The Strongest Interstellar Commander

Chapter 1310: Federal Guard Fleet


"found it?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, I found it!"

"Quick, show it to me!"

Hearing this, the guard respectfully handed over the broken book in his hand.

“So that’s how it is”

half an hour later

Cattro put down the book in his hand and muttered to himself with a disappointed look on his face.

Indeed, this book contains what he wants to know, but the key point is that the method mentioned above is simply impossible to achieve now.

"Is there no other way?"

At this moment, Cattro was desperate.

The entire Silbera Empire is also in despair.

Federation year 2965.

In the blink of an eye, more than 400 years passed.

However, in the era of black music, 400 years is really not a long time.

After all, any trip to a distant place now takes several years. Everyone's concept of time has long been different from that of the cosmic era.

Today is something special.

The Federation's first cross-border scanning device.

Anomaly found!

Canglong Realm, Federation Fleet Headquarters.

"Marshal, Ziwu Valley 178 reported that traces of a large-scale fleet were found, and it is very likely that they are the target!"


"More than 30,000 legions!"

"That should be it. After all, other first-, second- and third-level black cavity civilizations will not have such a large fleet. How many black cavity realms does our detection device extend outward?"

"According to your order, the distance of ten black cavity circles has been extended outward. The monitoring device is currently collecting and transmitting back intelligence data. I believe there will be a detailed report soon. The report has already come out."

Just when Liang Xue was halfway speaking, the portable terminal rang. At a glance, the report had been sent.

Lin Fan also received it.

After opening the report, Lin Fan finally saw the battleship of the Dazaroth Empire. Its style was completely opposite to the gorgeous style of the Norea Empire. It was very similar to the Federation battleship. It had a sci-fi shape but still had that rough and fierce look. smell.

Sadly, aside from looks, there isn't much of value in the report.

After all, the warships of a black civilization with no solution at its peak are not so easy to spy on.

For now, we can only briefly analyze three points from this information.

First, the size of the expeditionary force of the Dazaros Empire is roughly around 30,000 legions, and all the warships are unified into the fifth-order peak black-cavity civilization warships, but the specific performance is still unknown.

Second, in terms of size, the cross-border passage opened by the Dazaros Empire is about five times larger than the one in Norea.

In other words, its cross-border channel technology can ensure the transportation of more than 5,000 legions every day.

As for the time it takes to cross the boundary wall, it is difficult to say yet, but it can be judged by the time it takes to reach the next black cavity boundary.

Third, this is a very cautious commander. This can be seen from the formation of the fleet after its arrival. Even though there is only one second-level civilization in this black cavity world, its commander still allows the arriving fleet to arrive. The fleet is fully prepared to deal with any unexpected situation.

However, cautious commanders also have shortcomings, that is, they are not bold enough.

Therefore, when fighting against this type of commander, you don't have to worry that he will catch you off guard with a sudden move, and even his actions will be easier to predict.

But the bad thing is that when facing this type of commander, it is also difficult for you to win with strange tricks, and usually you will end up in a war of attrition.

Obviously, a war of attrition would be detrimental to the Federation, and Lin Fan would not allow it to lead to such an outcome.

"Order all Meridian Valley 149 to 178 to evacuate. The channel fleet will assemble in Meridian Valley 148. In addition, the federal guard fleet will be notified to prepare. We will set off to Meridian Valley 148 three days later."

"Understood, I'll inform you right away!"

Federation year 2974.

Ziwu Valley148.

At this moment, tens of thousands of legions have gathered here.

Although the plan does not require fleet operations throughout the Meridian Valley Channel, after all, wars are ever-changing. What if any fighters appear

Therefore, Lin Fan decided to keep the main fleet 30 black holes away from the enemy.

In this way, if any fighter plane appears, the federal fleet will only need to cross the boundary wall once, or even as long as three months.

Near the fleet assembly point, a fleet was sailing out of the cross-border channel.

The number is not large, that is, the size of an army.

But as long as they are federal soldiers, no one does not want to join this legion, because...

This is the federal guard fleet. It is Lin Fan's personal guard fleet and the strongest fleet in the federation. It is currently the only fleet that has reached the sixth level of performance.

Those who are not the best among the best cannot even think of entering this fleet.

There is even a rumor that there are no ordinary people in the federal guard fleet.

You must know that since Luo Li's plan to cultivate black cavity life forms in batches was successful and promoted on a large scale.

Now in the Federation, even peak dark energy users are called ordinary people.

In other words, all members of this fleet are black cavity life forms.

This is an exaggeration. The size of a standard army is one hundred billion warships. No matter how much humans simplify the operation of warships, each warship still requires more than 20 people.

Of course, although this rumor is a bit exaggerated, the reality is not much different.

In the federal guard fleet, the captain of every battleship is at least a second-level black cavity life form.

Because this kind of battleship called Leviathan class uses a lot of chaos mecha technology. If the captain is not a black cavity life form, many of the attack and defense methods on the battleship will not be available.

Therefore, it is not that the technology of the battleship has reached the sixth level, it is simply that Jiang Xinlan found a new way and mixed the design of the chaos mecha and the battleship, so that its combat performance has reached the peak of the sixth level battleship performance.

But the disadvantage is that the captain must be a black cavity life form, and the second level is still the minimum requirement.

Because the second level simply cannot bring out the full performance of the battleship.

In other words, this is a battleship that can grow in combat effectiveness. The stronger the captain is, the stronger the performance of the battleship will be.

If you want to ask what the limit is, according to Bai Zhi, it is the threshold of the seventh level, and as long as a fourth-level black-cavity being is the captain, he can almost reach this combat power.

As for the fifth and sixth levels, that is useless, after all, the ultimate performance of the battleship is placed there.

Therefore, it is not that the Federation does not want to build more of this powerful fleet, but that there are not so many black cavity life forms to serve as captains.

According to calculations, one legion is the current limit. If there are two legions,

Even if the entire federation was hollowed out, there wouldn't be enough people.

(End of chapter)