The Strongest Inner Energy Refining Period in History

Chapter 82: Strange strength!


Fang Yu turned around and directly reached out to grab the blade.

In front of him was a dark and thin young man, his eyes were full of fierce light.

He turned the blade vigorously, attempting to injure Fang Yu's hand with the blade.


Fang Yu's hand was firmly squeezed, and the blade was directly crushed!

Astonishment flashed in the eyes of the thin black man, and after touching his waist with his left hand, he seemed to want to take out something.

Fang Yu reached out and grabbed his left hand, not allowing him to take things out.

"As soon as I come up, I will kill the mind? I have no grievances or grudges against you, why bother?" Fang Yu said.

The thin black man gritted his teeth and tried his best to free Fang Yu's hand, but he couldn't move at all.

At this time, he suddenly spoke, chanting some obscure formulas.


There was a sound from the rock wall behind him.

Fang Yu's eyes changed slightly, and when he turned his head, he saw that the mask hung on the rock wall was shaking violently.


Afterwards, this mask broke away from the rock wall and flew towards Fang Yu's location!

While Fang Yu was distracted, the thin black man roared and took a step aside.

That mask flew directly to the black and thin man's face, just covering his face!

The eyes on the mask immediately showed a burst of black light!

And the body of the black and thin man also broke out with a very strong aura!

"What kind of magic is this? With the help of the power of the corpse?" Fang Yu raised his eyebrows, finding it interesting.

After putting on the mask, the thin black man seemed to be a few inches bigger, and he punched Fang Yu's head!

Fang Yu raised his left hand to block the punch.


With a loud noise, Fang Yu took a step back.

The black and thin man wearing the mask was much stronger than Fang Yu had imagined.

The curiosity in Fang Yu's eyes grew stronger.

What kind of magical technique is this

The black thin man was originally just an eighth-level monk in the Qi Refining Period, but after putting on the mask, his aura and strength were several times stronger.

The black and thin man at this time is probably above the martial arts master!

The black thin man took a step forward, a black glow appeared from his right fist, and he blasted Fang Yu again.

Fang Yu dodged the punch.


The rock wall behind Fang Yu was directly blasted out of a big hole!

Fang Yu flashed behind the thin black man and kicked the thin black man's back.

The black and thin man reacted very quickly, turning around and hitting him with a palm!


With a loud noise, the thin black man flew out several meters away and quickly stabilized his body.

Fang Yu's eyes were full of surprise.

The thin black man wearing the mask is too strong.

He used at least 20% of his strength on that foot just now, but the black and thin man actually resisted with his palm, and he was not injured!

The thin black man stood there, looked at Fang Yu, and said, "Who are you?"

His voice was strange, low and muddy, and it sounded like the sound of a corpse in a coffin.

"You should ask this question before you start. What's the use of asking now? You want to kill me." Fang Yu said lightly.

The thin black man did not speak any more, the mask on his face, his eyes suddenly burst into a strong black light!

Fang Yu felt his brain go blank suddenly, and instantly lost the ability to think.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the thin black man rushed towards Fang Yu, a black glow appeared from his right fist, and his fist struck Fang Yu's chest.


Fang Yu was hit hard and flew out of the cliff, fell down and disappeared.

The thin black man walked to the edge of the cliff, looked at the clouds below, and let out a harsh laugh.

"This mask actually has a god-controlling effect... I really underestimate it."

At this time, Fang Yu's voice suddenly came from behind the black and thin man.

how can that be

Didn't he fall

The black and thin man laughed and turned around immediately, and saw Fang Yu with a smile standing in front of him.

Fang Yu clearly hit him with a heavy blow just now, how can it look like nothing happened!

"Actually, your weakness is obvious, do you know?" Fang Yu said.

The thin black man took a step back and blasted Fang Yu with a punch again.

Fang Yu turned his head to the side, easily avoiding the fist of the black and thin man.

Then, he punched the black and thin man's mask.


The mask made of stone burst instantly, revealing the face of the black and thin man with extreme horror.

"Look, don't you become a waste now?" Fang Yu said with a cold smile on his face.

"You, what are you..." The thin black man looked at Fang Yu, sweating on his forehead, and he was extremely frightened.

Fang Yu didn't speak, and kicked the black man on the knee.


The thin black man let out a scream, took a step back, lost his center of gravity, and fell straight off the cliff.

Behind him is a cliff of more than 3,000 meters!

But just when he was about to fall, Fang Yu stepped on his palm.

The black and thin man's body hung on a cliff over 3,000 meters high.

"Tell me, what kind of evil cultivator are you?" Fang Yu asked.

The black and thin man was extremely frightened, and tremblingly said, "I am not a Xianxiu, I am a member of the Xuanming clan."

Xuan Ming clan

Fang Yu frowned slightly, he had never heard of this ethnic group.

But the altar set by the thin black man and the spells he used were obviously inseparable from sorcery.

"If you kill me, our people will find you and take revenge for me!" The thin black man looked at Fang Yu and said loudly.

"It was you who killed me first, you figured it out." Fang Yu said lightly.

The thin black man looked at Fang Yu's expression and knew that Fang Yu would not let him go.

So, he bit the tip of his tongue, wiped the blood from the tip of his tongue on his eyelid with his left hand, and chanted tactics in his mouth.

"Elders, you are optimistic, this person killed me! You must give me revenge!" The thin black man opened his eyes, staring at Fang Yu's face, and said.

Fang Yu frowned slightly.

"Hahaha... Soon everyone in my clan will know that you killed me! They will find you, they will find you!" The thin black man laughed frantically.

"I'll pull you up now, can I get it back?" Fang Yu asked suddenly.

The black and thin man's face changed slightly, and he immediately said, "Of course, as long as you let me make a living, I promise not to pursue this matter again."

He said so, but the black and thin man felt extremely resentful in his heart.

That grimace mask is something that every adult member of the Xuanming clan must make.

The black and thin man's mask has been made for several years. The raw material is the corpse of a monk who died thousands of years ago.

In order to obtain the corpse, the thin black man spent a lot of money and energy.

But now, the elaborate mask was blown by Fang Yu with a punch.

How heavy was the loss of the black and thin man, how could he easily let Fang Yu go

"You are not sincere enough." Fang Yu said with a slightly raised mouth.

"You..." The thin black man opened his eyes wide, and was about to talk.

Fang Yu loosened his foot.

"what… "

The screams of the thin black man resounded through the sky.

Fang Yu was expressionless, turned and walked back to the table.

Only then did he realize that the two bowls had exploded and the candles on the table had all gone out.

"Xuanming clan... It's interesting." Fang Yu's eyes flashed and said in his heart.

A remote mountainous area in the southwest.

An old man was kneeling on the mat, his eyes closed tightly.

In front of him was a wall with a grimace mask similar to the one Fang Yu had seen.

The old man looked serene, as if he was closing his eyes and resting.

But suddenly, his face changed, he opened his eyes, and a black glow appeared in his eyes.

He saw a picture.

In the picture, there is the indifferent face of a young man.

"Elders, you are optimistic, this person killed me! You must give me revenge!"

It's Ajiu!

The old man stood up, his face extremely ugly.

The black light in his eyes quickly dissipated, and the picture stopped abruptly.

The old man's complexion changed, and then he walked out of the thatched house quickly.

At this time, some people walked out of the surrounding thatched houses.

"Have you all seen it?" The old man said solemnly.

"Patriarch, we have seen that Ah Jiu was killed..." The surrounding elders all looked ugly.

"Lao Jiu’s Altar of Borrowing Souls was built in the Skyline Mountains. You immediately send someone to investigate there and find out the young man in the picture to get all his information! Jiu’s revenge, we must take revenge! "The patriarch said with sharp eyes.

"Yes!" The elders nodded.