The Strongest Interstellar Commander

Chapter 1313: A decisive battle in advance


It didn't take much time for a squadron-sized fleet to have entered the cross-border passage.

"Report, other people's reconnaissance fleet has entered the channel, but according to their reports, the cross-border channel opened by the heretics seems to be different from the one used by our side!"

"What's the difference?"

“The scenery is different!”

"What's the meaning?"

Sherris was stunned for a moment, confused.

The cross-border passage is completely dark. Where is the scenery? Do you think you are on a sightseeing trip

"Commander, according to the report of the squadron entering the channel, there are colorful streams of light on the inner wall of this cross-border channel."

"Colorful Light, are you sure those guys aren't hallucinating?"

"Make sure, they have sent back the captured images."

As he spoke, the deputy controlled his terminal and displayed the image.

After seeing the image, Sherris was stunned.

This is not a cross-border channel at all. What is it

"Commander, the target channel has disappeared. It is judged that the opponent has closed the channel!"

Just as Sherrys was fascinated by the image, a soldier in the bridge team shouted.

"Damn it!"

"Those infidels must be watching us, otherwise they wouldn't have closed the channel immediately after our fleet entered!"

Slapping the armrest of the podium hard, Sherris said bitterly.

"Commander, what should we do?"

"Order the fleet to turn around and return to the waterway before making plans!"

"But the commander-in-chief."

"No but, if we continue to move forward, even if we can break out of this channel, we may not have much left!"

"Yes, Commander!"

In fact, Sherris was unwilling to go back, but there was really no other way.

The loss is too great, plus the other party is always monitoring you and does not give you any chance to rest.

The past 20 years have been fine, but what if it continues to be like this for the next 50, 100, or even 200 years

Even the empire's well-trained soldiers can't handle it.

If we don't have enough troops and are extremely mentally exhausted, how can we fight this battle

Therefore, exiting along the channel first is the most correct choice.

But, would Lin Fan let him escape so easily

Obviously not!

Alliance fleet.

Virtual war room.

"Everyone, according to the latest information, the fleet of the Dazaros Empire has begun to retreat. According to the analysis of the staff team, there is a probability of more than 90% that it is because the losses are too great and they want to withdraw and rest before making plans."

"What do you think about this situation?"

After introducing the latest situation, Lin Fan looked around the crowd and asked.

"Marshal, since they want to retreat, let them retreat. We can just redeploy the chaos ray carriers for Meridian Valley 155-178, right?"

"In this way, even if they have rested, they will have to start from scratch and break into the black communities one by one!"

The speaker was the fleet commander of the Gem Empire.

This idea is also the same as that of most people here, and everyone nodded.

However, for Lin Fan, although this idea could not be said to be bad, it definitely could not be said to be good. It could only be said to be quite satisfactory.

"Yes, I am indeed planning to redeploy Ziwu Valley 155-178, but the details are completely opposite to what you said."

"What does the marshal mean?"

The other party's time to cross the border was eight months, while ours was three months.

"Then send the fleet to Ziwu Valley 156 immediately, complete the deployment of the Chaos Ray Carrier before the other party arrives, and continue to Ziwu Valley 157, and so on!"


Hearing this, all the fleet commanders from various civilizations took a deep breath.

This is a bit cruel, not even giving the enemy a chance to evacuate.

However, Lin Fan hadn't finished speaking yet.

"At the same time, the alliance's main fleet will follow me directly to Meridian Valley 178, where we will wipe out the Dazaroth Empire's expeditionary army in one fell swoop!"

What, is this a decisive battle

Suddenly, most people were stunned.

After all, in their opinion, since this ambush tactic is effective, then it should be continued.

Why is there a decisive battle

The opponent still has a lot of troops. If we fight in a decisive battle now, even if we can win, the alliance's losses will not be small, right


Just as everyone below was whispering, Lin Fan shouted and everything fell silent again.

Today, Lin Fan's prestige in the alliance fleet has definitely reached its peak.

"The commander of the Dazaros Empire is a very cautious person. He rested at least ten years earlier than I expected, and the time of retreat was at least thirty years earlier than I expected."

"This means that after he exits the Ziwu Valley Channel, he will not come in again unless he is absolutely sure."

"So, we must take advantage of the absolute advantage and directly engage in a battle of annihilation!"

"And this advantage refers to the mental state of the soldiers of the Dazaros Empire!"

"They haven't had any rest for more than 20 years, and it's not just that they haven't rested. It's also because of our ambush and harassment tactics that they are stretched to the limit at all times."

"If they want to withdraw from the Meridian Valley Channel, they will have to endure more than twenty years of this kind of life. This is why I have to rush ahead of them and redeploy the black cavity ray carrier on their retreat route."

"This time we will not only deploy, but also deploy in large numbers. Each Black Cavalry Circle will deploy 3-5 ships to continue to destroy the spirit of their soldiers to the greatest extent."

"A whole fifty years."

“We finally arrived at Ziwu Valley 178, and we were about to escape, but at this time we blocked the entrance to the passage.”

"It's like hope turns to despair in an instant, which will be a devastating blow to their already exhausted spirits."

"And this is our best chance!"

"In Ziwu Valley 178, completely defeat them!!!"

Slowly, Lin Fan explained his purpose in detail.

Below, a group of fleet commanders from various civilizations almost all had their eyes widened.

Compared with ordinary tactics, Lin Fan was playing psychological tactics.

Repeatedly torture and destroy the opponent's spirit for fifty years. Finally, when the opponent finally saw hope, he instantly turned this hope into despair and gave him a fatal blow to his spirit.

After receiving such a blow, it is still unknown whether the fleet of the Dazaros Empire can show half of its combat power.

Coupled with the absolute advantage of the defensive battle at the passage entrance.

This is indeed a perfect opportunity to completely annihilate the opponent.

“When you understand, take action immediately!”

"Yes, Marshal!"

(End of chapter)