The Strongest Interstellar Commander

Chapter 114: Harsh requirements


After inspecting the Star Academy, Lin Fan took Liang Xue on the Ouranos and arrived near Resource Star No. 37.

The Third Fleet of the Federation's First Army has now been in force for half a month, and its commander is Commodore Emma!

At this moment, he is leading the fleet here to conduct rapid formation transformation training to hone the coordination of the entire fleet!

Don't underestimate this training of rapid formation changes. This is the most basic and important component of the entire fleet's combat effectiveness.

In particular, Emma, who inherited Lin Fan's style, will not use a fixed formation. This time is a test of the ability of the adjutant and the command team. It is their job to transform the commander's ideas into reality.

The most critical one is the change of formation of the fleet in progress. The fleet will not take action on its own just because the commander says what the formation should be.

Because the captains of each battleship don't know how to act in order to make the entire fleet into the formation expected by the commander.

At this time, it is up to the adjutant and the members of the command team. They need to correctly understand the commander's intention, and then command the squadron to move to where in detail, or even direct a certain squadron to where to move, and finally move the squadron to where. The array of the entire fleet formed what the commander desired.

This is the most difficult part of fleet command. If you are not careful, not to mention not being able to form the array pattern required by the commander, you may even cause the warships in your own fleet to collide.

Therefore, if this level cannot be passed, the fleet will not be able to form a real combat effectiveness, and it will only be ready to be slaughtered on the battlefield.

In short, regardless of the commander's orders on the battlefield, they are very simple. In fact, once the commander says one word, his subordinates will be busy for a long time, converting his words into countless orders and sending them to each squadron. Even small teams come to conduct fleet coordination.

Lin Fan was inside the Ouranos, looking at the virtual tactical map projected on the bridge, which was showing the formation changes of the Third Fleet.

After watching for a while, Lin Fan frowned slightly. The efficiency of the fleet linkage was a bit slow!

Of course, what Lin Fan meant by slowness was for himself. After all, he was used to the speed of the First Fleet's linkage.

As for why the first fleet's linkage efficiency was so high, the main reason was Liang Xue, the adjutant whose brain development rate was higher than Lin Fan's when he first arrived on Mars.

For Liang Xue, controlling the linkage of the fleet is a very simple matter. She does not even need to rely on the assistance of the optical brain. Simply relying on her own brain, she can immediately calculate when the branch will start. In what direction is the fleet moving!

Like a precision machine, it can accurately command every squadron in the fleet, and even every squad, to present Lin Fan's ideas 100% perfectly.

It can be said that Lin Fan is the brain of the fleet, and Liang Xue is the nerve of the fleet, controlling the movements of every component in the entire fleet.

However, this will not work for other fleets. No matter it is Chris, Liang Xue, or even Liang Xingchen, there is no such anti-human adjutant. Therefore, in terms of fleet linkage, Lin Fan's first fleet is completely It is the pinnacle of human combat power.

"Legion Commander, Emma has already done a great job, they have only been an army for half a month!"

Liang Xue on the side looked at Lin Fan's expression and couldn't help but speak.

This is not what Liang Xue said randomly, but it is really very good, for a fleet that has just been formed for half a month.

Although it is a bit slower and the fleet's linkage is still a little chaotic, it only feels this way when compared to the first fleet.

If we compare this with other fleets, such as Chris's second fleet and Liang Xingchen's former fourth fleet, they are not much worse than them!

Speaking of Emma's adjutant, she is still an acquaintance, and that is Xia Tina, who was originally a mecha master.

Although she does not have the commanding talent like Li Cangqiong, she has all the talents needed for an excellent adjutant.

For an excellent fleet commander, it may require a lot of knowledge, quick adaptability, and unconstrained ideas.

But for an excellent adjutant, what is needed is precise understanding, detailed control, fast calculation, etc., to disassemble the commander's intention into countless orders and convey them to every component of the fleet. .

To put it more vividly, the commander needs his brain to live, while the adjutant needs his brain to die.

A year ago, after Emma noticed Xia Tina's talent in this area, she asked her to come over and became her adjutant, starting from the First Squadron to the current Third Fleet.

"It's not enough. It's still some distance from what I expected. I still need to continue training!"

Lin Fan still shook his head, indicating that he did not accept what Liang Xue said.

In his opinion, Emma and Shatina's talents should be far more than that!

According to Lin Fan's assessment of the two, the Third Fleet's linkage efficiency can be increased by at least 50%.

"Legion Commander, your demands are too high!"

"There is no other way. If we don't raise the requirements, how can we deal with the increasingly powerful enemies in the future? Tell Emma and give her another half month to increase the fleet's linkage efficiency by at least another 30 percentage points."

"Okay, I'll tell her!"

Liang Xue smiled bitterly and said.

Speaking of which, Liang Xue didn't understand why Lin Fan was so anxious. In fact, the combat effectiveness of the Third Fleet had improved quite quickly, even much faster than she had expected.

In Liang Xue's previous estimate, it would take at least a month for the Third Fleet to look like it is now, but now it only took half a month.

In fact, Lin Fan was only so strict with Emma, but he was more worried behind it.

After all, she is his little wife, and now as the fleet commander, she can be regarded as fighting on the front line. Lin Fan will naturally be a little worried.

Therefore, he has extremely high requirements for Emma, because only if she is strong enough can Lin Fan relax.

"Let's go back to the First Fleet station. By the way, help me get through the communication with Commander Liang of the Second Army. He's in my room. I have something to tell him!"


After finishing speaking, Lin Fan left the bridge and walked towards his room.

After returning to her room, Liang Xue had already connected to Liang Xingchen's communication and picked it up!

"Lin Fan, long time no see. Liang Xue said you have something to discuss with me?"

"Yes, Commander Liang, I want to ask you for a favor!"

"Well, tell me, as long as you can help me, I'll be fine!"

"Thank you, that's what happened"

(End of chapter)