The Strongest Interstellar Commander

Chapter 1316: The door of the black cavity uses the source of life as its energy source


Federation year 3538.

Five hundred years have passed since the Federation began to undergo a full-scale black campaign.

Today, there are no ordinary citizens as long as they are twenty years old or older.

Moreover, 97% of those who reach peak dark ability within the age of one hundred years old.

Originally, as long as this step was achieved, the second adjustment could be made, and after the second adjustment was completed, one could become a black cavity life form within one year.


The second adjustment, both technically and in terms of time.

It is more difficult and time-consuming than the first adjustment.

Therefore, a new problem arises.

The efficiency of the secondary adjustment cannot meet the birth speed of the peak dark energy user.

If I want to make a simple analogy, it would be like this.

One person can complete the second stage of adjustment every year, but a thousand peak dark users can be born every year.

Therefore, even if you become a peak dark energy user, you will not be able to accept the second adjustment and be promoted to a black cavity life form immediately.

Of course, even if the efficiency of the second adjustment is very slow, after all, 500 years have passed.

More than 30% of these people who have become black cavity life forms and have at least 95% life source synergy have advanced on their own without secondary adjustments.

Therefore, based on this situation, the Federation formulated a new secondary adjustment rule.

After becoming a peak dark energy user, only those who are still unable to advance to the black cavity life form within 300 years will undergo a second-stage adjustment to help them advance.

In this way, the adjustment efficiency of the second stage is barely enough to cope with the current actual situation.

As the number of black cavity life forms in the first level of the Federation increases, each one of them is a genius with at least 95% life source synergy.

Therefore, after 500 years, the number of black cavity life forms above the second level of the Federation has increased tens of thousands of times.

And for some people whose compatibility is particularly high, reaching 97% or even 98%, most of them have already achieved the third level, and even a small number of people have begun to attack the fourth level.

As for high-end combat power.

Now Purgatory has also broken through the sixth level and reached the peak of the sixth level, which was Lin Fan's previous strength.

Lin Fan was even more exaggerated. Not only did he break through the seventh level in one fell swoop, he had even stepped into the eighth level with one foot. It would not be surprising when he would officially break through.

It can be said that the Federation has now even reached the peak level of the sixth-level black cavity civilization at the level of black cavity life forms.

And this only refers to the highest combat power.

If we were to talk about numbers, even the Silbella Empire did not have as many black-cavity life forms as the Federation.

after all

The current federation does not say that all the people have become black, but 40% of the population has definitely become black.

But most of them are still at the first level.

With this foundation, under Lin Fan's plan, the federal guard fleet also began to expand.

However, now they will not hand over the federal guard fleet.

After all, this was just Lin Fan's guard regiment before, but after the expansion, it will no longer be like this. Instead, it will be officially incorporated into the main fleet system.

Therefore, Lin Fan changed the name of this fleet, and it is now called the Super Fleet.

According to the latest plan, in the next 500 years, the super fleet will gradually expand to the size of 5,000 legions.

And in 1,000 years, when the Federation is completely blackened, the main fleet originally composed of the second-generation Mosasaurus-class battleships will be banned.

Afterwards, the Federation will only have super fleets.


Battleship technology has achieved breakthroughs, and battleships with greater performance than Leviathan have been developed.

As for the battleships that will replace tens of thousands of legions, the civilizations in each alliance can be directly sold for them to replace.

Federation year 3915.

The fleets of the Red Holy See and the Weiwei Empire have arrived in the Dazaros Empire.

A total of 200,000 legions are all composed of fifth-level peak battleships. Their strength is enough to make 99% of the civilizations in this black space tremble.

The fleet of the Dazaros Empire that rendezvoused with it also had as many as 150,000 legions.

The three parties united together, and the number directly reached 350,000 legions.

In the main hall of the Imperial Palace.

"Your Majesty Battle, we have read the previous information about your empire's failure, so we do not agree to continue to take that path, otherwise the Meridian Valley route will be an unavoidable hurdle."

"I agree with this, but if we take other routes, even the nearest one, it will take more than 500 years."

Nodding, Battle said.

"We have also considered this, so I would like to ask His Majesty Battle to activate the black door!"

Regarding Bart’s concerns, Cardinal Kaczynski of the Red Vatican said.

But these words made Battle's expression change.

He knew very well what the Black Chamber Door was.

It is a device that can instantly travel through tens of thousands of black realms, and it is also a unique technology of the Silbella Empire.


It is a unique technology.

Only later, under the leadership of the black consciousness, the people of the Black and White Holy See passed this technology to every other divine envoy.

Of course, this extremely powerful technology also has strict usage characteristics.

One cannot be used alone.

What does this mean

To put it simply, if you want to use it, in addition to the black door of the starting point, you also need the black door of the destination.

This is somewhat like the most rudimentary crossover device.

If there is no black door to locate and connect to the destination, it will be impossible to determine where it leads.

It would be fine if this led to other black cavity realms, but if it led directly to the gap between the realm walls, it would be funny.

In addition to this problem, there is another problem, and that is energy!

The door of the black cavity cannot be driven by conventional energy, but must be driven by the life of the black cavity, and the required quantity varies depending on the distance.

For example, if you want to cross a thousand black cavity realms, you need 10,000 black cavity life forms of at least level 3 to provide energy for it; to cross 2,000 black cavity realms, you need 20,000 people, and so on.

And this is not just a simple supply of energy!

The Black Cavity Gate does not need the Black Cavity energy as energy, it needs a life source, and it must be a powerful enough life source.

This so-called power refers to black life beings above level three.

It's okay if the energy is extracted, the black cavity life form can still recover.

But the source of life was extracted

Then there is no way to recover.

Therefore, participating in the supply of energy to the black cavity is actually an act of suicide.

Even the Dazaros Empire and the black cavity life forms of level three and above cannot afford to endure such consumption several times.

"Don't you think so?"

"That dark door connecting the Norea Empire?"

(End of chapter)