've said that, if you want to know, just understand it yourself." Qin Wudao said with a smile.

"I can't communicate with him! If you can't say a few words, he will just make fun of me, you, and even the entire Qin family! He doesn't know how to respect people..." Qin Yimo said angrily.

"What if he didn't joke with you?" Qin Wudao said.

"Then he deliberately insulted our Qin family!" Qin Yimo gritted his teeth.

"Haha, get along with him, if you have a chance, you will really get to know him." Qin Wudao finished speaking and hung up the phone.

Qin Yimo was very upset. Every time she mentioned Fang Yu, her grandfather would play dumb riddles with her and refused to tell the truth.

Moreover, every time she talks to her grandpa about Fang Yu's problems, grandpa will always help Fang Yu speak!

She wondered if she was a granddaughter.

In the far north, under a snow-capped mountain, there is a small house.

An old man in purple robe was standing in the hut at this time, looking at the snow scene outside.

A pure black strange bird flew from the sky and flew to the window of the hut where the purple-robed old man was.

A roll of letter paper was tied under the feet of the strange bird.

The purple-robed old man frowned slightly, took off the letter paper, and opened it to look at it.

After seeing the content, the face of the purple-robed old man changed slightly, and a golden glow appeared in his eyes!

After reading the contents of the letter paper, the old man in purple robe looked gloomy, and the letter paper in his hand ignited flames and burned to ashes.

He walked out of the hut, exerted a little force under his feet, and his whole body rose into the air, swiftly galloping in one direction.

On a wasteland, a very strong man was fighting with a group of polar bears shirtless.

Seeing the man blasted out with a punch, a polar bear weighing several tons flew out more than ten meters away.

The purple-robed old man came to the wasteland, stood aside, and looked at the man.

The man noticed the arrival of the purple-robed old man, and while fighting with the polar bear, he asked: "Master, what are you looking for me?"

"Something happened to Yang Jian." The purple-robed old man said solemnly.

"What's the matter?" The strong man kicked the rushing polar bear out and turned to look at the purple-robed old man.

"A man named Fang Yu abandoned him." The purple-robed old man had sharp eyes and a cold voice.

At this time, a polar bear rushed towards the strong man again.

The strong man grabbed the polar bear's limbs, roared, and pulled out.


The polar bear uttered a screaming scream, showing a blood stain on its chest, and then it was completely torn apart, revealing the bloody internal organs!

Shred the polar bear with bare hands!

What a powerful physical force this is!

The strong man threw the two halves of the polar bear on the ground, looked at the purple-robed old man, and asked, "Where is the person?"

"Jiangnan, Jianghai City." The purple-robed old man replied.

After Fang Yu returned home, he immediately returned to the room and locked the door.

In his heart, there was uncontrollable excitement.

After so many years, he finally found a way to quickly absorb aura and improve his cultivation besides devouring the monster inner core.

That is the Spirit Devouring Art he improved from the Essence Devouring Dafa.

After mastering the Spirit Devouring Art, Fang Yu was not so far away from the goal of 10,000 layers in the Qi Refining Period.

Using the Spirit Devouring Jue to absorb the cultivation base of a martial arts master can break through two layers.

In other words, as long as he absorbed the cultivation base of a hundred martial arts masters, Fang Yu could break through 10,000 levels of the Qi Refining Period.

Although martial arts masters are rare, there are not even a hundred in the entire Huaxia area, and they are much easier to find than high-level monsters.

However, the crux of the problem is that Fang Yu has no suitable reason.

He is not a big demon, he can't do to abolish the cultivation of others for no reason in order to improve his cultivation.

When he was just entering the way of cultivation, what his master said to him the most was that being a man must never lose his humanity.

This is also the reason why Fang Yu has rarely been exposed to evil cultivation techniques for so many years.

"Fine, five thousand years are almost over, not bad at this time, let the flow go."

Fang Yu's state of mind quickly returned to calm.

In the evening, Fang Yu received a call from Ji Rumei.

Ji Rumei told him that Yang Yinzhu left Jiangnan on a flight in the afternoon and went to Huaibei. It was not clear where he went.

As for Yang Jian, he was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment, and he temporarily survived. However, due to excessive blood loss, he has not yet escaped the dangerous period.

Fang Yu didn't say anything. For him, the Yang family's affairs have come to an end.

After the Yang Jian was dealt with, I believe that the Yang family didn't have the confidence to jump.

Early on Sunday morning, Fang Yu left the Lijiang community, thinking of running outside, and eating some breakfast by the way.

So he ran forward slowly along the sidewalk beside Lijiang.

At this time, the sun just rises, shining on the surface of the river in Lijiang, reflecting golden light.

A black Mercedes Benz followed Fang Yu and slowly caught up.

Fang Yu stopped and looked at the Mercedes Benz.

The door of the Mercedes Benz opened, and a woman in a pale green cheongsam got out of the car.

She has a delicate and beautiful face, with a little pink and white, and the whole person's temperament is dusty and fresh.

"Hello, Mr. Fang, this is Li Xiaomo from Qingyan Club. Do you have time to chat with me?" Li Xiaomo said with a smile on his face, respectfully.

Fang Yu frowned slightly.

He had never heard of Qingyan Society, nor had he heard of Li Xiaomo.

"Where did you know me?" Fang Yu asked.

After yesterday's duel, he walked quickly, and he didn't give anyone a chance to get close to him.

Isn't the woman in front of me one of those people yesterday

"Mr. Fang's feat of fighting more than 40 thugs alone at the gate of Lijiang Community that night has long been spread throughout the underground world of Jianghai City." Li Xiao silently covered his mouth and chuckled.

"Oh, that's it." Fang Yu nodded.

"Mr. Fang, the person you offended is Li Zhengrong. He is one of the leading underground bosses in Jianghai City. He must report his personality. If you embarrassed him that night, he will definitely continue to trouble you until he..." Li Xiaomo looked at Fang. Yu said.

"So, I should cooperate with you and fight him together, right?" Fang Yu interrupted Li Xiaomo and said.

Li Xiaomo's face changed slightly, and then smiled lightly: "Mr. Fang is really smart, I haven't said yet..."

"I'm not interested, I don't need to cooperate with anyone." Fang Yu said lightly, turning around to continue running.

Li Xiao stayed silently, bit his lip, and walked back to the car.

"Did you take the picture of me talking with him just now?" Li Xiaomo asked the driver sitting in the driving seat.

"President, I have taken all the photos according to your instructions, you can check them." The driver said, handing the phone to Li Xiaomo.

Li Xiaomo glanced at the photo, with a sly smile on his face.

Fang Yu continued to run along the sidewalk beside Lijiang.

As he ran, he suddenly felt a powerful breath of monsters.

This breath came from afar, slowly approaching.

Fang Yu stopped, turned his head and looked back.

Seen nothing.

How could monsters appear in such a place out of thin air

But the breath of the monster beast was slowly approaching.

"No way… "

Fang Yu turned his head and looked at Lijiang next to him...

There is a monster beast above the eighth rank, swimming through Lijiang!

Tier 8 monster! Haven't seen it in years!

Fang Yu didn't hesitate, and immediately jumped to Lijiang!

This scene happened to be seen by a sanitation worker not far away and shouted anxiously: "Help, someone jumped into the river!"