The Strongest Interstellar Commander

Chapter 1303: The fall of the empire, important information


A total of 2,000 legions poured into the empire's home universe.

This amount can cover almost half of the universe.

After all, a super galaxy cluster can only accommodate tens of billions of warships at most, no more.

Therefore, after these 2,000 legions enter, they can directly fill thousands of super galaxy clusters, which is still very terrifying.

And with such a force, Lin Yu's more than 20,000 people will eventually be completely surrounded.

The premise is.

If you have enough time.

But obviously, they didn't have enough time at the moment.

Because the alliance army on the defense line has launched a full-scale offensive.

After all the self-destructing planets have been exhausted, the self-destructing ships modified from civilian spaceships alone cannot pose much of a threat to the hundreds of federal armies.

Because they have neither speed nor defense, even if some of the spacecraft are temporarily equipped with naval guns, they cannot exert their true power at all.

Therefore, the Federation only needs to detach a hundred legions to defend outside the fleet array.

It is enough to ensure that these self-destructing ships cannot get close to the fleet.

As for the 500 main imperial legions on the first frontal line of defense, they were not superior in numbers to begin with. Coupled with the huge performance difference between them and the Federation Mosasaurus-class battleships, the defense line was already defeated even after an hour. wore.

Of course, this does not mean that the Federation wiped out 500 empire legions in one hour.

That's not the case. It's just a passage through the defense line that allows the federal fleet to cross the passage and directly attack the second line of defense.

In fact, the loss of the imperial fleet, the first line of defense, was just over a hundred legions.

But this is not a problem. It will be solved slowly in the future. The current main task of the Federation fleet is to break through the second line of defense and invade the empire's home universe.

On the empire's second line of defense, there are 1,200 legions.

Since the Federation fleet has about 200 legions, it is entangled with the Imperial fleet and the self-destructing ship army on the first line of defense.

Therefore, the number of fleets attacking the second line of defense is only more than 400 legions, which is about one-third of the empire.

However, even if there is a disadvantage in terms of military strength, thanks to the huge performance difference of the battleships and the two detachments of civilization guardians that arrived during this period, they can still suppress the imperial fleet on the defense line.

However, it is impossible to break through quickly like the first line of defense.

However, within three hours at most, a breakthrough can definitely be achieved.

At the same time, in the home universe of the Norea Empire.

Lin Yu was as slippery as a loach. The imperial army tried to encircle and kill him many times, but each time he and his men escaped from the encirclement with great difficulty.

However, as more and more imperial fleets entered the universe, filling up super galaxy clusters one after another, the space for Lin Yu to escape became smaller and smaller.

The good thing is that this hide-and-seek game won't last too long.

More than three hours later.

After annihilating nearly 500 legions of the empire, the federal fleet finally broke through the second line of defense and arrived at the place where the empire deployed the third line of defense.

At this time, Lin Yu also led people to directly blast open the cosmic wall and came to the black cavity space.

At this time, even if the imperial fleet chases them out of the universe, it will be too late.

Because the federal fleet has arrived.

At this point, the empire has been unable to make a comeback, and even Radu's idea of making Lin Yu pay the price cannot be achieved.

All that awaits them is destruction.

Two hours later.

The remaining troops on the first line of defense were completely wiped out.

Eight hours later.

The remnants of the second line of defense were also wiped out.

Ten hours later, under the command of Lin Yu, more than 1,000 federal legions officially entered the mother universe of the Norea Empire to eliminate the last 2,000 legions in the imperial capital, as well as tens of millions of first-level black soldiers. Cavity life form.

This battle in the empire's home universe lasted for two full days.

But the result is still no change.

In the end, even Radu was surrounded and killed by Lin Yu and his guards, ending his short and extremely short career as a god.

Without the divine envoy, the morale of the entire Norea Empire dropped to a freezing point. People were no longer as fearless and crazy as before. Every imperial member in the Black Cavern World was full of fear and despair.

The alliance did not waste this rare opportunity. The army was divided into more than ten groups and continued to attack the surrounding black community.

Of course, there are nearly ten thousand legions in the empire.

However, they were unable to assemble and had no interference from the black consciousness. They were unable to ignite the slightest fighting spirit and were in a state of collapse. They were like two completely different civilizations from the previous imperial army.

Federation year 2238.

In thirty-six years, more than 80% of the black community under the Empire has been captured by the Federation.

At this time, the empire's new envoy was born.

The moment the divine envoy was born, the faith of the people of the empire also returned.

There is no such thing as a so-called collapse at the first touch. In every battle, only the last person left will not give up resistance.

However, it's too late!

Most of the imperial warship manufacturing factories were lost, and even the fleet was left with very little.

As for the black-cavity lifeforms, there are less than 5,000 people in the entire empire at this moment.

Even this newly born divine envoy can only look at the fourth level.

It is really.

The tallest among the short ones.


Federation year 2255.

Even after the empire regained its divine envoys and fought to the death with all its people, it still only lasted less than twenty years.

The whole territory fell, even every black cavity world, every universe, every galaxy, and even every planet.

Let the alliance clean it up.

The once powerful Norea Empire declared its demise on this day.

This time, among the seventeen sweepers, the first civilization was eliminated.

The most important thing is that when attacking the last black cavity world, even the divine envoy is only at the fourth level.

Therefore, under the surprise attack of the Civilization Guardian Legion, the entire new empire had almost no resistance. Even before it destroyed the imperial database, it had been captured by the Civilization Guardian Legion.

And a large amount of information was obtained from the database that he had no time to destroy in the future.

Even included.

Detailed locations of the remaining sixteen sweepers, as well as basic information.

This is definitely a huge gain for the Federation.

With this information, Lin Fan can customize relevant plans based on the actual situation.

Whether it is the subsequent development or the battle against the remaining sixteen sweepers!

(End of chapter)