The Strongest Interstellar Commander

Chapter 1322: Blitz the Empire of Dazaros (4)


Just when the capital universe of the Dazaros Empire was surrounded.

On the Norea front line, the coalition of three civilizations once again launched an attack on the Kousha world.

This time, they used a multi-channel approach, using all the cross-border special ships in the Dazaros fleet to directly open thousands of cross-border channels, trying to determine the outcome based on numbers.

Abedo didn't believe it. The pagans deployed more than a thousand cross-border devices in the Kosha world.

And this trick did work.

However, although it worked, none of the three people looked pretty.


There is nothing in the Kosha world now, not even a pagan spaceship has been found.

You know, for this operation, Abedo even used all the special ships for cross-border passage.

What is this concept

To put it bluntly, this special piece is an energy source, an energy source that is enough to support the cross-border channel for several months or even a year.

But when you are inside the channel, unlike outside the channel, you can still rely on ingesting black cavity energy to maintain yourself.

Therefore, this is essentially different from a cross-border device.

For a cross-border device, it does not need to reserve too much energy, as long as there is enough starting energy, and the energy used to maintain the cross-border channel comes directly from the black cavity in the black cavity space Particle energy.

But Dazaros' special cross-border passage ship is different.

In the channel, it cannot obtain energy. On the contrary, in order to maintain the stability of the channel, it needs to continuously output energy.

This means that this special piece needs to carry enough energy.

Moreover, it cannot simply reserve black cavity energy.

Otherwise, if you want to maintain the cross-border channel for several months or even a year, even ten thousand battleships will not have enough black cavity particle energy in reserve.

Therefore, the Dazaros Empire developed a unique technology that can store black cavity particles in the core device in a compressed and constrained manner.

When you want to use these black cavity energy, you also need to use a special method to decompress and convert these black cavity particles before they can be used.

So much so that just one special-purpose ship can reserve enough energy to maintain a cross-border channel for several months or even a year.

But it's not without its drawbacks.

The disadvantage is that it takes too long to compress the black cavity particle energy, and it can only be done within the black cavity space, but cannot be completed in the cross-border channel.

As for time, it takes about fifty years to fill a special ship with energy.

Originally, the entire fleet carried more than a thousand such special ships, which has not been a thing at all in the past fifty years.

But the problem is, now that it's all consumed at once, that's a problem.

Regardless of whether it is used in rotation, it can only be used after all the cross-border channel special ships have completed charging.

Originally, according to Albedo's plan, this time they should have completely eliminated the pagan fleet on the Norea line.

And as long as these heretics are solved, there is no need to worry about being blocked in the future. Even if you only use ordinary cross-border devices, you don't have to worry about being launched by the enemy in a counter-travel operation.

After all, the technology of the pagans to complete the cross-border in three months is quite scary.

It's just a pity that the wish is beautiful, but the reality is indeed cruel.

They ran away immediately, and then you punched the empty space, paying a huge price, but no one achieved any expected results.

So, keep marching

None of the three dared to play like this!

If you use an ordinary cross-border device to advance, what if the opponent directly opens a channel, locates it on the other side of your cross-border device, and then sends some bombs with huge lethality? How can you break it

They can deliver it in three months, but the fleet on our side has not even completed half of the cross-border passage.

Isn't this inappropriate, is he being exiled

You know, there are no special cross-border ships from the Dazaros Empire to help maintain the stability of the channel.

Therefore, as long as the cross-border device is destroyed, all the fleets in the channel will be destroyed.

"No matter how reckless you are, you have to do it!"

"Our Dazaros Empire is almost destroyed by the heretics. We must attack its homeland as quickly as possible and force all its main fleets to withdraw!"

In the virtual war room, Abedo shouted loudly.

However, the other two were not in a hurry at all.

"Commander Abedo, based on what we know so far, your empire has only one universe left. If the heretics want to destroy your last imperial capital universe, it won't even take a day."

"So, it is simply impossible for you to force them to evacuate as soon as possible."

"Instead of taking huge risks to do useless work, it is better to proceed steadily and wait for your special cross-border ships to complete their recharging before setting off."

"In addition, the Black and White Holy See has said that it can provide you with perfect cloning technology to ensure the continuation of your civilization."

Kaczynski said slowly.

Although Abedo wanted to refute, he didn't know how.

After all, there was nothing wrong with what they said.

There is only one universe left in the entire empire and less than a hundred legions, all of which are guard fleets.

Even if the heretics want to withdraw, they won't mind spending an extra day or two to clean up the imperial universe of Dazaros before leaving.

As for the perfect cloning technology of the Black and White Holy See, Albedo is still very skeptical.

According to what he heard from Emperor Bart, during the First Holy War, the sweepers relied on the perfect cloning technology provided by the Black and White Holy See to go crazy and go crazy, and finally consumed the Daxia Federation alive.

In fact, cloning technology is not an advanced technology, and even some civilizations that have not yet left their home planet can master it.

However, mastery is mastery, but it is far from perfect, and there are problems of one kind or another.

Among them, the most troublesome problem is the inability to reproduce offspring, or even if they can reproduce, the offspring will have various congenital defects.

However, the Black and White Holy See claimed that their cloning technology had reached perfection, and the offspring they produced were no different from natural reproduction.

However, if it was so perfect, then why did the civilizations that survived the first holy war end up destroying themselves one by one

It was not destroyed by war, but by nature!

Moreover, the causes of destruction are basically the same, that is, irreparable evolutionary flaws, which ultimately lead to the collapse of the entire evolutionary chain.

The most important thing is that Albedo heard from Bart that it seemed that during the first holy war, among all the sweepers, the Holy See had not used cloning technology.

Even though the Silbera Empire lost 90% of its population, they still did not use this technology.

Therefore, Abedo was somewhat dismissive of Kaczynski's statement that the Black and White Holy See was willing to provide perfect cloning technology.

But in any case, the demise of the empire is an irreversible fact, and there is nothing wrong with what Kaczynski said in other aspects.

I can only recognize it by pinching my nose.

(End of chapter)