The Strongest Interstellar Commander

Chapter 1314: Plural of sweepers


Federation year 3021.

Ziwu Valley178.

In order to prevent the Dazaros Empire from discovering it, the Alliance deployed its fleet here.

Therefore, Lin Fan deliberately made sure that all opponents left Ziwu Valley 177 and entered the cross-border channel before the alliance opened the channel to Ziwu Valley 178.

After all, it is impossible to scan externally within the cross-border channel.

Speaking of which, most of the imperial soldiers along the way were almost driven crazy, and the interference of shameless consciousness could not completely relieve their mental pressure.


They have not set foot on a living planet for more than 50 years to rest.

As long as it is a living body, it cannot leave the living planet for too long, otherwise it will cause various psychological diseases.

Fortunately, these days are coming to an end. As long as they pass through the Meridian Valley 178, they will exit the Meridian Valley Channel and can rest.

Both soldiers and commanders at all levels are looking forward to it.

Even Sherris himself is no exception.

After all, fifty years of constant pressure had made him very tired, and even his thinking and reaction had slowed down a lot.

"Commander, the front fleet will arrive in one minute!"

"According to previous experience, there must be strategic weapons hidden by the opponent in this black cavity world. Although it is the last stop, we still inform all fleets to be careful and hold on for a while longer!"

"It's the commander-in-chief!"

The adjutant nodded and immediately went to convey the order.

Years of mental oppression have finally come to the last stop, and the soldiers' mood has recovered somewhat.


Just when the Dazaros fleet left the cross-border passage and arrived at Meridian Valley at 178 hours.

There was no empty black space as expected, but only the huge fleet with no end in sight, surrounding the cross-border passage.

next moment.

The attack has begun!

At the same time, in the channel.

"Commander Sherlis, what's wrong, a large number of pagan fleets appeared at the exit of the passage, numbering at least 10,000 legions, and the frontline fleet is under attack!"

At least 10,000 legions, how is this possible

You must know that this channel is a single-file passage, and there is no detour. Even if the heretics have a more advanced black cavity engine than the empire, it is simply impossible to cross their own fleet and run to the rear to intercept it.

This doesn't make sense at all.


This fact is already before our eyes, no matter how unreasonable it is, we cannot allow ourselves to doubt it.

The good thing is that even though he has been treated badly in the past fifty years, his fleet still has 23,000 legions.

We can still fight.

"Command the frontline fleet to fight back!"

"Since the heretics want to fight a decisive battle here, let's fight!"

"Our warships are more advanced and more numerous than our opponent's, so don't be afraid!"

After pondering for a moment, Sherris said.

Now, there is no other choice but to fight. After all, there is no way to turn around in the cross-border passage.


"What's wrong?"

"According to reports from the front line, the performance of the warships of the pagan fleet is even much stronger than that of our empire."


The exit of the passage.

The powerful firepower directly overwhelmed the fleet that the empire had arrived at, making it unable to lift its head.

In addition to the disadvantages of battleship performance and quantity, on the other hand, the current state of the imperial soldiers is also quite poor, and they cannot even exert half of their combat effectiveness.

What's more important is that the Federation now has a sufficient number of chaos ray carriers, and they don't need to use them as before. They have to use them sparingly.

As long as the empire's fleet gathers a little more, it will be a chaos ray.

As a result, the empire was so suppressed that it had almost no power to fight back.

Here, there is no room for any tactics to be used, it is just a war of attrition.

It's just that the consumption ratio between the two parties directly reached more than 1:1000.

Until five days later.

After the last imperial warship passed through the passage and was blown up

The cross-border channel is closed!

Everything became quiet.

During the entire five-day battle, the total number of fleets lost by the Alliance was less than 200 legions, but it annihilated a total of 23,000 legions of Dazaros.

If the various ambushes and sneak attacks in the previous fifty years are included, then the total losses in Dasaros would be as high as 30,000 legions.

This is already more than 30% of the number of the empire's standing main fleet.

Speaking of which, Lin Fan still doesn't know when the opponent's commander was killed.

It might have been killed by a battleship, or it might have been killed by a chaos ray.

However, none of this matters.

The important thing is that the Alliance has developed for at least another thousand years, and the next time the Dazaros Empire comes back, the Alliance will be in a different situation.

But this time, the federal guard fleet brought out by Lin Fan and wanted to show off had no chance to do anything, and it was over.

The soldiers in the legion felt aggrieved.

Beyond the realm of thousands of black voices.

The Empire of Dazaros.

"Your Majesty, it has been three days since Commander Sherris sent his farewell message, and we have not been able to contact him again!"

"It can basically be determined that the expeditionary force has been destroyed!"

A minister was standing respectfully in front of Emperor Battelle, reporting the latest situation.

Although more than 30% of the empire's fleet was destroyed, Battelle actually didn't show much expression, as if the matter had nothing to do with him.

"Your Majesty, should we form a second expeditionary force?"

"Need not?"


"Needless to say, I have already communicated with several other companies. The Scarlet Holy See and the Weiwei Empire, which are relatively close to us, have already sent an expeditionary force. They will arrive within a thousand years. At that time, we will jointly attack with them. , striving to completely destroy the heretics with one blow!"


As the chief minister of the empire and a close confidant of Battelle, Tribello knew more things that others did not know.

Just like the information about the other sweepers.

Among them, the Red Holy See is about 1185 black circles away from the empire, while the Weiwei Empire is 1278 black circles away.

Moreover, these two civilizations, like the empire, are black civilizations at the peak of the fifth level, extremely powerful.

"Your Majesty, I don't know the size of their expeditionary force."

"One hundred thousand legions per family!"

"One hundred thousand?"

"Yes, so in order not to embarrass the empire, we need to prepare an expeditionary force of at least 100,000 legions before they arrive, and we can start recruiting troops!"

Hearing this, Tribello was immediately excited.

Today, the number of remaining fleets in the empire is approximately more than 50,000, and it is impossible to take away all the fleets in an expedition.

Therefore, considering leaving enough numbers to protect the homeland, at least one hundred thousand fleets must be built within the specified time to meet the requirements.

However, this is not a big problem for the empire.

There is no need to worry about the issue of troop sources because of the intervention with a black-minded consciousness.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

(End of chapter)