The Strongest Interstellar Commander

Chapter 1305: 178 consecutive ambush!


Ambush the Empire of Dazaros

Everyone present was stunned.

1,780 black circles apart, how to ambush this

The distance is too far to accurately determine the opponent's marching route, and it is also impossible to confirm the specific marching time.

This ambush.

Where to start

None of the basic elements are present!

"Did you think I was going to go out and ambush hundreds of black men?"

Well, isn't it

Everyone was stunned again.

"Marshal Lin Fan, what do you mean?"

"Everyone, look here!"

As he spoke, Lin Fan called out the area between the Alliance and the Dazaros Empire and enlarged a section of it.

"Have you seen this? Maybe they can make a slight detour on the way, but not in this section. They can only follow this channel!"

"There are 178 Black Cavities on this single channel, and my plan is to ambush the Dazaros Empire here 178 times in a row!"

What, not one ambush, but 178 consecutive ambushes

My lord marshal, are you serious

Upon hearing what Lin Fan said, everyone's eyes widened with disbelief.

It is really.

This 178 consecutive ambushes is too exaggerated.

"Marshal, let's talk about the plan in detail, otherwise I'm afraid they will be shocked countless times today."

Below, as the military leader of the Tyro Empire, Montero spoke.

He knew very well that Lin Fan would not say anything meaningless or unrealistic.

Now that I have said that, I must have thought of a feasible plan.

"Okay, then I'll explain it carefully!"

"First, we named this single channel the Meridian Valley Channel,"

"The Ziwu Valley Channel consists of a total of 178 black cavities, and these 178 black cavities are named Ziwu Valley 1 to Ziwu Valley 178."

"Then let's get to the point. Ziwu Valley 1 is 68 black realms away from the territory of our alliance, while Ziwu Valley 178 is 1534 black realms away from the Dazaros Empire!"

“Although we don’t know whether the expedition fleet of the Dazaros Empire has already set off, or how long it has been going, at this distance, we should have a high probability of controlling Meridian Valley 178 before they arrive. "

"And this Meridian Valley Channel will also be the only way for us to ambush 178 times in a row, and the Dazaros Empire will definitely not be able to avoid it."

"The only thing left is how to complete the ambush!"

"In my plan, it is not to use the fleet to ambush, but"

"Chaos Ray Carrier!"

Chaos ray carrier

At this moment, Montero somewhat understood Lin Fan's intention, but there was a problem.

"Marshal Lin Fan, if this is the case, it is estimated that only the first few times can the ambush be successful, right?"

"Yes, normally only the first few times, or even only the first time, can successfully ambush, unless the opponent's fleet commander is an idiot!"


"Don't worry, I will explain it next!"

Lin Fan raised his hand to interrupt Montero's continued questioning and said.

"According to my idea, the chaos ray carriers are deployed in advance in every black cavity in the Meridian Valley route, and equipped with necessary devices, such as cross-border channel scanning and positioning devices, or self-destruction devices, etc. wait."

"In this way, the Chaos Ray Carrier can discover and locate its location as soon as the cross-border channel is opened, and then directly deal a devastating blow to the fleet of the Dazaroth Empire when it arrives."

"After completing a blow, directly self-destruct. After all, such a strategic weapon cannot be left to the Dazaros Empire for research."

"Everyone can think about it, if we conduct such an operation in every black cavity in the Ziwu Valley Channel."

"Of course, there is also a problem here, which is the problem Montero mentioned just now."

"As long as the opponent's commander is not stupid, after being hit several times, or even just once, he will find and destroy the chaos ray carrier as soon as he arrives at the next black cavity world."

"Then, we can only face two choices. When the enemy has just arrived and there are not many troops, activate the chaos ray, or continue to wait at the risk of being destroyed by the enemy first?"

"The former may only be able to kill one or two squadrons of the Dazaros Empire in one blow, while the latter may be destroyed without even having a chance to fire."

"Whether it's the former or the latter, the meaning of an ambush has been lost."

"Montero, is this what you want to express?"

After explaining, Lin Fan asked Montero with a smile.

The latter nodded.

That's exactly what it means.

Perhaps for the first time, it is possible to take advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness and wait for the Dazaros Empire to gather more fleets at the entrance to attack. It is possible to destroy dozens or even hundreds of its fleets with one blow.

But once others are on guard, the first thing they do after leaving the cross-border channel is to find and destroy the Chaos Ray Carrier.

In this way, the ambush would have no meaning.

Even if you attack first when the enemy first arrives, you won't achieve much results at all.

Even compared to the results achieved, a chaos ray carrier is obviously more valuable, isn't it

"Here, we are going to talk about a new technology of our alliance!"

"Originally, this technology was planned to be applied to the next generation of the Federation's strategic-class reconnaissance ships, but now I plan to apply it to the chaos ray carrier that participated in the ambush."

"This is a stealth technology that allows the warship to be completely integrated into the black cavity space, and its existence cannot be detected by sight or scanning."

"Some people may say that since it can't be discovered, then just cover it with firepower!"

"But don't forget, the range of the Chaos Ray Carrier can reach ten black cavity units. At this distance, if you want to cover every place without leaving any blind spots, even if you bring tens of thousands of fleets, it will be impossible An impossible mission.”

"Of course, once the chaos rays start to shine, the location will be exposed immediately, so it still needs to self-destruct after one hit!"

"But in this way, we can launch 178 consecutive ambushes on the Dazaros Empire's army while it passes through the Meridian Valley Channel!"

"I won't say that they will completely annihilate their army, but they will definitely be injured!"

"The above is the overall plan for this ambush operation. Does anyone else have any questions?"

Lin Fan asked after looking around at everyone below.

In fact, everyone understood this plan, and whether it was successful or not depended on whether the new stealth technology Lin Fan mentioned was reliable.

As for other aspects, there is naturally no problem.

"Okay, now that everything is ok, let me arrange the battle plan next!"

(End of chapter)