The Strongest Interstellar Commander

Chapter 1319: Blitzkrieg against the Empire of Dazaros (1)


Federation year 3985.

Kosha Realm.

A strange scene is taking place here at this moment.

A cross-border passage is connected here, and another larger cross-border passage is directly attached to its exit.

The distance between the two passages is even less than twenty kilometers.

You know, even though today's warships are becoming smaller and smaller with the development of technology, they are still more than ten or twenty kilometers in length.

In other words, when a warship sails out of channel A, it will directly enter channel B without even a chance to turn.

Once they enter Channel B, they will find out when they come out again three months later.

I inexplicably retreated thirty black circles!

At this moment, one fleet after another, according to Lin Fan's design, immediately entered the federation's cross-border passage after arriving at the Kousha Realm.

at the same time.

The virtual war room of the three-civilization combined fleet.

"What's going on with this report?"

Looking at the reports from the front line, Kaczynski was a little confused.

What does it mean to enter another unknown cross-border passage just after arriving in the Kousha Realm, and it is also a cross-border passage with a very strange internal scene

"This should be the cross-border passage used by the pagans. When we fought with it before, we sent a fleet to enter it. The scene inside is the same as what was mentioned in this report. There are colorful streams of light on the walls of the passage!"

"Wait a minute, even if you say that, it's still very strange. How did the frontline fleet enter the pagan cross-border passage?"

After hearing Abedo's answer, Kaczynski was still a little confused.

"According to the available intelligence, it is inferred that the heretics should have deployed a cross-border passage, and the location where it was deployed was right next to the exit of our cross-border passage."

"In other words, our arriving fleet has already entered another cross-border passage before it could react?"

"That's right!"

Abedo nodded and said.

However, after hearing this, Kaczynski became really anxious.

"Are you kidding me? If we all enter the infidel's cross-border passage, as soon as they close the cross-border device, we won't all be exiled?"

This problem is getting serious, right

However, Abedo disagreed.

"Don't worry about this. Our cross-border technology in Dazarus does not require a cross-border device. It functions internally through a special cross-border ship to maintain the stability of the channel."

"Even if this channel is opened by the infidels, they cannot close it as long as we continue to function internally."

"So, what we need to worry about now is not this problem, but if the infidels do this every time, we really won't be able to march!"

"After all, this Kousha world is an important hub. If we don't capture it, we won't be able to advance at all!"

After explaining the empire's cross-border technology, Abedo expressed another concern.

"So that's the case, then I'm relieved."

"As for how to break the situation, I think we can make a batch of special bombs and find a cross-border device to detonate once we leave the channel."

"After all, the cross-border device cannot be too far from the entrance of the passage, and as long as we blow up the cross-border device, the pagan's trick will be useless!"

After hearing Abedo's explanation, Kaczynski breathed a sigh of relief.

As for how to break this game, he soon had an idea.

Although the battleship does not have time to react, the small bomb can completely react.

"This plan can be tried. We can even dismantle some spaceships, disassemble their guns and make them into simple independent turrets. After a passage, we can immediately attack the infidel's cross-border device."

On the side, Lanvitel of the Weiwei Empire also nodded and said.

"Okay, let's do it this way. Anyway, it will only waste more than a year at most. It's not a big problem!"

"After we come out of the passage, we will rest for a few months and prepare the bombs and independent forts just mentioned."



In the eyes of the three members of the coalition, this federal cross-border passage is nothing more than sending them to a black cavity realm adjacent to the Kousha realm.

After all, it’s common sense for regular crossover devices to cross one boundary at a time, right

However, just three months later, they discovered that they were wrong, very wrong.

It showed that it took 3 months to complete the boundary crossing, which in itself was surprising to them. After all, the technologies of their three major civilizations were similar, and they all took 8-9 months to cross a boundary.

In such a comparison, with this cross-border technology alone, they would be much behind the pagans.

However, when they confirmed the location of the fleet, they were all stunned for an instant.

Are you kidding me? I retreated 30 black circles

How can this be

"Does this heretic also possess the skills of the Black Chamber Door?"

"That's not the case. You have also entered their cross-border passage. Although it is a bit strange, from the energy fluctuation analysis, it is still a cross-border passage, which is essentially different from the black cavity door."

Shaking his head, Abedo dismissed Kaczynski's speculation.

"Anyway, let's not worry about it for now. After we kill the heretics, we will naturally know these things!"

"That's right, 30 black communities are just 30 black communities. That's more than 20 years. Let's start preparing those things immediately and then re-enter!"

"makes sense!"


Soon, the three of them reached an agreement again and temporarily explored the reason why the Federation sent them out of the Thirty Black Cavities World at once. Instead, they started to make preparations to dismantle a batch of battleships to create a sufficient number of powerful bombs and independent forts. and other devices.

The next year was Federation Year 3979.

After completing all preparations, the three-civilization coalition marched towards the Kousha Realm again.

What they don't know is that the main force of the alliance at this moment is a total of 50,000 legions.

It is already less than 800 black circles away from the Dazaros Empire.

Federation year 3986.

The territory of the Dazaros Empire, the Tulu Realm.

A cross-border passage opened here without any warning.

At first, just like the Norea Empire, the governor of the Tulu Realm thought it was an illegal cross-border passage opened by the adjacent Black Cavalry Realm.

However, after some inquiries, several black men in the black community denied this matter.

So, in desperation, the governor of Tulu Realm had to report the matter to Emperor Battelle.

When Battle heard this, he immediately felt that this plot was so familiar.

Then, suddenly he remembered.

Isn't this the scene when the Norea Empire was killed

If you want to confirm, it’s actually very simple!

Immediately, Battelle ordered the governor of Tulu Territory to arrange for warships to enter.


A report that made Bart's scalp numb was reported like this.

According to the reports from the battleships entering the channel, there are strange colorful streams of light on the outer wall of this cross-border channel.

Well, isn't this the pagan method

Thinking back to the report from the United Fleet, they were sent to thirty black cavities outside the world by the heretics using special means within three months.

Battle understood instantly.

At this speed, it would indeed only take more than ten years to reach the empire from the pagans.

In other words, the pagans on the side of the Norea Empire were simply delaying, and their main force

Already arrived in the empire! ! !

(End of chapter)