The Strongest Inner Energy Refining Period in History

Chapter 89: Fang Yu, get out!


"I'm so happy today, isn't it okay to drink a little?" Li Bingyan still put the cup on Fang Yu's table.

Then, Li Bingyan poured three more beers and placed them at the tables of Fatty Liu and Ran Ran.

"Come on, let's toast." Li Bingyan took the lead to toast and said.

Fang Yu raised his head and glanced at the beer in Li Bingyan's hand, his eyes winced.

Under the illumination of the light, Fang Yu could see a strange movement in the glass of beer.

A closer look reveals that it is a tiny transparent worm, squirming in the beer.

This bug is very small, plus it is transparent, no one can detect it at all.

Fang Yu just happened to see its existence through the light.

What is this

Fang Yu lowered his head and looked at the glass of beer at his table.

Sure enough, there was also a transparent worm inside.

"Come on, I'll do it first!" At this time, Li Bingyan already looked up and wanted to drink this glass of wine.

"Don't drink!" Fang Yu said immediately.

Li Bingyan was taken aback, the beer glass was already to his lips.

The worm felt like it was about to approach the human body, crawling up along the beer, and crawling into Li Bingyan's mouth.

Fang Yu stood up and took away the wine glass in Li Bingyan's hand, very fast.

"Why, what's the matter?" Li Bingyan was taken aback and asked.

Fang Yu frowned, looked at the transparent worm in the wine glass, thinking about what kind of worm it was.

Soon, he thought of it.

Phantom Yin Worm!

This is one of the five poisonous sects of the evil repair sect, one of the most favorite poisonous insects. Countless righteous people have died under this poisonous insect.

But the five poisonous sects have been wiped out for nearly two thousand years. Who else will breed this poisonous insect

At this time, Fang Yu suddenly noticed that someone was leaving the restaurant.

As soon as he raised his head, he saw a man wearing a waiter's costume and walked out with his head down.

"Don't touch these beers. There are poisonous insects in them. I'll be back soon." Fang Yu said to Li Bingyan and the others. After speaking, he followed the man and walked out.

The man walked fast, Fang Yu walked faster than him.

After turning two corners, the man entered an alley.

Fang Yu followed without hesitation.

As soon as he walked into the alley, Fang Yu saw that the man was already standing in the alley waiting for him, with a weird smile on his face.

"Even the phantom worm can find that your strength is indeed much stronger than we thought." The man said.

"What is your relationship with the Five Poison Sect?" Fang Yu asked.

Hearing the words Five Poison Sect, a trace of surprise flashed across the man's face.

"Ask so much why? You are going to be buried here today!" The man said with a sneer.

He stretched out his hand and waved, and a black mist emanated from him.

The black fog spreads very quickly, filling the alley in a few seconds.

Fang Yu was not in a hurry or slow, a reddish zhenqi entwined around his body.

"Do you think my poisonous mist can be resisted with real energy? You are too naive." The man sneered.

But the next second, his smile stiffened.

I saw the poisonous mist emanating from him, and when it touched the reddish zhenqi surrounding Fang Yu's body, a burst of white smoke appeared.

Fang Yu stood in the poisonous fog, nothing happened.

"How is it possible? How can my deadly poisonous mist be blocked by true Qi?" The man's face was ugly.

Today he has used two assassins, one of which is the Phantom Yin Worm, and the second is the Deadly Poisonous Mist.

These two assassins, as long as he usually uses them, the target will definitely die suddenly, and he has never missed.

But now, these two assassins were easily cracked by Fang Yu, which shocked his heart.

"My true qi is different from ordinary people's true qi. I hope you can learn more about me before you act next time. If you don't need to, send someone to die from time to time." Fang Yu sneered and walked towards the man. .

Although the man was a little panicked, as a heaven-level killer in the Violet Organization, his killing methods were more than one or two!

He took a porcelain bottle from his pocket and peeled off the cap.

A big green centipede drilled out of the bottle mouth.

This is the green earth made of various poisons, and the ultimate poisonous insect, the green earth centipede.

This kind of centipede is not only poisonous, but more deadly because it is extremely aggressive.

As long as there is a target, it will attack quickly, bite the opponent as fast as possible, and turn the opponent into a pile of bones.

Three years ago, the man used this centipede to successfully kill a martial arts master.

The martial arts master didn't even make any response, he died suddenly.

The green earth centipede came out of the bottle, fell to the ground, and then rushed towards Fang Yu at an incredible speed, leaving no afterimages in the air!

This speed has exceeded the limit that can be observed with the naked eye!

Fang Yu was expressionless, raised his foot and stepped forward!


There was a muffled noise on the concrete floor, and cracks appeared.

"I hate these bugs the most." Fang Yu said coldly, then moved his feet away.

The man not far away looked dull and looked at the ground that was torn apart by Fang Yu.

Then, he saw the squashed green earth centipede corpse and a pool of green venom.

"This, this..." The man faded in an instant, his original self-confidence disappeared!

The expressionless young man in front of him... is not a warrior in the ordinary sense at all!

His strength is not at the same level as those of the so-called martial arts masters!

How can such a goal be killed? How can I kill it

The man had the idea of running away almost in an instant.

With a wave of his hand, a black stone-like object fell out of his sleeve.


The object exploded in the air, bursting into a pure black mist.

These mists are not only poisonous, but also make people lose sight.

The man took advantage of this opportunity and ran back quickly.

But as soon as he turned around, he couldn't move.

An extremely powerful aura squeezed him in place.

Then, he saw Fang Yu standing in front of him.

The man's face was pale and he was about to talk.

Fang Yu stretched out his finger and tapped it on his forehead.

The man instantly felt black in front of his eyes, and his mind became blank.

"Who sent you to kill me?" Fang Yu asked.

"... The upper hand commanded me to kill you." The man replied with dull eyes.

"Who is above you?" Fang Yu asked.

"I don't know the specific person. The task is sent to me directly by mail."

"Where is the headquarters of your Violet Organization?"

"In central Europe, the specific location is an organizational secret, I don't know."


This is completely different from what Fang Yu said before the killer Laohu.

Laohu said that the headquarters of the Violet Group is in Huaibei...

But Fang Yu soon wanted to understand.

Since the location of the Violet Organization's headquarters is confidential, their senior officials will certainly not disclose it.

Whether it is central Europe or Huaibei, it is bound to be false information.

"What's your relationship with the Five Poison Sects?" Fang Yu asked again.

"I used to be in the absolute peak of the northwest..." the man was saying, his sluggish eyes suddenly became frightened, and then he clutched his throat and wailed in pain.

Two seconds later, he fell to the ground, his face withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in just ten seconds, he turned into a pool of blood.

"This is... the power of cursing?" Fang Yu frowned as he looked at the bloody water on the ground.

Juefeng was the location of the Five Poison Sect back then.

"Could it be... the Five Poison Sect still exists in the world?" Fang Yu's eyes moved slightly.

When Fang Yu returned to the restaurant, Li Bingyan and the three were still observing the glasses of beer.

"Boss, I still can't see any poisonous insects in this cup, are you looking at it?" Li Bingyan said.

Fatty Liu and Ding Ran also looked at Fang Yu suspiciously.

Just as there was a bottle of soy sauce on the table, Fang Yu poured the soy sauce into the beer glass.

The black color of the soy sauce quickly spreads into the beer.

Then, the outline of a transparent worm that was twisting its body was clearly revealed in front of the eyes.

Seeing this scene, Li Bingyan's face instantly turned pale.

"I, I almost took a sip just now, should I go to the hospital, boss?" Li Bingyan looked terrified.

"It's okay, you can just drink it. Pour out these beers." Fang Yu said.

After speaking, Fang Yu bowed his head and continued to eat.

Li Bingyan hurriedly called the waiter and poured all four glasses of beer.

Then, the three of them sat there, watching Fang Yu eat, and stopped moving their chopsticks.

"Are you full?" Fang Yu questioned.

"We... don't want to eat anymore."

Just kidding, after seeing that bug, where can they still eat

If it wasn't for Fang Yu to sit here and eat, they would all want to go straight away!

After Fang Yu lowered his head and ate for a while, he was also full, and said, "Go back."

Li Bingyan was relieved, stood up and said, "Let's go."

Uncle Niu happened to be right next to him, and when he saw that the dishes on the table didn't eat much, he asked, "Are these dishes unpalatable? Why didn't you eat them much?"

"No, Uncle Niu, these dishes are really delicious. Really. That's... We don't have any appetites, forget it, let's not say... Today's account will be credited to my dad first, I have something to do, let's go first." Li Bingyan said , Walked out of the restaurant quickly.

Sitting back in the car, Li Bingyan said, "I'll take you home first. Where is Teacher Ding's home?"

"My home is in the community next to the school." Ding Ran replied.

"Then we will go back to school first." Li Bingyan said to the driver.

Sitting in the car, Li Bingyan thought of the transparent bugs in the beer, but still had lingering fears, and asked: "Boss, why are there poisonous bugs in those four glasses of beer?"

"Their goal is me, you are just being implicated, don't ask." Fang Yu replied.

Hearing Fang Yu's words, Li Bingyan didn't ask any more questions.

Ding Ran looked at the thoughtful Fang Yu, her beautiful eyes flashed with brilliance.

At this time, the car drove to a relatively remote section.

Fang Yu looked out the window and found that many black vans appeared around the car they were sitting in, gradually forming an encirclement.

The driver was surrounded by these cars and could only drive slower and slower, and finally was forced to stop.

"Master, this is..." The driver turned his head and was about to talk to Li Bingyan.

But at this time, the doors of the surrounding vans opened, and a group of thugs with iron rods got out of the car.

"What's the situation..." Li Bingyan looked out the car window, his face pale and his voice trembling.

The thugs holding the iron rods tightly surrounded their car.

Li Bingyan grew up so big and encountered this situation for the first time.

Fatty Liu and Ding Ran were equally pale.

"Fang Yu, get out of here!" a man with a small head, holding an iron rod, shouted loudly.

As he took the lead, the surrounding thugs also yelled.

"Fang Yu, get out!"